外资企业白领的生活质量与心理健康的分析、评估及改进 上传

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外文题目:Foreign white-collar workers and mental health quality of life analysis, evaluation and improvement








完成日期: 2011年5月5日




(WHOQOL-BREF)为工具,采用心理测量问卷的方法对75名(男23名,女52名)外资企业员工中白领的生活质量;对于与生活质量紧密相关的心理健康,采用国内外通用的90项症状自评量表(SCL-90)进行测量、调查。结果调查表明,外企白领中生活质量和心理健康等问题呈现低龄化、高学历化、偏管理化的趋势。有22.4%的人感到不太满意,仅有极少数人(占 1.5%)感到不满意。近20%的人存在不同程度的心理问题,性别、年龄、学历、职业不同人群的生活质量和心理健康状况存在一些差异。

结论外资企业职业白领的生活质量以及与生活质量紧密相关的心理健康水平较一般, 其中年轻人群体的生活质量较差、心理问题较多、生活满意度较低。对此,针对外企白领中生活质量和心理健康等问题呈现低龄化、高学历化、偏管理化等的问题建议企业的管理者针对外资企业中白领中不同类型的员工的不同种类的问题应利用绩效评价、提供心理咨询等一系列的方法加以解决、调整和改进。



Objective White-collar foreign workers in the survey quality of life and quality of life is closely related to mental health, and survey results analysis,

assessment, and finally the use of human resources to improve

white-collar knowledge of the quality of life of recommendations and


Methods The World Health Organization and health-related quality of life measurement scales 100 (referred to WHOQOL-100 scale) as the

theoretical basis, using the World Health Organization Quality of Life

BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) as a tool to measure the use of psychological

questionnaires Methods 75 (male 23, female 52) white-collar foreign

workers in the quality of life; closely related quality of life for mental

health, with 90 domestic and foreign common symptom checklist

(SCL-90) were Measurement survey.

Results Survey shows that foreign white-collar workers and mental health quality of life issues such as a younger age, high degree of, partial management

of the trend. 22.4% felt very satisfied, very few people (1.5%) not

satisfied. Nearly 20% of the people there are different degrees of

psychological problems, sex, age, education, occupation of different

people's quality of life and mental health, there are some differences.

Conclusion Foreign occupation of white-collar quality of life and quality of life is closely related to mental health than the general, in which groups of

young people, poor quality of life, more psychological problems, life

satisfaction is lower. In this regard, the quality of life for foreign

white-collar workers and mental health problems a younger age, high

degree of, partial management of issues such as business managers for

the proposed white-collar workers of different types of problems should

make use of different types of performance evaluation, performance

feedback, is expected to encourage the implementation of job promotion,

improved logistics services to provide psychological counseling and a

series of approaches to resolve, adjusted and improved.

Keywords foreign white-collar workers; quality of life; mental health; improved
