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He used the opportunity to sell his cookies to Vector in order to steal the gun ,and planned to dispose of them secretly after his success.
despicable me
This is a 3D cartoon directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud. In the first week of this cartoon show, the box office(票房) reached $ 56,000,000. This is a movie worth seeing.
Gru was planning an unprecedented (前所未有的) plan -- he compassed getting the moon.
In order to achieve this plan,he went to the Bank of Evil to lend enough money. But because of Vector the bank refused his application.
However, Gru found that he got hooked on these girls.
然而在平凡的日常相 处中格鲁却对这 个三个小女孩产 生了感情。
However, gradually, Gru found himself love these three kids.They had good times.
So Gru stole the shrink ray gun( 缩小枪 ).However, the new thief Vector stole the gun from him.
Vector went off with Gru's shrinkable ray gun.
For getting the freeze rays,Gru decided to adopt the three girls --Margo, Edith,Agnes.
在Nefario博士和小黄人的帮助下他成功偷到了月亮而当他 的计划成功后,维克多却绑架走孩子们…
The result is Gru rescued three kids, and the moon was back to the universe. They led a happy life.
This is a story about a man becomes a hero from the villain . There are many place amusing us in this cartoon.I think it is a perfect cartoon worth seeing.
格鲁是世界第一大坏蛋。 在他听说埃及胡夫金字塔 被盗的新闻后不满市面上 新贼辈出,决定建造火箭 升空盗取月亮。在他去贷 款时,认识了令他厌恶的 盗了胡夫金字塔的一位新 人盗贼——维克多
Gru is one of the most famous baddies(坏蛋) in the world. After he heard the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops stolen, he decided to build a rocket to steal the moon to prove he was powerful than the other thieves. When he went to the loan, he knew the thief , Vector ,who stole the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops.
这是一部由皮艾尔·柯芬和克 里斯·雷纳德执导的3D动画。在 这部动画放映的第一周,票房就 达到了$ 56,000,000。这是一部 值得一看的动画。
There was a lifeless black house in a residential suburb around. It hid a deepest and biggest secret.
But this would seriously affect his plan,so Gru had to send three children to their’s Girls’ house(孤儿院). 为了不影响周密的盗月计 划,格鲁不得不将三个孩 子送回了孤儿院。
Gru successfully stole the moon with the help of Dr. Nefario and small yellow people.But when his plan was successful, Vector kidnapped children.