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Chapter 3
Basic Principles for Successful Negotiation
上海有一家制衣厂与日本A株式会 上海有一家制衣厂与日本 株式会 社作了一笔生意。日本A株式会社 社作了一笔生意。日本 株式会社 对该国内消费市场预测错误, 对该国内消费市场预测错误,当上 海的货物按合同日期发到日本后已 错过了营销旺季, 错过了营销旺季,导致了货物的大 量积压。日方试图退货, 量积压。日方试图退货,双方为此 而进行了一场谈判。 而进行了一场谈判。由于日方是进 而不是代销, 货,而不是代销,按理买卖成交后 所有权与风险责任都已转嫁。 所有权与风险责任都已转嫁。如果 不是质量问题, 不是质量问题,中方就没有必要接 受日方的退货。 受日方的退货。 中方如何做才能赢得长远利益? 中方如何做才能赢得长远利益?
Six universal errors
Error 1: slighting rivals’ issues Negotiators need to understand and deal with problems confronted by their rivals. To solve others’ problems is to solve your own problems.
Chapter 3
Basic principles of successful negotiation
We are going to put forward six principles which would be abided by all participants through examining six frequently-committed mistakes by negotiators. At first, let’s review “theory of needs” and its application in negotiation, followed by the concept of “win-win mind” . 美国钢铁大王安德鲁.卡内基:谈判要 卡内基:
Chapter 3 Basic principles of successful negotiation
Discussion: 运用双赢原理,给出双赢方案 运用双赢原理, 某外国公司与我国某贸易公司合资建立一个大 型超市,需要在近郊购买500亩土地 亩土地。 型超市,需要在近郊购买 亩土地。这块 土地的使用权属于胜利村。合资公司出价50 土地的使用权属于胜利村。合资公司出价 而胜利村则坚持要100万 万,而胜利村则坚持要 万,谈判从这里 开始,双方开价相差甚远。胜利村人强调, 开始,双方开价相差甚远。胜利村人强调, 土地是农民的生活之本, 土地是农民的生活之本,失去了这片耕地的 使用权之后,农民的生活没有出路, 使用权之后,农民的生活没有出路,农民的 收入减少,利益得不到保证, 收入减少,利益得不到保证,只得多要一些 钱来维持生活或用这笔钱来另谋生路。 钱来维持生活或用这笔钱来另谋生路。合资 公司的想法是,购买地皮时少用一些资金, 公司的想法是,购买地皮时少用一些资金, 可以剩下钱来扩大经营规模。 可以剩下钱来扩大经营规模。
Chapter 3 Basic principles of successful negotiation
(3)enquiring ) * it helps find the needs of counterpart; * it will mobilize the counterpart’s enthusiasm; * it helps verify and mensurate the counterpart’s intention. how to enquire effectively? * appropriate time: intervals between successive speaks; at the end of counterpart speak; before self speak. * taking the characteristics of counterpart’s into consideration. * in a logical way. * keep at normal pace. * ask for consent in advance.
满足对方逻辑上的需要,情感上的 满足对方逻辑上的需要, 需要,满足对方想赢的需要。 需r 3 Basic principles of successful negotiation
Theory of needs
There’s only one reason for explaining why different individuals, organizations can come together and exchanging their ideas to communicate their divergences. That is, they just want to their needs to be satisfied. Human needs are multi-leveled, endless, but with certain laws. 1. Needs Needs are the primitive motive for all human activity. Need means the state of being deprived. (1) Need of commercial benefits. (2) Individual negotiator’s various needs.
Chapter 3 Basic principles of successful negotiation
4. Discovering the needs (1)To gather as much information about ) counterpart as possible in the preparatory stage. (2)To listen carefully in the process of ) negotiation: * be proactive, without thinking too much about how to answer or counteract, but trying to keep in the counterpart’s stance to understand their desire, viewpoints and consideration; * be absorbed; * be patient; * to feedback instantly; * be aware of counterpart’s diction, ways of expression and tone; * be capable in analyzing and thinking; * it’s necessary to make notes.
Chapter 3 Basic principles of successful negotiation
2. Maslow: Theory of Needs levels
Physiological needs; Needs for security; Needs for loving and being loved; Needs for being respected; Needs for self-realization. 3. Application of Theory of Needs in negotiations To make good arrangements to meet the physical needs; To try to build up a secure environment to meet the security needs; To establish a trust and harmonious atmosphere to meet the social needs; With proper language and attitudes in negotiation to meet the need for being respected To give enough time and patience to individual negotiator to speak.
Win-win concept
The core of current prevalent thinking is mutual success and convergence of interests. By mutual success, they mean under the condition that one party tries to gain his utmost interest or at least takes action not detrimental to one’s own interests, each party may find one way or another to satisfy more or less the counterpart’s interests as well. (p56~60)
Chapter 3 Basic principles of successful negotiation
Error 2: price overwhelming other interests Negotiators who only care about prices will turn a potential cooperative business into a adversary business. The reason is that price is the most important factor in many negotiations. Nonetheless, price is not the only factor.
Chapter 3 Basic principles of successful negotiation
Problems to be paid attention to in enquiring: Don’t explain your problem too much; Don’t ask too many questions in one time; Don’t propose any question irrelevant to negotiation; Don’t interrupt counterpart’s speak, especially when they are in the high state; Don’t propose any question with hostility; Don’t use question sentences with threatening, ironical or interrogative tone; Don’t put forward any question aiming at pointing out insincerity of counterpart.
Chapter 3 Basic principles of successful negotiation
(4) Voiceless information Coughing; Facial expression; Winking; Gestures;
Chapter 3 Basic principles of successful negotiation