第二讲 商务谈判的原则

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Here are some possible qualities of good business negotiators. Rank your own list in order of importance to you.
Listening skills Honesty Persistence Flexibility Eloquence口才 Negotiating experiences Ability to interpret body language Being well prepared Knowledge of subject matters Sense of humor Ability to solve the problems Ability to check one’s own feelings
2. 双赢原则
唐僧新传的家书:亲爱的八戒,我这封信写得很 慢,因为知道你看字不快。我们已经搬家了,不过地 址没改,因为搬家的时候把门牌带来了。这个礼拜下 了两次雨,第一次下了3天,第二次下了4天。昨天我 们去买比萨,店员问我要切成8块还是12块,我说8块 就成了,12块吃不完。我给你寄去的外套,怕邮寄时 超重,把扣子剪下来放口袋里了。嫦娥生了,因为不 知道是男是女,所以不知道你是该当舅舅还是阿姨。 本来想给你寄钱,可是信封已经封上了。中秋节快到 了,别忘了给孩子讲讲很久很久以前的事:那时候天 是蓝的,水也是绿的,庄稼是长在地里的,猪肉是可 以放心吃的,耗子还是怕猫的,法庭是讲理的,欠钱 是要还的,学校是不图挣钱的,买东西是要付钱 16 的,……


The definition of Negotiation Negotiation is the process we use to satisfy our needs when someone else controls what we want.
Biblioteka Baidu

谈判是人们为了协调彼此之间的关系,满 足各自的需要,通过协商而争取达到意见 一致的行为和过程。

CASE 两个人争一个桔子,最后协商的结果是 把桔子一分为二,第一个人吃掉了分给他的一 半,扔掉了皮;第二个人则扔掉了桔子,留下 了皮做药。两个人虽然皆得到了利益,但仅是 50%。若双方能在谈判中清楚、准确地阐明自 己的利益取向,岂不双方都可得到100%的利益, 既不伤和气又不浪费资源,一举双赢。它说明 人们在同一事物上可能有不同的利益,在利益 的选择上有多种途径或取向。


在许多谈判中,谈判的结局并不理想.谈判者 更多地是注重追求单一的结果,坚持固守自己 的 立场,而从来也不考虑对方的实际情况. 如何使谈判双方的利益 实现最大化? 在谈判中是否只存在赢家或输家?

Winwin negotiation
双方都是赢家的谈判才能使以后的合作持续下去.双 方也会在合作中各自取得自己的利益. Negotiating means taking action in order to achieve a situation acceptable to both parties.
Step 2 principle of Business Negotiation
合作式谈判原则 双赢原则 人事分开原则 集中利益而非立场原则 利益分配原则 信任原则

1.1 合作式谈判原则 P3 principle of collabrative negotiation
表1 对抗性谈判与合作性谈判比较
对抗性谈判 合作性谈判 短期,双方目标不相协调都在竞取 长期,同时强调眼下实利和长 预期的目标 眼下的实利,无视长期关系的发展 期合作关系 对对方的观感 不信任,怀疑,相互提防 开诚布公,倾向于相信对方 强调己方的要求和谈判的实力地 设法满足对方的要求,认为这 谈判的导向 位,无视对方的关系,甚至利用这种 样对达到自己的目标更有利,努 关系达到眼前的成果 力增进至少不损害双方的关系 如果必须的话,愿意妥协让步, 让步妥协的做法 让步越少越小越好 旨在促进关系 把时间看做是 解决 问题的手 时间用作谈判手段,用以压迫对方 谈判时间 段,尽量和对方沟通,让对方有 让步 考虑的余地
A negotiation is a meeting between two parties, and the objective is to reach an agreement over issues which: are important in both parties’ views may involve conflict between the parties need both parties to work together to achieve their objective
this principle involves people with diverse interests working together to achieve mutually satisfing outcomes. 1.2. Win-win, problem-solving, consensus-building negotiation, interest-based negotiation, mutual gains negotiation
1.3. The features of this principle

The negotiating parties have both diverse and common interests the negotiation process can result in both parties gaining sth Interdependance is enhanced Limited resources do exist. They might be expanded through cooperation and creativity The solution is fair and acceptable to all the parties

Negotiating Objectives

What are our objectives? What outcomes do we want? Are our objectives specific, timed, and measurable? Do we have a fall-back position? If we were in their shoes, what would our position be? Do we know their objectives? If not, how can we find out? What demands are they likely to make? What concessions are we likely to have to give? Do they know our objectives? Our fall-back position? What is the best outcome we can realistically hope for? The worst we would be prepared to settle for?
The features of BN
The purpose of BN ---is for economic interests 以获得经济利益为目的 The core of BN ---is the negotiation of value 以价值谈判为核心的 The confidential and accurate/precise of the contract 注重合同条款的严密性与准确性
表2 对抗性谈判与合作性谈判中的谈判者比较
对抗性谈判中的谈判者 合作性谈判中的谈判者 ·视谈判对手为敌人 ·视谈判对手为问题解决者 ·追求的目标:获得谈判的胜利 ·追求的目标:在顾及效率及人际关 ·不信任谈判对手 系之下达成需要的满足 ·对谈判对手及谈判主题均采取强 ·对对手提供的资料采取审慎的态度 硬态度 ·对对手温和,但对谈判主题采取强 ·借底牌以误导谈判对手 硬态度 ·对谈判对手施加压力 ·不掀底牌 ·坚持立场 ·讲理,但不屈服于压力 ·以自身受益作为达成协议的条件 ·眼光摆在利益上,而非立场上 ·探寻共同利益
Chapter 1 Principles of Business Negotiation
Step 1 Review

Under what circumstance does negotiation take place?
1. Negotiation is an element of human behavior. 2. Negotiation takes place only over issues that are negotiable. 3. Negotiation takes place only between people who have the same interest. 4. Negotiation takes place only when negotiators are interested not only in taking but also in giving. 5. Negotiation takes place only when negotiating parties trust each other to some extent.
Negotiation includes: Consultation, bargaining, mediation,arbitration, and sometimes ,even litigation.

1.The basic elements of business negotiation(BN): ★谈判当事人—— people ★谈判标的 —— Settle problem/ establish relationship ★谈判议题—— topic/theme 2. The function of BN: ★实现购销--purchase/sale ★获取信息--information ★开拓发展--further development
3.人事分开原则 separate the people from the problem P5
People problems are usually caused by inaccurate perceptions认识 , inappropriate emotions and poor communication Solution:--- be parterners not adversaries 1. establish an accurate perception 2. cultivate appropriate emotion 3. strive for better communication

The nature of negotiation
Bottom line Concession (explain your reasons) Willing to give and gain Make good assessment of yourself & your counterpart Objective/ aim/ goal Maintain good Relationship The common interests should be of top priority Future interest