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(1).spend spent spent take took taken

pay paid paid cost cost cost

(2)I ____ some money in buying some books

(3)I ____ some money ____ some books

(4)I ____ some money for the books.

(5)It ___ me some money to buy some books

(6)The books ____ me 5 yuan.

2.say ,tell , speak , talk

(1)say said said tell told told

speak spoke spoken talk talked talked

(2)What he _____ is right

(3)Look at the sign ,it ____ “No parking”

(4)It is ___ that Italy is a good place to see

(5)Who is that _____?

(6)Tom often ___ to his mother about it.

(7)He ____ me to go to school yesterday.

(8)He often ____jokes to me

(9)Can you ____ it in English ?

3 important = of importance

useful = of use

(1)It is important or It is of importance

(2)It is useful or It is of use

4.It is +adj +for +sb +to do sth

此句型中的形容词不可以表示人物的性格和品质,常见的有如下: important, difficult, hard,

It is important for you to learn English

It is +adj +of +sb +to do sth

此句型中的形容词是表示人物的性格和品质,常见的有如下:foolish ,clever, kind ,nice ,friendly, polite

It is foolish of you to do that.


A, maybe adv 是副词,可用于句子的开头和句中

may be “可能是……”常用于句子的中间,是may情态动词加动词原形构成,可在句子中构成谓语.

1.Maybe he will buy the book 他可能会买这本书

2.He will maybe buy the book他可能会买这本书

3.He may be Tom 他可能是Tom (此句中的may be

就不能用maybe 替换)

B,everyone 只指人不指物后面不能加of

every one 既指人又指物后面还能加of

(1)Everyone can work out the problem

(2)Every one of us can work out the problem

C,none 既指人又指物后面还能加of

no one只指人不指物后面不能加of (1)None of us can work out the problem

(2)No one can work out the problem

D, (1)Who is in the classroom? No one 没有人

(2)How many boys are there in your room?

None (没有人)

(3)What is in your box? Nothing (什么也没有?)

E,everyday 用做定语,放在名词的前面“日常的,每天的”every day 用做状语,放在句首和句尾“每天”

We practice everyday English every day.


F, sometime 过去或将来的某个时候

Sometimes 有时

Some time 一段时间

Some times 许多次

G, in time 及时

on time 按时

H ,each ,every 的区别

(1) each 可以做主语,表示两者或两者之间的每一个

every 不可以做主语,表示三者或三者之间的每一个(2) There are flowers on each side of the road

Each of us has a book

Every student has a book

There is a tree every three meters

6.find +it +adj+ to do

I find it very interesting to read the story

7.英语中有三看(look at , watch , see)两听(list en to,hear)一发现(find)一感觉(feel),他们都有以下的两个句式和宾语从句,下面以see为例:

see sb (宾格) doing 看见某人正在做某事,强调动作的片刻,常常和at that time ,then , on my way home, when 等连用

On my way home I saw him playing football.

see sb(宾格) do st h 看见某人做过某事,强调某事已经发生完成和动作的全过程,或强调动作的反复发生,并且边被动语态的时候要在do 前加上to

(1)I saw him play football in the street.(指这玩足球的这件事)(2)I often saw him play football in the street.(强调经常看见他玩足球)

——He was often seen to play football in the street.

当上句子的him是he 的时候,就是宾语从句了,如


I often saw he played football in the street .

8.one …the other 一个……另一个

some … others 一些……另一些

(1)I have two apples , one is red and the other is not

(2)I have lots of friends. Some are English and others are American

I have lots of friends. Some are English and other friends are
