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still, her little brother
died in infancy. .
Josephine March
The protagonist of the novel, and the second-oldest March sister. Jo wants to be a writer.
provide enough
money to support his
family, and their
poverty was so dire
that in twenty years,
they moved twenty
times. Her sister Lizzie
died at age 21, worse
Poverty made it necessary for Louise to go to work at an early age as an occasional teacher, seamstress, governess, domestic helper, and writer , Louise also produced wholesome stories for children, and she did not return to creating works for adults
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
gentle and loving.
Beth March
The third March daughter. Beth is
very quiet and very virtuous, and she
does nothing but try to please others.
She adores music and plays the
۞When the Civil War broke out in 1861, Alcott had an urge to go and fight in it. She supported the Northern side of the conflict because she was against slavery.
She never married or had a family of her own
Her Works
Her Family
Poems (56)----------------Sunlight(in 1852) Plays (11) ------------ The Prince and the Peasant Short Stories (252) teenager Short Stories (157)-------- The Accident Adult Short Stories (66) ------------ Fate in a Fan Other Short Stories (29) -----------Anna Novels (18)------------Little Women Little Men Collective Works (24) Other Works (25) ---------Happy Women
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She was a tomboy and she had an unladylike temper
She received the majority of her schooling from her father. She also received some instruction from writers and educators such as Ralph Waldo Emerson
Author Character List
Plot Themes
Birthday: November 29, 1832
Died: March 6, 1888 (aged 55) Birthplace: Germantown, Pennsylvania
She was the second daughter
piano v. ery well.
Amy March
The youngest March
girl. Amy is an artist
who adores visual
beauty and has a
weakness for pretty
She is given to
pouting, fits of temper,
Meg March
The oldest March
Responsible and
kind, Meg mothers
her younger sisters.
She has a small
weakness for luxury
and leisure, but the
greater part of her is
and vanity; but she
does attempt to improve
She gets what she
wants in the end:
Jo has a temper and a quick tongue.
She is a tomboy, and reacts with impatience to the many limitations placed on women and girls.
She hates romance in her real life, and wants nothing more than to hold her family together.
۞Alcott was devoted to her parents and her sisters.
۞Alcott caught pneumonia(肺炎) while working as a nurse in the Civil War. She suffered a lot.
Her father failed to