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随着农业机械化的发展,农作物种子清选机械也日趋成熟,基于摩擦分离清选机理及筛选分级机理,设计出了适用于大豆、红小豆、绿豆等作物清选作业的5XD-2.0 型带式清选分离机,其生产率为2t/h。带式清选分里机在清选带清选过程中,首先将经过初步清选的大豆、红豆、绿豆等作物种子中杂质清除,尤其是对豆类中的碎半豆,虫蚀严重粒的清除达到了很好的清选效果,其次将清选后的大豆输送到分级机构进行分级筛选,并分别筛选出大、小两种豆粒。本设计主要用于清选分级豆类作物,设计中简述了该机的工作原理,主要的技术参数及各部件的设计。关键词: 清选机;带式;分级


Along with the development of agricultural mechanization, agricultural seed cleaning machine also become more mature, based on friction separation and screening grading mechanism. cleaning mechanism was studied and designed for soy, red bean, mung bean crops, such as cleaning homework 5 XD - 2.0 type belt cleaning classifier, its productivity is 2 t/h. Belt cleaning classifier in the process of cleaning with cleaning, will first after the initial cleaning of soybean, red bean, mung bean crops such as seed, impurity removal, especially pieces of beans , insect damage serious particle removal achieved very good cleaning effect, the second after cleaning the soybeans to the classifiers classification screening, and screening large and small two kinds of pea. This design is mainly used for cleaning grade soybeans, introduced in the design of this machine working principle, main technical parameters and the design of the parts.

Key words: Qing separator;Belt;Grade


摘要........................................................................................................................................................ I Abstract ................................................................................................................................................. II 前言....................................................................................................................................................... V 1 绪论. (1)

1.1常用谷物清选机类型和清选原理.................................................................................... - 1 -

1.1.1清选机类型 (1)

1.1.2清选原理 (1)

1.2谷物清选机的应用现状 (3)

1.2.1国外状况 (3)

1.2.2 国内清选机发展历程和存在的问题 (3)

1.3谷物清选机的发展趋势 (4)

1.3.1国外发展趋势 (4)

1.3.2我国清选机发展趋势 (5)

1.4发展谷物清选机的目的 (5)

2 总体结构的设计 (6)

2.1基本结构 (6)

2. 2工作原理 (7)

2.3 工作性能指标 (7)

3主要部件的设计 (8)

3.1带选分离机参数设计 (8)

3.1.1输送能力的计算 (8)

3.1.2清选带宽度的确定 (9)

3.1.3清选能力的计算 (10)

3.1.3清选带不打滑的条件 (10)

3.2.1类型和结构 (11)

3.2.2主要特点 (12)

3.2.3工作原理 (13)

3.2.4 主要的性能参数 (14)

3.2.5料斗的设计选用 (15)

3.3螺旋输送器的设计 (17)

3.3.1分类和结构 (17)

3.3.2主要特点 (19)

3.3.3主要性能参数 (20)

3.4圆筒筛分级器的设计 (21)

3.4.1分类和结构 (21)

3.4.2主要工作参数 (22)

3.5带选分级机其它部件的设计 (23)

3.5.1分粮器的设计 (23)

3.5.2 清选带的设计 (25)

4传动系统的设计 (26)
