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Learning activity: grammar and translation
Structural Grammar
• Ferdinand de Saussure • American structuralism
• Syntagmatic vs paradigmatic relations • Immediate Constituent (IC) Analysis • Endocentric vs Exocentric constructions • Subordinate vs coordinate constructions
• Traditional • Structural • Generative • Functional
Traditional Grammar
The traditional approach is based on the earlier grammars of Latin or Greek (the traditional grammar is a grammar of prescription).
• The structural grammar: a sentence is regarded as a
linguistic unit as interrelated with each other in a structure (or system), not as isolated bits, concerning the syntactic relations; rules, concerning the syntactic generation;
Chapter Four:Syntax
The study of the formation of sentences
Syntax is the study of how sentences are structured or how words are combined with others to form sentences and in what order.
The structural approach: regards
linguistic units as interrelated with each
other in a structure or system.
Structuralism or structural linguistics is a term used in linguistics referring to any
Part IV. Different approaches to syntax
I. The traditional approach---syntactic formation: Latin Grammar, etc. II. The structural approach---syntactic relations: F.D. Saussure, Bloomfield, etc.--- American Structural Grammar III. Constituent Structure Grammar---syntactic constituents: C.J. Fillmore‟s Case Grammar; D.M. Perlmutter & Postal‟s Relational Grammar IV. The generative approach---syntactic generation: Chomsky, etc.---- Transformational Generative Grammar V. The functional approach--- syntactic function : Halliday, etc.---Systemic Functional Grammar VI. The cognitive approach--- syntactic iconicity : Lackoff, etc.----Cognitive Grammar (metaphorization)
②grammar—translation methods
Learning material: learning literary works
Writing is focused Detail analysis of grammar instead of the main idea Grammatical rules
e.g.: n, v, adj, det. etc. Syntactic categories: usually refers to a word or a phrase that performs a particular grammatical function. (functions) e.g. subject, predicate, object etc.
Different approaches to syntax
• The traditional grammar : a sentence is seen as a sequence
of words , involving the study of the word categories and concerning the syntactic formation;
Grammatical category: a class or group of items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a language. e.g. Number, gender, case: for nouns, pronouns. Tense, aspect, voice: for verbs Category symbols: S Pred VP NP PP AP Det Aux
Table 4-1
Noun (N) Verb (V)
Examples of some lexical categories
Examples book, boy, love, sheep run, read, play
Major lexical categories
Adjective (A)
Preposition (P) Minor lexical categories
Different linguistic treatments of sentence structure:
• Question: How to study the following sentence: • e.g. The boy kicks the ball.
• 1) The, boy , ball, kick, -s (the traditional approach) • 2) The boy and the ball . Kick the ball ,etc. (the structural approach) • 3) The ball kicks the boy. (the generative approach) • 4) The ball was kicked by the boy.( by whom?) (the functional approach) • 5) The boy projects the physical humane and the ball projects the inanimate world, representing a kind of social practice. (the cognitive approach)
•functions: subject, predicate, object,
•categories: number, gender, case, tense,
aspect, voice, etc.
Lexical categories: (classification: parts of speech or word classes.)
1 Sentences and categories
The traditional view of a sentence: “a series of words in connected speech or writing, forming the grammatically complete expression of a single thought”.
A sentence is seen as a sequence of
words,so the study of sentence
formation involves a great deal of the
study of the word, such as
•classification: parts of speech
physical /experiential reality in mental world, concerning the syntactic iconicity, etc.
to perform various functions in social interactions, concerning the syntactic functions.
approach to the analysis of language that pays
explicit attention to the way in which linguistic features can be described in terms of
structures and systems.
2 Syntactic relationships: concord & government Concord/agreement: the forms of two or more words should agree with each other in terms of certain categories.
• The generative grammar: a sentence is a system of innate
• The functional grammar: a sentence is an instrument used
• The cognitive grammar: a sentence is a reflection of the
E.g. She gave him a book.
He gave a book to her.
The features of traditional grammar: ①correctness: use of Latin models priority of
writing literacy excellence
happy, tall, clear
about, over, on Examples
Determiner (Det)
Degree word (Deg) Qualifier (Qual) Auxiliary (Aux) Conjunction (Con)
the, a, this, those
quite, very, more, so often, always, seldom, almost must, should, can, might and, but, or
E.g. this man, these men;
a book, some books; he speaks English, they speak English.
Government: a word of a certain class determines the form of others in terms of certain