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A superstar usually is someone who has become famous in sports, films, or popular music. For example, in 36 , Michael Jackson made arecordalbum called “Thriller”. It quickly became the mostpopular record in the history of music and it made Michael Jackson a 37 .

The word “super” means something that is extremely good. And of course, a “star” is a person who is very 38 . So people use superstar to describe the top people in sports, acting and music.

One of the most famous sports superstars in the United States was the boxer(拳击手) Muhammad Ali. 39 a young man, he won a gold medal in the Olympics. 40 he became the heavy-weight boxing champion of the world. Before long, he was known as one of the greatest andmost famous boxers in sports history.

Muhammad Ali said that when he was a champion, he was 41 famous than the president of the United Sates and the leaders of other countries. He was a true superstar. Everyone knew his 42 .

But 43 the stars in the sky, a superstar may disappear gradually as the time passes. Many young people these days know 44 about Muhammad Ali. Superstars, loved by millions of people today, may be 45 tomorrow.

36. A. the 1980s B. the 1980 C. the 1980th D. 1980s’

37. A. teacher B. superstar C. sportsman D. manager

38. A. tall B. famous C. kind D. active

39. A. For B. With C. Of D. As

40. A. When B. Then C. Yet D. But

41. A. much B. little C. more D. less

42. A. name B. coach C. assistant D. fans

43. A. except B. without C. like D. for

44. A. few B. many C. much D. little

45. A. remembered B. forgotten C. loved D. hated



The lovely teddy bear can be found all around the world. You can find it not only in toy stores, but also on T-shirts, schoolbags, posters and so on. Do you know how the teddy bear got its name?

On November 14, 1902, the US President Theodore Roosevelt went to Mississippi to solve a problem. After a day’s work, Roosevelt went hunting(打猎). However, he was unhappy because he couldn’t find any big game to shoot during the hunt.

His host wanted the hunting trip to be successful, so he went out and found a young bear. He tied the young bear to a tree for Roosevelt to shoot. But Roosevelt refused and asked him to set it free.

Hearing about this moving story, an artist called Clifford Berryman drew a cartoon of Roosevelt and the bear. He then published(发表) the cartoon in The Washington Post.

A few days later, the owner of a shop saw the cartoon. Using the bear as a model, he asked his wife to make many toy bears. They named them after Roosevelt’s nickname(绰号) Teddy. In early 1903, they sold these teddy bears in the shop and many people came to buy them.

46. The underlined word “game” in Paragraph 2 means __________. A. 游戏 B. 靶子C. 比赛D. 猎物

47. The cartoon bear was drawn by __________.

A. Theodore Roosevelt

B. Clifford Berryman

C. the host

D. the owner of the shop

48. From the article, we know that __________.

A. Theodore Roosevelt’s nickname was Teddy

B. Teddy was named after Clifford Berryman

C. Clifford Berryman was the President of the US

D. Theodore Roosevelt was happy because he shot a bear

49. What happened to the young bear at last?

A. It was killed.

B. It was set free.

C. It was sold to Washington.

D. It was kept by the owner of a shop


You’re welcome to take the spaceship to Mars. I’m the captain. You’ll find some useful things in the bag under your seat. You can use them during the trip and after we arrive. Please take out your bag now and check it.

Your air bag will help you walk outside in Mars. You can carry it on your back. The tube coming out of the bag will carry air to your helmet. Inside the helmet, you can find a phone. If you go out of the hotel on Mars, you can use it to contact with your family. And the space shoes will help you walk on Mars. You also have a pair of special sunglasses for the trip. The sunlight is quite strong on Mars. Your watch will be no use when we arrive, because time runs differently there. Please put on the space timer.

In the bag, there is also some medicine for you if you don’t feel well. Finally, remember not to take off your suit. It will help your body be used to the temperature on Mars.

1. Who is the captain talking to?

A. People who work on the spaceship.

B. People who visit the spaceship.

C. People who want to leave Mars.

D. People who are going to Mars.

2. What should people take if they walk around on Mars?

A. the air bag

B. the watch

C. some medicine

D. the umbrella

3. What does the word ”contact” mean?

A. 记录

B. 帮助


D. 迎接

4. What’s not useful on Mars?

A. The space shoes.

B. The watch

C. the sunglasses

D. The helmet.

5. What can we learn from the passage?

A. There is no water on Mars.

B. Time runs slowly on Mars.

C. The daytime is longer than night on Mars.

D. The temperature on Mars is different from that on earth.


Chris Rock was born in the state of South Carolina in the United states.When he was a child,his family moved,and he grew up in a poor area in Brooklyn,New York.
