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乐桥摩天轮,又称“天津 之眼”,是一座跨河建设、 桥轮合一的摩天轮,兼具 观光和交通功用。是世界 上唯一建在桥上的摩天轮。 摩天轮直径为110米,轮外 装挂64个360度透明座舱, 每个座舱可乘坐8个人,可 同时供512个人观光。摩天 轮旋转一周所需时间为30 分钟,到达最高眼”。
M a h u a w a s fa m o u s fo r its s p e c ia l ta s ty fla v o r ,c ris p e n e s s a n d sw e e tn e s s .It w a s a n e x c e lle n t g ift to frie n d s .
Goubuli baozi was created in 1858 by a native man name gao guiyou of wuqing country,his nickname is gouzi.
I h o p e e v e ry b o d y c a n v is it o u r h o m e to w n if y o u have a chance.
It is a tra d itio n a l fo rm o f co m ic d ia lo g u e th a t ca m e a b o u t in C h in a 's im p e ria l Q in g D y n a s ty . C ro s s ta lk , u s u a lly p e rfo rm e d b y tw o p e o p le , a ls o ca n b e p e rfo rm e d b y o n e p e rs o n o r e v e n a g ro u p o f p e o p le
Urban area: 11760.26 square kilometers (SAR China's first provincial-level 30). Urban area of 4334.72 square kilometers. Built area of 500 square kilometers. Tianjin 189 km long from north to south and 117 km wide things, a coastline of 153 km. Altitude :The city's general 2-5 meters above sea level. Most of the south of Yanshan Mountain in northern hilly areas 100-500 meters above sea level in between. 9 Peak to the highest point in Tianjin, 1078.5 meters above sea level