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班级: C财管14-4



完成时间: 2018年4月





Chinese people pay more and more attention to food safety. People's demand for condiments is turning to health and delicious food. The condiment industry in China has maintained a growth rate of over 10% for 7 consecutive years, and with the change of demand, the growth prospect of the seasoning industry is still optimistic. In recent years, the catering industry has been recovering, which is expected to stimulate further growth of the condiment industry.

To understand the value of an enterprise, we need to combine the development layout in recent years and the driving force of business growth. Having read the value of an enterprise, we can see clearly what the core competencies of the past growth are, and we can see weaknesses in comparison with the same industry. The analysis of the investment value of the enterprise requires the comprehensive apply of financial statements analysis, economics, and also to be familiar with the profitability, operational ability, debt service and development ability of the enterprise. Taking the sea sky flavor as an example, this paper mainly analyzes the value of sea sky flavor by using the ratio analysis method and the free cash flow discount model from two angles of report analysis and value evaluation, and to judge the future investment value of the enterprise.

Key words:Investment value;Financial ratio analysis; Free Cash Flow; Haitian industry;Condiment industry


一、企业价值分析概述 (1)

(一)企业价值评估的含义 (1)

(二)企业价值评估的意义 (1)

1.企业价值评估是投资决策的重要前提 (1)

2.企业并购的需要 (1)

3.量化企业价值、核清家底、动态管理 (2)

5.增加企业凝聚力 (2)

(三)企业价值评估的方法 (2)

1.市场法 (2)

2.成本法 (2)

3.收益法 (2)

二、行业分析 (3)

(一)行业特征 (3)

1.需求量大,顾客稳定性低 (3)

2.行业增长速度快,销售规模仍需加大 (3)

3.行业竞争激烈,同质化现象严重 (3)

(二)行业生命周期分析 (3)

1.生命周期概述 (3)

2.调味品行业所属生命周期 (4)

3.成长期发展战略 (4)

(三)行业整体盈利能力 (4)

(四)行业发展趋势 (4)

1.调味品规模持续增长 (5)

2.调味品需求出现新的转变 (5)

3.调味品行业销售模式的转变 (5)

三、公司基本情况 (5)

(一)公司简介 (5)

(二)公司财务状况分析 (6)

(一)偿债能力分析 (6)

(二)营运能力分析 (7)

(三)盈利能力分析 (8)

(四)发展能力分析 (9)

四、运用自由现金流量折现模型进行估值分析 (10)

(一)加权平均资本成本的确定 (10)

1.无风险收益率Rf的估计 (10)

2.市场期望报酬率Rm的估计 (10)

3.β值的估计 (10)

(二)现金流量的预测 (10)

1.营业收入增长率预测 (10)

2.销售成本预测 (11)

3.营业税金及附加预测 (12)

4.销售费用和管理费用预测 (12)

5.税前营业利润预测 (13)

6.税后营业利润预测 (14)

7.折旧和摊销预测 (14)

8.经营营运资本增加额预测 (15)

9.资本支出预测 (16)

10. 自由现金流量预测 (18)

11.企业价值的估计 (18)

参考文献 (19)
