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An analysis and report on the epidemic situation of Hand, foot and mouth disease in 2008 of Yueyang county
LuShenghua , RenHuaping, LiLinhui. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Yueyang county. Yueyang 414100 China)
Abstract:Objectives To grasp the dynamic state of epidemic situation of the hand, foot and mouth disease in my county timely, in order to take comprehensive and scientific measures to prevent hand, foot and mouth disease from spreading. Methods The epidemic situation data from January 1st, 2008 to November 24, 2008 of my county was analyzed by using descriptive epidemiological method. Results The total number of people who suffered from hand, foot and mouth disease is 811, however, there were no people suffered these diseases at the same period of 2007. The incidence number of Chengguan town was the most among all the towns in Y ueyang county, which occupied 17.88%.The incidence number in May was the most which occupied 46.61%.Among 811 infections, 79.28% is at age of 1~3, 85.20% is children who resident spreadly, the male infections was 2.09 times more than the female.Conclusion The incidence rate of the hand, foot and mouth disease was higher in 2008 than that in the past years, so we should take positive measures to prevent these diseases from spreading.
Key words: Hand, foot and mouth disease the dynamic state of epidemic situation Analysis 为及时掌握我县手足口病疫情动态,制订有效的防控措施和救治方案,尽可能控制疫情暴发,减少死亡或重症病例,切实保护我县少年儿童身体健康,维护社会的和谐稳定,现将我县2008年1月1日至11月24日通过“疾病监测信息报告管理系统”报告的手足口病疫情分析如下。
1.1 资料来源资料来源于岳阳县2008年1月1日至11月24日通过“疾病监测信息报告管理系统”报告的手足口病疫情资料信息。
1.2 方法根据手足口病发病的疫情资料,按地区、时间、年龄、职业、性别分类整理分析。
2 结果
2.1 疫情概况岳阳县截止到2008年11月24日24时,全县累计报告手足口病811例,其中临床诊断804例,实验室诊断7例,2例重症病例,无死亡病例。报告单位以本地医院报告为主,岳阳县人民医院报告团443例(定点医院),占发病总数的54.6%,外地报告368例(其中市三医院192例,市一医院103例,市妇幼保健院34例,市二医院29例,其他医院10例),占45.4%, 2007年同期无病例报告。
2.2 地区分布我县手足口病的发病波及到全县所有乡镇,报告发病数最多的是城关镇
城关镇145 17.88
筻口镇79 9.74
杨林乡76 9.37
鹿角镇65 8.01
中洲乡62 7.64
饶村乡46 5.67
张谷英镇44 5.43
新墙镇39 4.81
新开镇39 4.81
麻塘镇35 4.32
步仙乡33 4.07
黄沙街镇32 3.95
长湖乡27 3.33
公田镇25 3.08
月田镇25 3.08
柏祥镇14 1.73
毛田镇11 1.36
甘田乡7 0.86
云山乡 4 0.49
相思乡 3 0.37
合计811 100
2.3 时间分布2008年4月30日岳阳县人民医院报告2例病例,5月份发病达到高峰,为378例,占总报告发病数的46.61%。6月到10月发病人数逐月下降,构成比分别为28.11%、1
表2 岳阳县手足口病报告病例的时间分布
4 2 0.25
5 378 46.61
6 228 28.11
7 110 13.56
8 43 5.30
9 29 3.58
10 21 2.59
合计811 100
2.4 年龄分布全县手足口病发病以婴幼儿(幼龄儿童)为主,1岁组发病数最多,为323例,占总报告发病数的39.83%;其次为2岁组和3岁组,分别占25.89%和1
表3 岳阳县手足口病报告病例的年龄分布