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7. The nu mber of people

250,000. lost homes reached as many as

8. It soun ded like a train was going un der

my house.

my un cle had just bought was destroyed in the

1. I have a friend has a good camera.

2. The man called today left this message for you.

3. The man to

you sp eak is our new


4. I don ' t think the number of the people to

this happens is very large.

5. Do you work n ear the buildi ng

color is yellow? 6. Here is the girl school bag has bee n stole


9. The car earthquake.

10. The boy we saw yesterday was Joh n .'s brother

11. The swimmer you are ask ing about is over there.

12. The buildi ng win dow are bright at ni ght is our school build ing. 13. Is the river

flows through that tow n very large?

15. He helped his father in the tow n they lived.

16. That ' s the Scienee Museum we visited last year.

17. That ' s the factory we p aid a visit last year. 18. She likes to use words of the mea ning is clear to him. 19. This is the house

we used to slee p.

27. Joh n was the only one

I want to read is Red Star Over Chi na.

29. The boy han ded everyth ing the p olice.

he had p icked up in the street to

30. There is nothing in the world knows him would trust him.

32. The man and the horse fell into the river were drow


36. I ' ll never forget the days in

I stayed in your beautiful country.

we can have a quiet talk. 39. Is there any fruit sho p n earby

33. Which of the trains is the one goes to Nanjing?

34. Look at the girl and the dog are cross ing the bridge.

35. You may borrow any book you are in terested in.

37. Sep tember 18, 1931 is the day


'll never forget.

20. This was a time there were still slaves in the USA. 21. Her sister,

you met at my home, was a teacher of En glish.

22. I ' m one of the boys who n ever late for school. 23. He is the most bori ng sp eaker I have ever heard.

24. Mr. An ders on, I thought died 3 years ago, is still liv ing. 25. He is the last person

I want to see.

26. ---Did you ask the guard what happen ed? ---Yes, he told me all he knew.

28. The sec ond book

I had visited.

can frighte n me.

31. Who

38. I know a p lace

we can buy some fruit?

this cannot be done right now.

all older uni versity teachers pr efer looks so

is easy to lear n is the mother ton gue.

44. Have you see n the girl I told you you n eed is sold out in the booksh op.

52. They are the boys

I went to school with.

we know, more tha n 70 p erce nt of the earth is covered with

54. He was in a traffic

jam, made him late for


42. You may stay

you like.

46. Is this the sho p sells childre


's clothing.

48. The orphan came from Henan Province, is far away from here.

49. They rely on themselves, is much better.

50. You are the very man they are look ing for at the mome nt.

51. He said he had read a book, was a lie. 55. I don ' t like the people lose their temper easily.

56. You d better make a mark

you read a book. you have any questi ons

57. The reas on __ kno cked dow n by a


he was late for school was

he had bee n

58. That was

I wan ted.

40. I see no reas on 41. The buildi

ng beautiful. 43. The only Ian guage

45. The dictio nary


