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Furthermore,with Qinling Mountains to the south and the WeiheRiver
to the north it is in a favorable geographical location surrounded by water
and hills.Huashan Mountain in particular makes me love it at the first
轨道 33.track n._____ 纪念品 34.souvenir n._______
1.Before the training (train) was introduced,66% of set-free birds died of electrocution.(2016· 北京) 2.Failure is probably the most exhausting (exhaust) experience a person ever has.(2016· 天津) 3.Now you are ready to figure out a goal of improving distance (distant) and time.(2015· 全国Ⅱ) 4.In order to impress at a job interview,you need to bond with the interviewer(interview) right away.(2015· __________ 安徽)
词义辨析 scenery,scene,view,sight (1)scenery是不可数名词,是自然景色的总称,常用来描述静态的、美丽 的乡村景色。 (2)scene指展现在眼前的情景,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。 (3)view是可数名词,意为 “ 风景,景色 ” ,表示从某处可看到的 scenery 的一部分,侧重指能够看到的部分,即所见之景。常构成 “ get/offer a view of...”或“there is a view of...”。此外,view还可表示“观点,看 法;视野”等。 (4)sight表示某一地区值得观看的建筑物、胜地、特色等,常用复数形式。
more than (多于 ) three hours,I 3.
got off the bus at Jinan and
then I went to the airport by taxi.One hour later , the plane 4. and it flew took off 5.
at a speed(以 of „„的速度) 800 kilometers an
Ⅱ.阅读识记单词 直升飞机 15.helicopter n._________ 摩托车 16.motorbike n._______ 电车 17.tram n._____
骆驼 18.camel n._____
录音带 19.cassette n._______ 沙漠 20.desert n.______ 钻石 21.diamond n._____
话题佳作 假如你是李明,你正在陕西省省会西安旅游。你的朋友彼得发来电 子邮件,让你介绍一下当地情况。请根据下表所提供的要点作出回复, 并希望他也能来此旅游。 基本 情况 重要名胜 1.历史悠久,华夏文明的发源地,号称“自然历史博物馆”; 2.四面临山傍水,风景优美。 1.秦始皇兵马俑(世界第八大奇迹); 2.周边有华山(五岳之一)、渭河、秦岭山脉等; 3.„„
Li Ming
名师点睛 本文结构完整,思路清晰,字里行间体现并符合了描写地点类说明文的 基本格式和要求。文章分为两部分来介绍西安——风景和历史古迹,条 理很清晰。短文中运用了宾语从句、过去分词短语作定语等复杂句式以 及There is no denying that...,No wonder that...等固定句式和a feast for the eyes,not to mention,at the first sight,be regarded as等高级词汇, 使得文章语言地道而丰富。
long history has impressed me so much.
There is no denying that Xi’an is the origin of Chinese civilization.Maybe
“the eighth major miracle of the world” alone,Terra Cotta Warriors
8. not...any more 不再 9. out of date 过时 10. at a speed of 以„„的速度
语境活用 2.
[运用上述短语完成片段] got ) on (上车 a bus.After
Last month I made a journey to Jilin.First I 1.
My First Ride on a Train
Book 1 Module 3
晨背佳作 积累素材
话题词汇 1.country n.乡下;农村 2.discover v.发现 3.distance n.距离 4.explore v.探险
5.immigration n.移居;移民
6.primitive adj.原始的;远古的 7.worldwide adj.世界范围的 8.be made up of由„„组成 9.be famous for以„„闻名 10.lie in位于;在于
5. scenery n.风景;景色 6. journey n.旅程
7. train vt.训练;n.火车
training n.训练;培训
8. frighten vt.使吃惊;惊吓
9. apartment n.(美)公寓;单元住宅 10. interview n.面试;面谈 interviewer n.(面试时的)主考官;面谈者 interviewee n.参加面试者;接受采访者 11. event n.事件 12. exhausted adj.疲惫不堪的 13. downtown adj.商业区的;市中心的 14. ceremony n.仪式
sight with its breathtaking cliffs and unique characteristics.No wonder
that it is regarded as one of the five bestknown mountains in China.
Xi’an is really worth your visiting.I look forward to your coming.
半夜 22.midnight n._____
射杀 23.shoot vt._____
土壤 24.soil n._____ 马戏团 25.circus n._______ 海滨 26.seaside n._____ 运动场;体育场 27.stadium n._______________
鹰 28.eagle n.____ 幼儿园 29.kindergarten n._______ 卡通;漫画 30.cartoon n.___________ 真空;空白 31.vacuum n.___________ 铁轨 32.rail n._____
自主训练 点拨规律
突破常考词汇 突破经典句型
边讲 边练
scenery n.风景,景色 (1)For those who fly to Guilin,it’s only an hour away by car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city. 对于那些坐飞机去桂林的人来说,仅有一个小时的车程就能让你看到 这个比较知名的城市的所有风景。(2015· 全国Ⅰ) (2)I still remember every scene that seems to happen yesterday. 我依然记得每一个场景似乎都发生在昨天。
自主排查 直击重点
语境提升 突破考点
1 重点单词 Ⅰ.写作必记单词
1. distance n.距离
2. abandoned adj.被遗弃的
3. expert n.专家;adj.熟练的,有专长的
4. product n.产品
produce vt.生产 production
2.Would you mind...?
Would you mind if I saw your ticket? 你介意我看一下你的票吗?
Would you mind if I opened the window? _________________
hour.After a two-hour flight,I arrived in Changchun and my cousin picked me up at the airport.
3 经典句式
And what a ride! 一次多么美妙的乘车经历啊! 仿写 “多好的一位女士啊!”我想。(2016· 全国Ⅱ) “ What a wonderful lady!” I thought.
I remember the day my father tried to teach me how to ride a bicycle. 我记得父亲教我学骑自行车的那一天。 仿写 Gee Whizz真的知道如何让你发笑。(2016· 全国Ⅱ) Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh !
2 高频短语 1. refer to 指的是;查阅;涉及;提到 2. more than 多于,不仅仅 3. get on/off 上/下(车、船等) 4. get into 上(车);进入,陷入;习惯于„„ 5. get out of 下(车);从„„出去;逃避 6. take off (飞机)起飞;变得成功;脱掉(衣服);(事业)腾飞 7. be short for 是„„的缩写/简称
and Horses,is enough to explain why it enjoys the title of “Natural History
Museum”,not to mention other numerous historical sites,such as Famen
Temple a n d t he City Wall o f th e Mi ng Dyn asty a n d so o n .
5.Through the first two games,her team did not get one serious shot (shoot) on goal.(2015· _____ 全国Ⅱ) 6.Daily life was marked by farming,sheep raising and wool production _________(product).(2015· 湖北) 7.I was so frightened (frighten) that I closed my eyes and desperately threw myself at that guy like a bullet(子弹).(2015· 天津) 8.The house was rubbish. abandoned (abandon),full of broken glass and
参考词汇:秦始皇兵马俑Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses
Dear Peter,
I am very glad to tell you about my trip in Xi’an,the capital city of
Shaanxi Province.Its beautiful scenery is really a feast for the eyes and its