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"transit sheds"搬运棚, 全句译为:码头上一般海运货物的搬运棚,起
着公共仓的作用,比起存储,他们更加注重 移动货物通过。
Public Warehouses
[3]The warehouse performs functions that would otherwise have to be performed by the owner of the inventory; the principal advantage is that dealers do not have to maintain large inventories.
staging area:暂存区。进行入出库作业时 用于暂时存入货物的区域。
serial number:序列号。某些产品如电脑 零配件、手机等在出厂时所编的特定号码,是 区分每一件产品的标志,可以用于产品追踪。 仓储管理中要对产品实行单品管理时,就要管 到产品序列号信息。
cross-docking:直接转运、直接换装。指 物品在物流环节中,不在中间仓库或站点长时 间,直接从一个运输工具换载到另一个运输工 具的物流衔接方式。在直接转运作业中,货物 在中间仓库停留时间通常不超过24小时。
Key Terms 关键词汇
warehousing warehouse private Warehouse public warehouse contract warehouse distribution center
仓储 仓库 私人仓库 公共仓库 合同仓库 配送中心
Key Terms 关键词汇
全句译为:对于一个涉及异地的零部件产品的企业制造, 各地工厂均有产品运载到企业制造地配送仓,这样, 每家工厂都能组建一个完整的产品链。
Plant Warehouses
[7]A warehouse associated with most manufacturing operations is the plant warehouse, usually located somewhere near the end of the assembly line.
Key Terms 关键词汇
trade off 权衡、背反 e-commerce 电子商务 WMS 仓储管理系统 distribution centers 配送中心 putaway 入库、上架 receiving area 收货区 shipping area 发货区 order selection/picking 拣选 picking area 拣选区
其中,products at different locations 指生产于异地 的零部件产品,ship n.船 v.装上船, 载运, 此处译成 载运较好; each plant ships its items to the firm's regional distribution warehouses此处 items可理解为各地工厂提供的不同 产品,the firm's regional distribution warehouses 指企业 制造地的配送仓
Key Terms 关键词汇
in bulk 散装 shipping dock 发货站台 sortation 分拣、分类 staging area 暂存区 serial number 序列号 warehouse layout 仓库布局 primary aisle 主通道 cross-docking 直接转运、直接换装
其中,the assembly line为装配线 全句译为:与大部分生产运作相关的储存是
Plant Warehouses
[8]Its principal function is to tion line output and product demand in the distribution network.
Public Warehouses
[1]Public warehouses are used by firms that either cannot justify the costs of having their own facilities, or prefer not making a commitment to owning and operating their own facilities.
全句译为: 他们处理大量的商品进行在常规 基础上,其中的部分收益来自于整合仓储 功能与购买和给零售商的配送。
[6]For a firm manufacturing related products at different locations, each plant ships its items to the firm's regional distribution warehouses so that each of them can stock a complete line of products.
Chapter 4 Warehousing and Distribution Centers[1]
[1] James C. Johnson, Donald F.. Wood, “Contemporary Logistics,” 4th edition, pp.300-310.New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, London:Collier Macmillan Publishers
全句译为:工厂仓库也可能是简单的一点, 能够呈现,每条生产线所需细项的存货情 况。
Distribution Center
[10]Some public warehouses refer to themselves as distribution centers, which they emphasize the distribution aspects of warehousing instead of the storage operations. Refer (to) v.提交, 委托;把...归类[序, 因] 于, 认为...是源于;谈[涉, 提]及, 提到, 指(的 是)。
A storage facility … is laid out in …一 个储存仓库…有赖于…
全句译为:一个转换率较低的储存仓库设备, 主要有赖于最大化仓库的容体使用率。
[3]Spaciousness may not always be advantageous since the distances that an individual or machine must travel in the storing or retrieving functions are increased.
全句译为:对仓储功能和配送功能的相对侧 重点不同,则仓库空间的设计规划不同。
[2]A storage facility having low rates of turnover that maximizes utilization of the cubic[capacity of the warehouse devoted to storage.
warehousing design warehouse layout fixed slot location system
仓储设计 仓库布局 固定货位系统
variable slot location system 流动货位系统
全句译为:公共仓被某些公司使用,这类公 司为:它们没有自己的操作设备或不想添 置操作设备或不想操作它们自己的设备。
Public Warehouses
[2] Maritime general cargo "transit sheds" in ports perform some public warehouse functions, although they are oriented more toward moving cargo through than they are to storage.
picking area:拣选区。仓库在有大量拆零 出货的作业的情况下,为了加快发货速度,事 先将货物拆零,在库内划出专门的区域存放拆 零的货物,这一区域即为拣选区。当有需求时, 直接可以从拣选区根据订单的要求拣取出散件 货品,从而加快拣选速度。拣选区多见于配送 中心内。
Sortation:分拣、分类。将物品按品种、 出入库先后顺序进行分门别类堆放的作业。也 是仓库和配送中心内的重要作业之一。
trade off:二律背反、交替损益。是指物流系统 中各项活动之间相互影响、相互制约、此消彼长的 关系。例如减少采购批量可以降低库存,而可能又 会使运输批量减小而使运输成本增加。简化包装在 节省包装费用的同时,可能又会增加运输、储存环 节的损耗等。二律背反关系是物流系统化的重要思 想,因此为寻求系统最优,应在各项物流活动间进 行平衡。
distribution center:配送中心。一般位于终端, 此类结点以配送业务为主,货物周转较快,一般处 理多品种小批量的货物,属于流通型的仓库,有别 于传统意义上储存保管型的仓库,是一种更为现代 的仓库类型。根据使用的场合,distribution center有时也指负责销售的分销中心。
全句译为:有些公共仓也称自己为配送中心,在那 里他们强调的是配送功能而不是仓储操作功能。
Text B
Warehouse and Distribution Center Layout
[1]The relative emphasis placed on the storage function and on the distribution function affect space layout.对仓储功能和配送功能的相对强调 程度,影响到仓库空间的设计规划。
全句译为:它主要的功能是调节生产线产品 输出量与销售网络上产品需求量之间的差 异。
Plant Warehouses
[9]The plant warehouse may also be the single location where every line item in the firm's inventory is stocked.
dealer n.销售商,经销商,后者用得多些。 全句译为:仓库按货主指令行使职责,其优
Public Warehouses
[4]This shift in responsibility for holding the inventory would result in little net savings unless the vendor were able to do a better job of managing the inventory in warehouses than the user could in the factory.
全句译为:这种责任的转移,对于库存持有者(工 厂)来说,意味着库存量减少,由此,卖方在库 存管理方面有能力做得比用方(工厂)更好。
Private Warehouses
[5]They handle large volumes of merchandise on a regular basis, and one of their resulting economies of scale comes from integrating the warehousing function with purchasing and distribution to retail outlets.
着公共仓的作用,比起存储,他们更加注重 移动货物通过。
Public Warehouses
[3]The warehouse performs functions that would otherwise have to be performed by the owner of the inventory; the principal advantage is that dealers do not have to maintain large inventories.
staging area:暂存区。进行入出库作业时 用于暂时存入货物的区域。
serial number:序列号。某些产品如电脑 零配件、手机等在出厂时所编的特定号码,是 区分每一件产品的标志,可以用于产品追踪。 仓储管理中要对产品实行单品管理时,就要管 到产品序列号信息。
cross-docking:直接转运、直接换装。指 物品在物流环节中,不在中间仓库或站点长时 间,直接从一个运输工具换载到另一个运输工 具的物流衔接方式。在直接转运作业中,货物 在中间仓库停留时间通常不超过24小时。
Key Terms 关键词汇
warehousing warehouse private Warehouse public warehouse contract warehouse distribution center
仓储 仓库 私人仓库 公共仓库 合同仓库 配送中心
Key Terms 关键词汇
全句译为:对于一个涉及异地的零部件产品的企业制造, 各地工厂均有产品运载到企业制造地配送仓,这样, 每家工厂都能组建一个完整的产品链。
Plant Warehouses
[7]A warehouse associated with most manufacturing operations is the plant warehouse, usually located somewhere near the end of the assembly line.
Key Terms 关键词汇
trade off 权衡、背反 e-commerce 电子商务 WMS 仓储管理系统 distribution centers 配送中心 putaway 入库、上架 receiving area 收货区 shipping area 发货区 order selection/picking 拣选 picking area 拣选区
其中,products at different locations 指生产于异地 的零部件产品,ship n.船 v.装上船, 载运, 此处译成 载运较好; each plant ships its items to the firm's regional distribution warehouses此处 items可理解为各地工厂提供的不同 产品,the firm's regional distribution warehouses 指企业 制造地的配送仓
Key Terms 关键词汇
in bulk 散装 shipping dock 发货站台 sortation 分拣、分类 staging area 暂存区 serial number 序列号 warehouse layout 仓库布局 primary aisle 主通道 cross-docking 直接转运、直接换装
其中,the assembly line为装配线 全句译为:与大部分生产运作相关的储存是
Plant Warehouses
[8]Its principal function is to tion line output and product demand in the distribution network.
Public Warehouses
[1]Public warehouses are used by firms that either cannot justify the costs of having their own facilities, or prefer not making a commitment to owning and operating their own facilities.
全句译为: 他们处理大量的商品进行在常规 基础上,其中的部分收益来自于整合仓储 功能与购买和给零售商的配送。
[6]For a firm manufacturing related products at different locations, each plant ships its items to the firm's regional distribution warehouses so that each of them can stock a complete line of products.
Chapter 4 Warehousing and Distribution Centers[1]
[1] James C. Johnson, Donald F.. Wood, “Contemporary Logistics,” 4th edition, pp.300-310.New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, London:Collier Macmillan Publishers
全句译为:工厂仓库也可能是简单的一点, 能够呈现,每条生产线所需细项的存货情 况。
Distribution Center
[10]Some public warehouses refer to themselves as distribution centers, which they emphasize the distribution aspects of warehousing instead of the storage operations. Refer (to) v.提交, 委托;把...归类[序, 因] 于, 认为...是源于;谈[涉, 提]及, 提到, 指(的 是)。
A storage facility … is laid out in …一 个储存仓库…有赖于…
全句译为:一个转换率较低的储存仓库设备, 主要有赖于最大化仓库的容体使用率。
[3]Spaciousness may not always be advantageous since the distances that an individual or machine must travel in the storing or retrieving functions are increased.
全句译为:对仓储功能和配送功能的相对侧 重点不同,则仓库空间的设计规划不同。
[2]A storage facility having low rates of turnover that maximizes utilization of the cubic[capacity of the warehouse devoted to storage.
warehousing design warehouse layout fixed slot location system
仓储设计 仓库布局 固定货位系统
variable slot location system 流动货位系统
全句译为:公共仓被某些公司使用,这类公 司为:它们没有自己的操作设备或不想添 置操作设备或不想操作它们自己的设备。
Public Warehouses
[2] Maritime general cargo "transit sheds" in ports perform some public warehouse functions, although they are oriented more toward moving cargo through than they are to storage.
picking area:拣选区。仓库在有大量拆零 出货的作业的情况下,为了加快发货速度,事 先将货物拆零,在库内划出专门的区域存放拆 零的货物,这一区域即为拣选区。当有需求时, 直接可以从拣选区根据订单的要求拣取出散件 货品,从而加快拣选速度。拣选区多见于配送 中心内。
Sortation:分拣、分类。将物品按品种、 出入库先后顺序进行分门别类堆放的作业。也 是仓库和配送中心内的重要作业之一。
trade off:二律背反、交替损益。是指物流系统 中各项活动之间相互影响、相互制约、此消彼长的 关系。例如减少采购批量可以降低库存,而可能又 会使运输批量减小而使运输成本增加。简化包装在 节省包装费用的同时,可能又会增加运输、储存环 节的损耗等。二律背反关系是物流系统化的重要思 想,因此为寻求系统最优,应在各项物流活动间进 行平衡。
distribution center:配送中心。一般位于终端, 此类结点以配送业务为主,货物周转较快,一般处 理多品种小批量的货物,属于流通型的仓库,有别 于传统意义上储存保管型的仓库,是一种更为现代 的仓库类型。根据使用的场合,distribution center有时也指负责销售的分销中心。
全句译为:有些公共仓也称自己为配送中心,在那 里他们强调的是配送功能而不是仓储操作功能。
Text B
Warehouse and Distribution Center Layout
[1]The relative emphasis placed on the storage function and on the distribution function affect space layout.对仓储功能和配送功能的相对强调 程度,影响到仓库空间的设计规划。
全句译为:它主要的功能是调节生产线产品 输出量与销售网络上产品需求量之间的差 异。
Plant Warehouses
[9]The plant warehouse may also be the single location where every line item in the firm's inventory is stocked.
dealer n.销售商,经销商,后者用得多些。 全句译为:仓库按货主指令行使职责,其优
Public Warehouses
[4]This shift in responsibility for holding the inventory would result in little net savings unless the vendor were able to do a better job of managing the inventory in warehouses than the user could in the factory.
全句译为:这种责任的转移,对于库存持有者(工 厂)来说,意味着库存量减少,由此,卖方在库 存管理方面有能力做得比用方(工厂)更好。
Private Warehouses
[5]They handle large volumes of merchandise on a regular basis, and one of their resulting economies of scale comes from integrating the warehousing function with purchasing and distribution to retail outlets.