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PM is a leader, facilitator, and coordinator.
Project Manager vs. Program Manager
One person vs. a group of people Manage people vs. manage project Given authority vs. earned authority Write project plan vs. write design spec
Write one-page spec (prioritized feature sets, resource estimates, schedule estimates, risk estimates)
Write detailed design specifications.
PM in Development Phase
2. Program Manager Roles in Project Lifecycles
Project Process Lifecycle
Planning phase Development phase Stabilization phase Release phase Postmortem Start next version cycle.
Define and enforce processes for build, checkin, and bug triage.
Setup team meeting schedule, drive meetings and track working items
Maintain team web site and team alias
Program Manager To-Do's
Solely responsible for the shipping of the product.
Have the product’s vision, write project specification. Drive work item list, keep track based on specs. Organize meetings and triage bugs . Keep track of the project schedule. Guide the project development process. Decide all implementation trade-offs. Coordinate and communicate with all groups of people.
follow up through next release cycle.
3. Program Manager Strategies
PM Core Competences - IQ
Coding skills Architectural design User-study techniques User interface design API and Schema Interface design Communication skills, written and oral, formal and informal Presentation skills Financial acumen Knowledge of basic business, contract, patent, and copyright
PM in Postmortem
Organize postmortem project team meeting Prepare documents to retract good and bad
things happened in the project lifecycle. Decide on future improvement areas. List action items for each team or person,
Review developers’ technical implementation design, testing plan and test cases.
Host meeting to go through all work items, assign tasks and finalize schedules.
Today: ~5000 PMs (~50,000 employees) Unique job description at Microsoft in the
Software Industry. Fuzzy requirements: No degrees in PM PM doesn’t write code!
Staff Programmer at IBM:
1995 InfoSage, IBM Internet Division in NY
1. PM Introduction 2. PM Role in Project Lifecycles 3. PM Strategies
1. Program Manager Introduction
PM in Planning Phase
Prepare project plan draft (vision statement, high level features, proposed schedule and milestone, resource estimate).
Brainstorm with team members and finalize feature set.
Conduct War meeting to review bugs everyday.
Decide on showstopper issues. Push testing to run final testing pass and
sign off. Sign off and send announcement. Host a ship party!
Jeff Xiong Microsoft Corporation
Who I Am
Program Manager at Microsoft:
2002 MSN 8 2001 MSN Search 2000 Windows Me 1999 Windows 2000 1997 Internet Explorer 4.0, 5.0 1996 Java VM, Internet Explorer 3.0
Software Product ≠ Code
Marketing and business model Product design and specification Milestones, schedules Status meetings, bug tracking Testing effort Internationalization and Localization User documentation, education and training Product support
What’s Program Manager?
One of three major job disciplines in MS software product group.
Complete responsibility for delivering the right products to the right customers with high quality and on time.
Test Manager
PM Lead
Dev Lead
Test Lead
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Project Team Working Structure
Program Manager
Developer Lead Developer Developer Developer Developer
Tester Lead Tester Tester Tester Tester
Direct extension of General Management. All the responsibility but no authority.
Product Unit Report Structure
Product Unit Manager
Group PM
Dev Manager
law Market research techniques Knowledge of competitors Can learn and use any software in no time flat
PM Core Competences - EQ
Raw Intelligence Leadership Self-awareness Contract and business negotiation User Empathy Sensitivity to Confidential information Interpersonal skills Schedule and Project Management Time Management Organizational skills Team dynamics Group psychology Ability to manage other disciplines Recruiting, interviewing, and hiring
Product Manager User Education Usability Engineer
History of Program Manager
Jabe Blumenthal – Multiplan, 1984, Supported by BillG, and formalized
enforce DCR (Design Change Request) process. Communicate to UE, Localization, Legal. Manage internal and external beta releases
PM in Release Phase
Drive Zero Bug Date and Release Candidates.
PM in Stabilization Phase
Triage daily to monitor and assign bugs promptly.
Drive Code Complete and UI freeze dates. Make feature and trade off decisions,
Who can be Program Manager
Passionate about producing software product, who can lead and feels ownership.
Have a strong interest in design issues and is sharp in understanding technical issues
Why do we need PM
Software projects get much larger Teams need a leader that has breadth and
vision, determined to drive product from idea to delivery Developers and testers need buffer to focus on coding and testing. Different groups of people need to communicate effectively