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“Hello, little goat!” cries the wolf. “It’s dangerous there. I’m a good wolf. I want to play with you. And the grass here is sweet and fresh,” the wolf says .
The wolf says “_H_e_ll_o_, _lit_tl_e_g_o_a_t!_I_’m__a__g_oo_d__w_o_lf_._I_w_a_n_t t_o_p_l_a_y_w_i_th__yo_u_._”
The goat thinks “T_h_a_n_k__y_ou_,_I_k_n_o_w__w_h_o_y_o_u__a_re__a_n_d___ _w_h_a_t_y_o_u_w_a_n_t_. _Y_o_u_w_a_n_t_t_o_e_a_t_m_e__u_p_. ”
“Thank you,” says the goat. “I know who you are and what you want. You don’t want me to eat the grass, but you want to eat me up.” Then …
Third reading:
Second reading:
TaskⅡ. Read and circle the new words. One beautiful spring morning, a hungry wolf goes
out to look for his dinner. He sees a little goat. The goat stands up on a steep cliff.
Post reading:
TaskⅣ. Read and make up an ending for the story. One beautiful spring morning, a hungry wolf goes
out to look for his dinner. He sees a little goat. The goat stands up on a steep cliff.
One beautiful spring morning, a hungry _w_o_lf__ goes
out to look for his dinner. He sees_a_l_it_tle__g_o_a_t._
The wolf thinks “_I _m_u_s_t _h_a_ve__th_a_t_g_o_a_t_, _b_ut_h_o_w__c_a_n_I_ _re_a_c_h_h_e_r_?_”
“I must have that goat,” the wolf thinks to himself.” But how can I reach her?”
“Hello, little goat!” cries the wolf. “It’s dangerous there. I’m a good wolf. I want to play with you. And the grass here is sweet and fresh,” the wolf says.
(F)1.It is a spring evening.
(T)2.The wolf wants to eat the goat up.
(F)3.The wolf is the goat’s friend.
(F)4.The goat doesn’t know what the
wolf wants.
One beautiful spring morning, a hungry wolf goes out to look for his dinner. He sees a little goat. The goat stands up on a steep cliff.
“I must have that goat,” the wolf thinks to himself. “But how can I reach her?”
“Thank you,” says the goat. “I know who you are and what you want. You don’t want me to eat the grass, but you want to eat me up.” Then…
Task Ⅰ、Read and underlines it a…?
Is it a…?
First reading :
One beautiful spring morning, a hungry wolf goes out to look for his dinner. He sees a little goat. The goat stands up on a steep cliff.
“Thank you,” says the goat. “I know who you are and what you want. You don’t want me to eat the grass, but you want to eat me up.” Then…
TaskⅢ. Read and write “T” or “F” .
“I must have that goat,” the wolf thinks to himself. “But how can I reach her?”
“Hello, little goat!” cries the wolf. “It’s dangerous there. I’m a good wolf. I want to play with you. And the grass here is sweet and fresh,” the wolf says .