



A 2014 study found that readers of a short mystery story on a Kindle were significantly worse at remembering the order of events than those who read the same story in paperback.

The brain reads by constructing a mental representation of the text based on the placement of the page in the book and the word on the page. The tactile (触觉的) experience of a book aids this process, from the thickness of the pages in your hands as you progress through the story to the placement of a word on the page.

Surveys about the use of e-readers suggests that this affects a reader's sense of control. The inability to turn back to previous pages or control the text physically, either through making written notes or bending pages, limits one's sensory experience and thus reduces long-term memory of the text.

Before the Internet, the brain read in a linear (线状的) fashion, taking advantage of sensory details to remember where key information was in the book by layout.

As we increasingly read on screens, our reading habits have adapted to skim a text rather than really absorb its meaning. A 2006 study found that people read on screens in a "F" pattern, reading the entire top line but then only scanning through the text along the left side of the page. This sort of nonlinear reading reduces comprehension and actually makes it more difficult to focus the next time you sit down with a longer piece of text.

Tufts University neuroscientist Maryanne Wolf worries that "the superficial way we read during the day is affecting us when we have to read with more in-depth processing." Individuals are increasingly finding it difficult to sit down and involve themselves deeply in a novel. As a result, some researchers and literature-lovers have started a "slow reading" movement, as a way to counteract their difficulty making it through a book.

Slow-reading advocates recommend at least 30 to 45 minutes of daily reading away from the distractions of modern technology. By doing so, the brain can reengage with linear reading. The benefits of making slow reading a regular habit are numerous, reducing stress and improving your ability to concentrate.

Reading an old-fashioned novel is also linked to improving sleep. When many of us spend our days in front of screens, it can be hard to signal to our body that it's time to sleep. By reading a paper book about an hour before bed, your brain enters a new zone, distinct from that enacted by reading on an e-reader.

miss;easy /easier;stressed /anxious /worried;sleep


(1)考查信息归纳。根据第一段"A 2014 study found that readers of a short mystery story on a Kindle were significantly worse at remembering the order of events than those who read the same story in paperback.”;以及第二段“ The brain reads by constructing a mental representation of the text based on the placement of the page in the book and the word on the page. The tactile (触觉的) experience of a book aids this process, from the thickness of the pages in your hands as you progress through the story to the placement of a word on the page"可知,2014年的一项研究发现,在Kindle上阅读一篇短篇侦探小说的读者,相比读平装书上同一篇小说的读者,在记忆情节顺序方面明显逊色很多。大脑在阅读时会根据书页在书中的位置以及单词在书页上的位置构建文本的心理表征。在阅读过程中,你手中逐渐变厚的书页,还是一个单词在页面上所处的位置,纸质书的这类触觉体验都促进了大脑的上述运作过程。所以前两段在主要说明阅读纸质书籍有助于对书内容的理解。故填print。

(2)考查同义转换。根据第二段中的“The tactile (触觉的) experience of a book aids this process”可知,纸质书的这类触觉体验都促进了大脑的上述运作过程。aid可以用contribute to替换,都表示“有助于”。故填contributes。

(3)考查信息归纳。根据第三段中的"Surveys about the use of e-readers suggests that this affects a reader's sense of control。The inability to turn back to previous pages or control the text physically."可知,关于电子阅读器使用情况的调查显示,这影响了读者的控制感。读者不能翻回到之前的页面,也不能用有形的方式控制文本。所以电子阅读器的使用会影响读者用有形的方式控制文本的能力。故填ability。

(4)考查同义转换。根据第三段中的"…thus reduces long-term memory of the text."可知,因此降低了对文本的长期记忆。所以通过"reduce"可以判断出,unable /fail to do“未能做某事”符合句意。故填unable /fail。

(5)考查归纳概括。根据第四段"Before the Internet, the brain read in a linear (线状的) fashion, taking advantage of sensory details to remember where key information was in the book by layout. ”;以及第五段中的“As we increasingly read on screens, our reading habits have adapted to skim a text rather than really absorb its meaning."可知,没有互联网的时候,大脑以线状的方式阅读,利用感官细节按版面编排记住书中的关键信息。随着我们越来越多地在屏幕上阅读,我们的阅读习惯已经适应了略读文本而不是真正吸收其含义。所以第四段,第五段在对比两种阅读习惯。故填Explanations /Comparisons。

(6)考查同义转换。根据第四段"Before the Internet, the brain read in a linear (线状的) fashion, taking advantage of sensory details to remember where key information was in the book by layout."可知,没有互联网的时候,大脑以线状的方式阅读,利用感官细节按版面编排记住书中的关键信息。"layout"可用location替换,都表示“位置”。故填location。

(7)考查归纳概括。根据第五段中的"As we increasingly read on screens, our reading habits have adapted to skim a text rather than really absorb its meaning."可知,随着我们越来越多地在屏幕上阅读,我们的阅读习惯已经适应了略读文本而不是真正吸收其含义。所以通过"rather than really absorb its meaning"可知,用miss“错过”概括。故填miss。

(8)考查同义转换。根据第六段中的"As a result, some researchers and literature-lovers have started a "slow reading" movement, as a way to counteract their difficulty making it through a book."可知,因此,一些研究人员和文学爱好者开始了一场“慢读”运动,以抵消他们阅读时的困难。所以通过"counteract their difficulty"可知,用easy /easier“容易的”替换。故填easy /easier。

(9)考查同义转换。根据第七段中的"The benefits of making slow reading a regular habit are numerous, reducing stress and improving your ability to concentrate."可知,养成慢速阅读的习惯有很多好处,可以减轻压力,提高注意力。所以通过"stress"可以判断出,stressed /anxious /worried“焦虑的”可以替换。故填stressed /anxious /worried。

(10)考查信息归纳。根据第八段中的"Reading an old-fashioned novel is also linked to improving sleep"可知,读一本老式小说也有助于改善睡眠。故填sleep。



Ready for final year

Even though they're anxiously awaiting their gaokao, Senior 3 students feel relieved after having survived their busiest year of high school.

Your milestone year begins in just two months, so how can you make the most of it? Here, three graduates offer some practical advice to help you navigate (航行) your final year in the right way.

Sun Hairuo, High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, Beijing:

Think ahead about your major. Even though some universities allow students to switch to a new major after enrollment, it still involves a lot of effort to do. So while you're preparing for the

gaokao, start to consider what field you want to major in at the same time.

When I was aware of my interest in social science, I began to collect information on the internet about what courses I'd like to take in university and what life would be like on campus if I chose this direction. Don't judge a major before you know everything about it, since your entire future depends on it.

Qian Wenjing, Hangzhou Foreign Language School, Zhejiang:

Enjoy a hobby alongside your studies. It's important to get high marks in all subjects, but if you have nothing that can distract you from the piles of homework, you'll have no motivation.

For example, I run a WeChat public account, which you can find by searching for “大嘴小个儿” on WeChat. On it, I share my reflections on life, recommend good books and introduce learning methods to others. I also make videos on how to write an interesting daily journal for the video platform .

So, keep on top of your schoolwork, but make sure you find time to let your hair down sometimes too.

Wang Zixin, Beijing No 4 High School, Beijing:

Create your own system of knowledge using a notebook. In the review stage, find your weak points on every science subject after each exam. Summarize the knowledge behind the errors in your notebook — this will not only identify the problem, but will also save you time when you don't have to spend so long figuring out the answer.

As for liberal arts subjects such as Chinese and English, write down any memorable sentences you come across in your notebook.

And keep it in mind that improvements don't happen right away — it takes time to get better. Ready for final year



(1)考查词义转换。根据第一段中的“Even though they're anxiously awaiting their gaokao, Senior 3 students feel relieved after having survived their busiest year of high school.”中关键词await,可以用短语wait for替换。故填waiting。

(2)考查原词重现。根据第二段中的“Here, three graduates offer some practical advice to help you navigate (航行) your final year in the right way.”中的advice,注意首字母大写。故填Advice。

(3)考查词性转化。根据第三段中的“So while you're preparing for the gaokao, s tart to consider what field you want to major in at the same time.” 动词短语prepare for转化为名词短语make preparation for“为……做准备”。故填preparation。

(4)考查原词重现。根据第四段中的“When I was aware of my interest in social science, I began to collect information on the internet about what courses I'd like to take in university and what life would be like on campus if I chose this direction.”中aware在题中作状语。故填aware。

(5)考查词性转化。根据第五段中的“It's important to get high marks in all subjects, but if you have nothing that can distract you from the piles of homework, you'll have no motivation.”中的名词motivation转化为形容词motivational作表语。故填motivational。

(6)考查词义转换。根据第七段中的“So, keep on top of your schoolwork, but make sure you find time to let your hair down sometimes too.”中短语keep on top of (保持优势),转换为keep the advantage。故填advantage。

(7)考查词义转换。根据第七段中的“So, keep on top of your schoolwork, but make sure you find time to let your hair down sometimes too.”中的let your hair down为俚语“放松一下”,转换为动词relax。故填relax。

(8)考查定语从句。根据文章第六段For example, I run a WeChat public account, which you can find by searching for “大嘴小个儿” on WeChat. On it, I share my reflections on life, recommend good books and introduce learning methods to others.中的On it,题中先行词WeChat public account,在从句中作地点状语,所以用关系副词where。故填where。(9)考查词义转换。根据倒数第二段中的“As for liberal arts subjects such as Chinese and English, write down any memorable sentences you come across in your notebook.”中的such as 转换为like。故填like。

(10)考查词义转换。根据最后一段中的“And keep it in mind that improvements don't happen right away —it takes time to get better. ”中的k eep … in mind转换为remember。故填remember。



Top 3 Self-Discipline Techniques

Self-discipline is the key to leading a healthier, happier and more successful life,________. We have shared some self-discipline techniques below. Follow these self-discipline techniques to start living a better life.

⑴Start small

The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step as the proverb goes.________. Instead, stamina (耐力) is built up by doing a little more than the previous day's target.

The same goes for discipline. Start by trying to carry out self-discipline techniques little by little every day for big results. Increase your goals over time.


Staying self-disciplined requires motivation. It can be hard to stay motivated if you feel like you haven't made any progress so far. Tracking progress makes you aware of how much you've done and encourages you to keep going.

⑶Exercise your willpower

________. Some days, sticking to the task is going to be difficult but by reminding yourself of the end in mind and how much the goal means to you, you will be able to ignore temporary temptations for long term gain.

The above-mentioned self-discipline techniques have been proven to be extremely effective.

________, and it is the key to living a happy and fulfilling life.

A. Build a support system

B. Measure your goals

C. Willpower and self-discipline go hand in hand

D. Self-discipline is a feature found in many successful people

E. Self-discipline is linked to effective time management

F. However, it is easier said than done

G. You don't train for a marathon by running 10 kilometers on the first day

【答案】 F;G;B;C;D


A. Build a support system建立一个支持系统。

B. Measure your goals测评你的目标。

C. Willpower and self-discipline go hand in hand意志力和自律相辅相成。

D. Self-discipline is a feature found in many successful people自律是在很多成功人士身上都能找到的特征。

E. Self-discipline is linked to effective time management自律和有效的时间管理有联系。

F. However, it is easier said than done然而说起来容易做起来难。

G. You don't train for a marathon by running 10 kilometers on the first day你不会在第一天跑10公里来训练马拉松。

(1)根据上文提示自律是通向更健康、更快乐、更成功生活的关键。下文提示我们在下面分享一些自律技巧。承接上下文,However, it is easier said than done切题,该项中的However表示该句与上文构成转折关系,故选F。

(2)根据上文提示千里之行,始于足下。下文说相反耐力是通过比前一天的目标多做一点来建立的。承接上下文You don't train for a marathon by running 10 Kilometers on the first day 切题,下文中的Instead表示前后句是一种转折关系,故选G。

(3)本题为标题选择。本段主要说保持自律需要动机,但是如果你很久没有取得进步你就很难保持动力。追踪系统让你知道你做了多少,鼓励你坚持下去。此处的tracking progress应该指的是对你目标的测评,故选B。

(4)根据本段小标题Exercise your willpower (锻炼你的意志力) ; 再根据下文提示有时候,坚持完成任务是很困难的,但是通过提醒自己目标的意义和目标对你的意义,你就可以忽略暂时的诱惑而获得长期的利益。可知C项Willpower and self-discipline go hand in hand.切题,故选C。

(5)上文提示上述自律技巧已被证明是非常有效的。再根据下文提示这是快乐充实生活的关键。承接上下文D项Self- discipline is a feature found in many succesful people. 切题,故选D。

【点评】在做七选五时一定要注意and/but/so/besides/however/furthermore/moreover/in addition/what's more等词汇、固定结构的运用。它们连接了上下文,起着承上起下的作用。像but(但是)、however (然而)表示转折,这说明前后的内容相反或相对。同时还要注意选项中代词的指代和小标题选择时是对段落的总结。


Daily overuse of media and technology has a bad effect on the health of all children and teenagers by making them more open to anxiety, and more at risk of future health problems.________ Many newer apps automatically show where the users are when they're used. This can tell anyone out there exactly where to find the person using the app.

________They are also upset about their kids spending time on Facebook accounts instead of getting down to their homework assignments, and are afraid of what can come out of their online connections.

________ One way is to make a “social media agreement” with your kids—a real contract they can sign. In it, they can agree to protect their own privacy, consider their reputation, and not give out personal information.________

In turn, parents agree to respect teens' privacy while making an effort to be part of the social media world. Parents also can help kids spend less time on the computer by putting limits on media use.________Avoid laptops and smartphones in bedrooms, and set some rules on the use of technology. And don't forget that setting a good example through your own virtual behavior can go a long way toward helping your kids use social media safely.

A. Trust their children more.

B. Keep computers in public areas in the house.

C. It's important to be aware of what your kids are doing online.

D. Besides, they promise never to use technology to hurt anyone else.

E. Spending too much time on social media can make kids feel upset, too.

F. Kids also can face the possibility of meeting the wrong person lace to face.

G. Parents often say that kids would rather be online than hang around with them.

【答案】 F;G;C;D;B





(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。与本段One way呼应,办法之一就是与你的孩子签订一份“社交媒体协议”,此外就是他们承诺永远不会用技术伤害别人。D项表达了此意,故答案选D。



1. 属于段落间的过渡句。这时要前瞻后望找启示,即阅读上一段结尾部分,通常正确答案与上一段结尾有机地衔接起来,并结合下一段内容,看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来。

2. 与后文是并列、转折、因果关系等。着重阅读后文第一两句,锁定线索信号词,然后在选项中查找相关特征词。通常正确答案的最后一句与空白后的第一句在意思上是紧密衔接的,因此这两句间会有某种的衔接手段,尤其当选项是几句话时。


Why do some people feel obliged to do the craziest things, while most of us are happy to sit on the sofa and watch their exploits on TV? Robin Styles ponders(考虑)this question.

Generally, we love to watch someone's bravery and drama--a single person against the wilds of nature, testing their endurance beyond belief. And our pleasure is greater because we live a comfortable and increasingly risk-free life, where the greatest test of endurance is getting to work through the rush hour. ________However, there are countless ways to test the limits of your endurance, if you should wish to do so, by attempting something unpleasant, uncomfortable or just plain dangerous.

American Lynne Cox swims in sub-zero temperatures through the planet's most dangerous oceans wearing only a swimsuit--for fun! According to Lynne, there is always something driving her on. At age 9, when she was swimming in an outdoor pool one day, a violent storm blew up,

but she refused to get out of the pool. Something make her carry on. Then she realized that, as the water got colder and rougher, she was actually getting faster and warmer, and she was really enjoying it. At age 14, she broke her first endurance record. Years later, experts discovered that Lynne has a totally even layer of body fat, like a seal. ________

The famous British explorer, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, has led many major expeditions (远征) in the extreme cold, including walking right round the Arctic Circle. He has also led expeditions in the extreme heat, and discovered the Lost City of Ubar in the Omani desert. ________Sir Fiennes has said, "If I am getting sick, I find a very powerful way of conquering it is to know that my father would have definitely done it."

________There is probably no such thing as a "normal" adventurer. Unsurprisingly, risk-takers tend to be single-minded and unusually determined people who hate the stability and routine that most people prefer. They tend to take risks for the "fun" of it. The excitement becomes addictive, and they want more and more of it. Ordinary life seems boring in comparison.

A. She is perfectly made for doing what she does, it seems.

B. Adventurers are clearly different from the rest of us.

C What she did was really beyond our imagination.

D. It seems that many adventurers spend their lives trying to live up to the image of a parent.

E. And most of us would prefer it to remain that way.

F. Many adventurers have amazed the world with their extraordinary skills.

【答案】 E;A;D;B


(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“And our pleasure is greater because we live a comfortable and increasingly risk-free life, where the greatest test of endurance is getting to work through the rush hour.”我们过着一种舒适的、越来越没有风险的生活,和后面的转折可知,我们大多数人都希望保持这种舒适的状态。故选E。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Years later, experts discovered that Lynne has a totally even layer of body fat, like a seal.”可知,琳·考克斯就像海豹一样脂肪层完全均匀,似乎天生就适合做她所做的事情。故选A。

(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“Sir Fiennes has said, "If I am getting sick, I find a very powerful way of conquering it is to know that my father would have definitely done it." 费因斯爵士曾说过:“如果我生病了,我发现一种非常强大的战胜它的方法就是知道我父亲肯定会这么做。”,从而可以推断出,很多冒险家都是为了不辜负父母的期望。故选D。

(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“There is probably no such thing as a ‘normal’ adventurer.”可能没有所谓的“正常”冒险家,可知,冒险家显然不同于我们其他人。故选B。



Help Migrant Workers

There is nothing like going home. More so if it is for the Spring Festival family reunion. For a migrant worker it perhaps means even more. To be able to set out on a homeward journey with money from a year's toil in his pocket is the best thing he can think of. ________ They had to press hard for their defaulted payments, the salaries that were failed to pay up.

About 200 million migrant workers nationwide are something left behind by economic reforms and opening up due to their contributions in the past three decades. It is almost impossible to imagine life in these places without them. However, they still form a disadvantaged group. Their rights are violated in different forms. Among other things, unpaid salaries are the most painful of such violations that are likely to drive a migrant worker to desperate actions. ________

________They have taken measures to prevent employers from holding back payments to them. Yet, as the financial crisis bites deep, some small enterprises that are struck the most try to reduce their economic losses by laying off migrant workers or refusing to pay them. So it is particularly important for governments at all levels to do an even better job in helping villager-turned-workers recover their unpaid salaries before the Spring Festival.

It is good news that quite a number of local governments have organized special taskforces to conduct inspections in those labor-intensive enterprises to make sure they have paid their migrant workers in a timely and fair manner. Construction commissions in almost all provinces have published hotlines for farmer-turned-construction workers to lodge complaints against their employers for withholding their salaries. ________ But we need to look for solutions that will work at all times. We need to put in place a mechanism that will effectively prevent employers from holding back salaries to workers.

A. Some have reportedly climbed up chimneys to jump to their death unless they get their defaulted salaries.

B. It is something every Chinese look forward to as the traditional gala draws near.

C. Unfortunately, weeks preceding the Spring Festival have turned out to be hard times for migrant workers.

D. Hopefully, these efforts will send more workers on a happy journey home for the Spring Festival with their salaries in their pockets.

E. However difficult the situations they are in, it is too cruel and unfair for employers to hold back salaries they should pay their migrant workers.

F. Objectively speaking, governments at various levels have done a great deal in helping these workers recover their defaulted salaries.

【答案】 C;A;F;D


(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“They had to press hard for their defaulted payments, the salaries that were failed to pay up. ”可知由于没有拿到薪水,对于回家过春节的移民工人来说,是很艰难的一段时间。故选C。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“unpaid salaries are the most painful of such violations that are likely to drive a migrant worker to desperate actions.”可知下面要介绍一些讨薪时工人做出的绝望行为。故选A。

(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“They have taken measures to prevent employers from holding back payments to them.”可知这里讲的是政府正在采取措施帮助移民工人们拿到薪水。故选F。




A fresh-faced batch of teenagers just began a new school year, but will they get the most out of it? In the mornings, many are forced to get to school much too early. And at night, screens are a temptation that's hard to resist. This double whammy (双重灾难) is a perfect lesson in sleep deprivation (剥夺).

Three out of every four students in grades 9 to 12 fail to sleep the minimum of eight hours that the American Academy of Medicine recommends for their age group. In most cases, insufficient sleep results in reduced attention, preventing students' progress and lowering grades. More alarmingly, sleep deprivation may lead to physical and emotional problems.

It is important to understand why teenagers have a particularly hard time getting enough sleep, and what adults need to do to help. First, a reminder of the basic biology: Adolescents are no longer the morning larks of their younger years. They become rewired as night owls, staying awake later and then sleeping in. This is mostly driven by changes in the way the brain responds to light.

New technology habits aren't helping. More teenagers now turn to activities involving screens at night. The growth in screen time is particularly problematic for sleep. The blue light emitted by LEDs, TVs, tablets and smartphones suppresses the body's secretion (分泌) of melatonin, the hormone that signals it's time to sleep. Overdosing on screens at night effectively tells the brain it's still daytime, delaying the body's cues to sleep even further.

Parents should inform their kids of the time that can be spent on screens, and praise children who show signs of regulating their own media consumption. In the hour before bedtime, there should be a suspension on bright lights in the home, avoiding devices and harsh LED bulbs in kitchens and bathrooms.

In 2016, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that middle and high schools start no earlier than 8: 30 a. m., a policy now backed by the American Medical Association and many other health organizations.

Parents also need to join forces with community leaders, sleep scientists, health professionals and educators to put school start times on the local, then state agendas.

Whenever schools have managed the transition to a later start time, students get more sleep, attendance goes up, grades improve and there is a significant reduction in car accidents.

limits /restrictions;free;delay /postpone;benefit /profit


(1)考查信息提取能力。根据第一段中的"In the mornings, many are forced to get to school much too early"以及第二段"Three out of every four students in grades 9 to 12 fail to sleep the minimum of eight hours that the American Academy of Medicine recommends for their age group"可知,在早晨,许多人被迫提前上学。九年级至十二年级的学生中,有四分之三的人睡眠不足的时间达不到美国医学研究院建议的八小时的睡眠时间。所以通过"many ,Three out of every four students"可知,大多数学生睡眠不足。故填majority。

(2)考查信息提取能力。根据第二段中的"In most cases, insufficient sleep results in reduced attention"可知,在大多数情况下,睡眠不足会导致注意力下降。所以通过"reduced attention"可知,由于缺乏睡眠,学生们不能集中精力学习。故填focus /concentrate。(3)考查信息提取能力。根据第二段中的"More alarmingly, sleep deprivation may lead to physical and emotional problems."可知,更令人担忧的是,睡眠不足可能导致身体和情感问题。所以通过"may"可知,学生缺乏睡眠,学生很可能遭受身体和情感问题。故填likely。(4)考查信息提取能力。根据第三段中的"They become rewired as night owls, staying awake later and then sleeping in."可知,他们变得像夜猫子一样,熬夜,然后睡懒觉。所以通过"sleeping in"可知,青少年起的很晚。故填late。

(5)考查信息提取能力。根据第四段"The blue light emitted by LEDs, TVs, tablets and smartphones suppresses the body's secretion (分泌) of melatonin, the hormone that signals it's time to sleep."可知,LED、电视、平板电脑和智能手机发出的蓝光会抑制人体的褪黑激素分泌,这种激素是一种向睡眠时间发出信号的激素。所以通过"emitted"可知,长时间暴露在屏幕上的蓝光中,可以防止人体分泌激素发出睡眠信号。故填exposure。

(6)考查信息提取能力。根据倒数第四段和第三段以及第二段的内容可知,这三段主要在讨论对孩子睡眠不足的具体解决措施。故填Solutions /Approaches。

(7)考查信息提取能力。根据倒数第四段"Parents should inform their kids of the time that can be spent on screens,"可知,家长应该告知孩子们可以在屏幕上花费的时间。所以通过"inform"可知,家长应该对孩子可以在屏幕上花费的时间设定真正的限制。故填limits /restrictions。

(8)考查信息提取能力。根据倒数第四段"In the hour before bedtime, there should be a suspension on bright lights in the home, avoiding devices and harsh LED bulbs in kitchens and bathrooms."可知,在就寝前一小时,应该把家里明亮的灯悬挂起来,避免厨房和浴室里的设备和刺眼的LED灯泡。所以通过"avoiding"可知,睡前,父母应该创造一个没有明亮或强光的健康环境。故填free。

(9)考查信息提取能力。根据倒数第三段中的"In 2016, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that middle and high schools start no earlier than 8: 30 a. m."可知,2016年,美国儿科学会建议初中和高中的上课时间不要早于上午8: 30。所以通过"no earlier than"可知,应该共同努力把开学时间推迟到,比如说上午8:30。故填delay /postpone。

(10)考查信息提取能力。根据最后一段"Whenever schools have managed the transition to a later start time, students get more sleep, attendance goes up, grades improve and there is a significant reduction in car accidents."可知,只要学校把上课时间推迟,学生就会有更多的睡眠时间,出勤率就会上升,成绩就会提高,车祸也会大大减少。所以通过"students get more sleep, attendance goes up, grades improve and there is a significant reduction in car accidents"关键信息的归纳总结。可知,尽管还有很长的路要走,但是改变上课时间对学生和社会都有益处。故填benefit /profit。


8.Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Many people know that trash is a big problem on planet Earth. What many people don't know is that trash has become a problem in outer space too. ________

Statistically, there are more than 22,000 pieces of junk in space around the earth. And these are just the items that we can see from the surface of the earth by telescopes or radars. ________

Objects, like bits of old space rockets or satellites, move around the planet at very high speeds, so fast that even a very small piece can break important satellites or become dangerous to people, particularly astronauts. If the tiniest piece of junk crashed into a spacecraft, it could damage the vehicle. That's because the faster an object moves, the greater the impact if the object collides with something else.

To help minimize additional space junk, countries around the world have agreed to limit the time their space tools stay in orbit to 25 years. Each tool must be built to fall safely into the earth's atmosphere, or the mass of gases that surround the earth, after that. ________

Many scientists are also proposing different ways to clean up space junk. The Germans have been planning a space mission with robots that would collect pieces of space trash and bring them back to Earth so that they can be safely destroyed.

"In our opinion the problem is very challenging, and it's quite urgent as well," said Marco Castronuovo, an Italian Space Agency researcher who is working to solve the problem. ________ Many of these objects are tools that help people use their cell phones or computers. "The time to act is now; as we go farther in time we will need to remove more and more fragments," he says.

A. One reason that it's urgent is that countries are sending more and more objects into space.

B. There are also millions of smaller pieces of junk that we can't see.

C. Blowing up older satellites with a missile may create thousands of smaller pieces!

D. In the upper parts of the atmosphere, it will burn up.

E. When two objects in space collide, the two objects break into many smaller pieces.

F. Years of space exploration have left tons of "space junk" in orbit around the planet.

【答案】 F;B;D;A


(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“Statistically, there are more than 22,000 pie ces of junk in space around the earth.”可知,数据上来看,地球周围的太空超过22000块垃圾,F. Years of space exploration have left tons of "space junk" in orbit around the planet.“多年的太空探索在地球轨道上留下了数以吨计的垃圾”,后一句例举了具体的数据,承接后文,切题,故选F。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“And these are just the items that we can see from the surface of the earth by telescopes or radars.”可知,那些垃圾都是可以通过望远镜和雷达观察到的,B. There are also millions of smaller pieces of junk that we can't see.“还有很多小块垃圾我们看不清”,与前一句形成对比,切题,故选B。

(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Each tool must be built to fall safely into the earth's atmosphere, or the mass of gases that surround the earth, after that.”可知,每个发射工具必须能够安全落入地球的大气层,D. In the upper parts of the atmosphere, it will burn up.“在地球的大气层上空,这些太空探测工具能够燃烧”,陈述前一句话的结果和目的,切题,故选D。

(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“In our opinion the problem is very challenging, and it's quite urgent as well”以及空后“Many of these objects are tools that help people use their cell phones or computers.”可知,太空垃圾问题很难解决,也很紧急,A. One reason that it's urgent is that countries are sending more and more objects into space.“紧急的原因在于人们发射了更多的卫星到太空,这些卫星主要用于帮助人们上网”,讲述紧急的原因,切题,故选A。



Asthma(哮喘) is a long-lasting breathing disease that affects millions of Americans, many of

whom are children. People who get asthma will suffer from lack of breath, difficulty in breathing or coughing--which are caused by the tightening of the muscles in airways. Untreated asthma can lead to poor lung function and death, but asthma can also be effectively controlled with proper treatments.

Research is discovering genes that contribute to the development of asthma. This development has pointed researchers to the role of indoor and outdoor pollution as environmental factors that contribute to the increased occurrence of asthma.

The Indoor Pollution

Indoor pollution has increased with the developments in building materials and in heating and air conditioning systems. In addition to poisonous gases that come from paint, other materials like dust and perfumes used in household products such as washing powder are recycled continuously through the house, winter and summer.

Unlike the days before central heating or before whole-house air conditioning, these materials and chemicals cannot get out of modern homes. Most often, they cause breathing problems in the members of the family with the least-developed autoimmune(自身免疫的) systems. Proper venting (通风) and use of environmentally-friendly building materials and carpeting can help reduce the presence of these chemicals.

The Outdoor pollution

Researchers have also established outdoor pollution's role as a probable cause of asthma. Asthma has been proven to result from some fuel products. Smog and the small matters carried by it have been recognized as a factor which leads to asthma since the 19th century when London saw more and more diseases in the industrial population. Industrial pollutants and other chemicals which are produced in water treatment and open treated water like that found in the swimming pools also contribute to increased cases of asthma as well as other illnesses.

Those most affected by the increase of industrial and environmental pollution are children. Although much has been done to control the levels of pollution in the US, there still remains much to do as it is a worldwide phenomenon. Until an international effort can be made to limit carbon emissions, the occurrence of environmental asthma will probably continue to increase.

/results/effects;Factors;caused/ increased;Besides;remain/ stay;increased/ increasing;harmful;prevented/stopped/ kept/ away/ free/ freed




(3)考查信息归纳的能力。由文中的“Untreated asthma c an lead to poor lung function and death,”可知,这里是指“结果”。故填consequences/results/effects。

(4)考查信息归纳的能力。根据原文第二段“This development has pointed researchers to the role of indoor and outdoor pollution as environmental factors that contribute to the increased occurrence of asthma.,”结合题目后面indoor pollution 和outdoor pollution得知,这里是讲导致哮喘病增加的因素。故填Factors 。

(5)考查信息归纳的能力。原文用的是“indoor pollution has increased with”结构,其实就是因果关系,所以这里是被动结构。故填caused/ increased。

(6)考查信息归纳的能力。对原文in addition to进行替换,表示“除了,还包括”的意思。故填Besides。

(7)考查信息归纳的能力。原文“these materials and chemicals cannot get out of modern homes”指的是这些材料并没有随时间消失,一直存在。故填remain/ stay。(8)考查信息归纳的能力。根据原文倒数第二段中的“saw more and more diseases in the industrial population. Industrial pollutants and other chemicals which are produced in water treatment and open treated water like that found in the swimming pools also contribute to increased cases of asthma as well as other illnesses.,”可知是越来越多的疾病。故填increased/ increasing。

(9)考查信息归纳的能力。根据“saw more and more diseases in the industrial popu lation. Industrial pollutants and other chemicals which are produced in water treatment and open treated water like that found in the swimming pools also contribute to increased cases of asthma as well as other illnesses.”可知,这类污染物对人体有害,会导致疾病。故填harmful。(10)考查信息归纳的能力。根据最后一段中的“Until an international effort can be made to limit carbon emissions, the occurrence of environmental asthma will probably continue to

increase.,”可知是需要各个国家的通力合作才能阻止碳排放量,prevent/stop/ keep/be away/ be free/ free… from doing表示“阻止”固定搭配,表示否定含义。原题中有can be所以后面用过去分词表示被动,故填prevented/stopped/ kept/ away/ free/ freed。



Common-sense Safety Tips for Travelling Abroad

When a holiday is just around the comer, you may be planning a trip abroad. But to enjoy a worry-free adventure abroad, you also should pay attention to the following common-sense safety tips for travelling abroad.________

Another reason to take only carry-on carriage---besides avoiding baggage fees---is that the less you have to carry around, the more quickly you can move, if necessary. You should always have a free hand. Besides, you won't be exhausted from dragging all those bags around.________

Lock it up.

Leave your hotel with only what you need and lock up the rest. Take a lock for your luggage just in case your hotel doesn't offer a safe________ If you don't need all your cash and cards, don't take them all with you when you go out for a day of sightseeing or shopping. Also, leave your passport in the hotel. Make photocopies of all your important documents and leave the hotel with a copy of your passport plus a one photo I.D. Why?________If all of your identification is in it, imagine the trouble you have to go through to replace it all.

Think and Plan.

Always keep in mind that, when you travel abroad, you are in a place you don't know well and you can always be a target. Trust your senses________ After your arrival, ask the hotel staff and locals about the areas you are thinking of visiting, especially at night. And you should walk in well-lit areas at night and know how to contact the local police with your cell phone or a payphone in a foreign country, if necessary.

A. Travel light.

B. Pay by credit card.

C. Imagine having your bag stolen off a restaurant table.

D. You should also make it a habit to take your watch with you.

E. Plus, dragging lots of luggage is a dead giving away that you aren't a local resident.

F. You should call ahead to be sure, especially if your luggage is made of cloth material.

G. You are smart and mature, so if something or some situation doesn't feel safe, it probably isn't. 【答案】A;E;F;C;G


(1)第一题属于第一条建议的主旨句,应该是祈使句。此外根据第二段的具体内容take only carry-on carriage—besides avoiding baggage fees—is that the less you have to carry around, the more quickly you can move, if necessary.可知,此段主要讲述出行时尽量少带行李,故答案为A。








Parents often say that they don't mind what their children do in life just as long as they are happy. Happiness and pleasure are almost universally seen as among the most precious human goods.________Philosopher Jeremy Bentham believed that all sources of pleasure are of equal quality, but John Stuart Mill disagreed. Mill argued for a difference between higher and lower pleasure.________Lower pleasure, in contrast, requires mere (仅仅的;纯粹的) senses.

The entire debate assumes a clear divide between the physical and the mental.________What will it mean for our ideas about pleasure?

________Food is usually considered to be the lower pleasure. All animals eat, using the senses of smell and taste. It doesn't require any complex cognition (认知) to conclude that something is delicious. However, these people failed to appreciate something that the French food writer Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin captured. That is, "Animals feed; man eats; only the man of intellect(才智) knows how to eat."

Eating shows that the difference between higher pleasure and lower pleasure is not what you enjoy but how you enjoy it.________Preparing it using the powers of reflection and attention turns it into a higher pleasure.

A. The dining table is a good place to start.

B. Wolfing down your food is a lower kind of pleasure.

C. What's the real difference between high and low pleasure?

D. What happens if the physical and the mental cannot be separated?

E. All philosophers believed that cookery could never be a form of art.

F. Higher pleasure depends on human abilities such as self-awareness or language use.

G. However, disagreements will be caused about whether some forms of pleasure are better than others.

【答案】 G;F;D;A;B

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,幸福和快乐几乎被普遍认为是人类最宝贵的财富之一。然而,关于某些形式的快乐是否比其他形式的好,会产生分歧。John Stuart Mill认为


(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“Philosopher Jeremy Bentham believed that all sources of pleasure are of equal quality, but John Stuart Mill disagreed.”可知Jeremy Bentham认为所有快乐的来源都是平等的,但是John Stuart Mill不同意。可知关于某些形式的快乐是否比其他形式的好,存在分歧。故选G。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Mill argued for a diffe rence between higher and lower pleasure.”密尔认为快乐的高低是有区别的。与下文提到了lower pleasure,即可知本句应是说明了higher pleasure。故F. Higher pleasure depends on human abilities such as self-awareness or language use.“更高的快乐取决于人类的能力,如自我意识或语言使用”。惩戒上下文符合语境,故选F。

(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“The entire debate assumes a clear divide between the physical and the mental.”整个辩论在生理和心理上有明显的分歧。其中physical and the mental可对应到D选项中the physical and the mental,意思为:如果身体和精神不能分开会发生什么?故选D。

(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Food is usually considered to be the lower ple asure.”可知提到了food,故A. The dining table is a good place to start.“餐桌就是一个分歧很明显的地方。”符合语境,故选A。

(5)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“Preparing it using the powers of reflection and attention turns it into a higher pleasure.”用反思和专注的力量来准备它,会把它变成一种更高的乐趣。根据上文可知:狼吞虎咽是一种低级趣味。故选B。



Last week the electricity in my flat went out. I had just got home from work and was happily making my tea, when all a sudden I was surrounded by complete darkness. I tried to fix it but failed. I had to wait for an electrician to come in the morning________

I sat down to eat my half-cooked dinner. And then I wasn't really sure what to do. My typical evening is spent watching the TV and looking through social media________ So for me it was an early night. And I couldn't help but think, do we rely too much on electricity? That night, losing our electricity felt like losing a basic necessity. As basic as running water________I use electricity all the time, even when it's not really necessary.

________It contributes to global warming. It is harming our environment and we need to do what we can to stop it. Not only that, but if we continue to use the same large amount of energy we will soon run out.

So, shouldn't we start preparing for it now? Cutting back on our use of electricity would make losing it easier, and also save energy resources so that they could last for longer________ And if everyone does the same, we can make a big difference.

A. Tonight this wasn't possible.

B. Obviously, we can't survive without it.

C. Our over-use of electricity is a big problem.

D. This left me a whole night without any electricity.

E. Electricity brings us convenience and trouble.

F. But really, we've grown to take electricity for granted.

G. I know for sure that I could cut down on my use of electricity.

【答案】 D;A;F;C;G



(2)上一句提到:平时,我都是通过看电视,浏览社交媒体来度过晚上的(My typical evening is spent watching the TV and looking through social media),下一句提到:所以,对我而言,今天晚上是一个很早的晚上(So for me it was an early night);A选项“今天晚上,这不可能了”是停电后的结果,承上启下。故选A。

(3)上一句提到,电像自来水一样是必需的(As basic as running water),下一句提到:我一直使用电,甚至当真的没必要的时候(我也用电)(I use electricity all the time, even when it's not really necessary)。F选项“但是,我们把电当成了理所当然的东西”符合上下文逻辑,承上启下,故选F。


(5)由下一句提到的“And if everyone does the same”可知,该句应当提到需要做什么,故G选项“我知道我能削减对电的使用”符合上下文逻辑,故选G。



A peer is a person who is about the same age as you. Peers affect your life, whether you know it or not, just by spending time with you.

________ Maybe another student in your science class taught you an easy way to remember the planets in solar system. Maybe you got others excited about your new favorite book and now everyone's reading it. However, sometimes peers affect one another in another way________ Maybe a kid in the neighborhood wanted you to steal with him.

Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in, or because they worry that other kids may make fun of them if they don't go along with the group.________ The idea that “everyone's doing it” may influence some kids to leave their better judgments or their
