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①(2015安徽) It’s p__________ (礼貌的) to offer seats to the old on the bus.

②(2014绥化) The cakes taste ________, and they sell ________. I will buy some.

A. good; well

B. well; well

C. well; good

D. good; good

③(2014东营) Overseas experience may help make our life __________ (good). So why not

try to study abroad?

④(2014黄石) It’s not so ________ as yesterday. So there are ________ people walking in

Tuan Chengshan Park today.

A. cold; fewer

B. warm; more

C. cold; more

D. warm; most

⑤(2014益阳) —As a student, we should study hard.

—Yes, ________ we study, ________ results we’ll get.

A. the hard; the good

B. the harder; the best

C. the harder; the better

D. the hard; the better

⑥(2015汕尾) Shu-how Lin is now one of ________ basketball players in NBA.

A. popular

B. less popular

C. more popular

D. the most popular

⑦(2014衡阳) There are many beautiful flowers in the world, but in parent s’eyes, their

children are the ________ of all.

A. as beautiful as

B. more beautiful

C. most beautiful

D. beautiful

⑧(2015福州) It rained so __________ (heavy) that many streets were covered with water.

⑨(2015连云港) Lucy had a traffic accident on her way home. __________ (幸运地), she

was not hurt, just got scared.

⑩(2014宿迁) Sandy can sing as __________ (good) as Wendy.



1. 形容词作表语



1. (2014济宁) —Have you heard the song Stay Here Forever? —Yes, it sounds ______.

A. well

B. loudly

C. sweet

D. beautifully

2. (2014泰安) —Is your headache getting ______? —No, it’s getting worse.

A. better

B. bad

C. less

D. well

2. 形容词作宾语补足语

有些动词后面可接名词或代词作宾语,再接形容词作宾语补足语,用于补充说明宾语的状态、特征等。在例题③中后半句“so why not try to study abroad?”说明,海外经历可以使我们的生活更好,所以答案应为形容词good的比较级better。


3. (2014白银) Some of the tired students keep their eyes ______ in breaks.

A. opened

B. close

C. closed

D. open

4. (2015自贡) —Tom, don’t throw the rubbish on the floor. We should keep the classroom

______. —Oh, sorry, Miss Yang.

A. clean

B. quiet

C. dirty

D. quietly

3. 形容词的同级比较

形容词的比较级是中考的重点内容,其比较等级有三个:同级、比较级和最高级。同级比较中常见的结构为“as… as…”,其否定结构为“not as / so… as…”。例题④中,根据生活经验,可将题目意思理解为“今天没有昨天冷。所以公园里散步的人比昨天更多”,仔细观察选项可将第一种解释排除,故应理解为第二种含义。前一句为同级比较,应该用as cold as“和……一样冷”;后一句为差级比较,应该用many的比较级more。所以C项为正确答案。


5. (2014毕节) Jeff is making faces. He looks as __________ (滑稽可笑的) as Mr. Beans.

6. (2015泰安) —How are you getting along with your English study?

—Much better. I don’t feel it was as ______ as before.

A. interesting

B. much

C. difficult

D. easy

4. 形容词的差级比较


关于比较级的句型,要牢记的有:①修饰比较级的词:much、a lot、a little、far、even、any等;②“比较级+ and +比较级”意为“越来越……”;③“the +比较级,the +比较级”意为“越……,越……”;④“the +比较级+ of the / us / them two”意为“两者之中较……的一个”。


7. (2015重庆A) He has ______ arms now and is able to pick the table up with one hand.

A. weakest

B. weaker

C. strongest

D. stronger

8. (2014兰州) The weather is becoming ______.

A. hotter and hotter

B. more hot and more hot

C. hoter and hoter

D. more and more hot

9. (2014宜昌) —Are you worried about the coming exam?

—No, I think the more ______ you are, ______ mistakes you’ll make.

A. careful; the less

B. carefully; the less

C. carefully; the fewer

D. careful; the fewer
