新视角研究生英语读说写 1英语翻译reading and reciting1-8章

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新视角研究生英语读说写1英语翻译reading and reciting1-8章11、I don’t think that there is anything massively disruptive about this shifting sense of community. The continuing search for connection and shared enterprise is very human. But I do feel uncomfortable with our shifting identity. The balance has tipped, and we seem increasingly dependent on work for our sense of self.我并不认为这种社区概念的变迁会造成大面积的混乱,这种对联系和共同理想的不断追寻充满了人性。但我对我们不断变化的身份确实感到不安。身份意识的天平似乎已经日渐倾斜到工作决定身份这边。

12、If our office are our new neighborhoods, if our professional titles are our new ethnic tags, then how do we separate ourselves from our jobs? Selfworth isn’t just something to measure in the marketplace. But in these new communities, it becomes harder to tell who we are without saying what we do.如果办公室真的彻底变成我们的社区,如果我们的所从事的行业真的彻底变成我们的种族印记,那我们怎样才能把自己和工作区分开来呢?自我价值并不是只有在市场环境中得到体现的。但是在这些新的社区中,如果不先说明我们是从事哪行哪业的,就越来越难以说清楚我们究竟是谁。

21、Onward and upward was the course she set. Small progress was no excuse for feeling satisfied with yourself. People who stopped to pat themselves on the back didn’t last long. Even if you got to the top, you ‘d better not take it easy. “The bigger they come, the harder they fall” was one of her favorite maxims.进取、进取、再进取,这是母亲给我设定的方向。小小的进步是不足以自我满足的。那些因成功而沾沾自喜停下来欣赏自己的人是不会持久的。即使你已经到达顶峰,你也最好不要放松。爬得越高,摔得越痛,是母亲的至理名言。36、22、It wasn’t the gin tha t was shouting. It was my mother. The gin only gave me the courage to announce to them that yes, by God, I had always believed in success, had always believed that without hard work and self-discipline you could never amount to anything, and didn’t deserve to.其实不是杜松子酒在吼,是我的母亲在吼。酒只是借给了我勇气向他们宣布那个想法。是的,上帝可以作证,我一直相信成功,一直相信如果没有辛勤的劳动和严格的自律,一个人不可能有任何成就,也不配有成就。

31、With no idea what to do next, I resolved literally to “sail off into the sunset,” following the coastline from Connecticut to Florida. But somewhere off New Jersey I turned due east, straight out to sea. Hours later, I climbed up on the stern rail and watched the dark Atlantic slip beneath the hull. How easy it would be to let the water take me, I thought.无所适从的我决心真正驾船“向夕阳行驶”,沿着海岸线从康涅狄格州驶向佛罗里达州。但是在离新泽西巷的地方,我转向正东方,直接驶往大海。几小时后,我爬上船尾的栏杆,注视着从船体下面滑过的黑沉沉的大西洋海水。我想让海水淹死是多么容易的一件事。

32、Everyone, at some point, will suffer a loss-the loss of loved ones. Good health, a job. “It’s your desert experience’-a time of feeling barren of options, even hope,” explains Patrick Dd l Zoppo, a psychologist and bereavement specialist with the Archdiocese of New York. “The important thing is not to allow yourself to be stranded in the desert.”每个人,在某个时刻,都将遭受损失—失去挚爱的人、健康或是工作。“这是你经历中的荒漠---一段感到毫无出路,甚至毫无希望的时期”,帕垂克·戴尔·左珀解释说。他是一名心理学家,纽约大主教管区的丧亲之痛专家,“重要的是不要让你自己陷入荒漠之中无法自拔”。

41、Happiness is never more than partial. There are no pure states of mankind. Whatever else happiness may be, it is neither in having nor in being, but in becoming. What the Founding Fathers declared for us as inherent right,we should do well to remember, was not happiness but the pursuit of happiness market, is the cardinal fact that happiness is in the pursuit itself, in the meaningful pursuit of what is life-engaging and life-revealing, which is to say, in the idea of becoming. A nation is not measured by what it possesses or wants to possess, but by what it wants to become.从来就没有过完美的幸福。人类社会不存在尽善尽美。无论人们怎样界定何谓幸福,它既不在于拥有也不在于实现,而在于追求的过程。我们应该牢记:开国元勋们为我们所宣布的与生俱来的权利,不是享受幸福而是追求幸福。假如他们当初预见到现在出现的幸福市场,他们就会强调指出这样一个基本事实:幸福在于为之奋斗的过程,在于我们终生为之努力并从中获得启迪的事业,也就是说在于追求。
