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Characteristics of English for Science and Technology
General Use of Nominalization
In linguistics, nominalization is the use of a verb or an adjective as a noun, with or without morphological transformation, so that the word can now act as the head of a noun phrase. 规律,被称之为形态学。> 名词化指的是把动词、形容词通过一定的方式如加缀、转化等转换成名词的语法 过程。 名词化转换形式 1)用名词替代动词 例1. The paper analyzes the problem and solves it. 在科技英语中则通常说:The paper gives an analysis of the problem and offers a solution. 例2. You can rectify this fault if you insert a slash. 插入一条斜线便可以纠正错误。 在科技英语中则通常说:Rectification of this fault is achieved by insertion of a slash. 在这组例子中,名词化发生在两个地方,rectify-rectification, insert-insertion, 经过名词化处理后,含有两个诸位结构的复合句变成了只含一个主谓结构的简单句, 从而使句子的结构更加精炼,也由于使用抽象名词替代原来的人称代词做主语而 使句子的语体更加正式。 2) 用名词替代形容词 例3. It is doubtful how accurate the results are. 结果的正确性值得怀疑。也可以 表示为:The accuracy of these results is doubtful. 3) 用名词替代句子 例4. If the experiment is done by this method, there will be some loss of equipment. 用这种方法做实验设备会有一些损失。可以表示为: The doing of the experiment by this method will entail some loss of equipment. 使用名词化结构的动因 1) 名词与动词相比较,名词更具有静态性,不像动词那样生动具体和活跃。假 如简单地述说一个事实或概念,仅指出动作和技术的特点,不需要动词那样生动 具体,可用动作名词来替代动词。科研技术人员关心事物的现象、事实、特点, 特别是抽象化的逻辑思维,因而名词化结构的使用,尤其符合科研技术人员表达 的需要。比如: 例5. The rate of evaporation of a liquid depends enormously by on temperature. The dependence of the rate of evaporation of a liquid on temperature is enormous. 液体的蒸发速度很大程度上取决于它的温度。 2 ) 无人称性( impersonality) 为了客观地表达事物的本质,科技英语可带主观性,这可以避免使用人称代 词作主语,称之为无人称论述( impersonal statement )。实现无人称性的一个手段 是使用被动语态从而避免使用“I”等人称代词,其另一个手段是使用名词词组。 例如: 例6. We can normally regulate the temperature by using a thermo-couple. 通常可用热点偶调节温度。 Regulation of the temperature can normally be effected by the application of a thermo-couple. 另外,用名词替代动词也可避免了与动词相关的人称和时态。例如: 例7. While it is being compacted, considerable lateral pressure is exerted by the concrete. 在压实过程中,混凝土加上了相当的侧压力。 Considerable lateral pressure is exerted by the concrete during compaction. 3 ) 前置性( fronting) 。主语在英语中所处的位置很重要。科技英语把较多的信 息置于句首,这是一种语体特征。例如: 例8. Hypersonic speeds a re quite commonly attained now. 现在达到超音速相当 普遍。 The attainment of hypersonic speeds is now quite common.