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Alone in the crowd
*Alice sat alone, in the corner of the room, watching the others at the party. The only people she knew there were Margaret and her husband. Margaret and Alice worked together in a bank. Margaret was an older woman who took a motherly interest in Alice and had invited her to a party.
"Oh, that's just because I... I prefer to sit and listen for a while. "Alice answered.
"But you can't do that all evening. Come on! Let me introduce you to a few people!"
第一页 作业说明
第二页 朗读
第三页 回答问题
第四页 简短陈述
英语口语(1)形成性考核占总成绩的30%。成绩由辅导教师根据学生的学习记录(5%), 作业完成情况(20%)、在口语课上的综合表现以及参加小组活动和其他学习中心组织的活动的情况(5%)综合评定。
In China, when a person sits at a dinner party, he will very often refuse the offer of food or drink even though he is in fact still hungry or thirsty. This might be good manners to Chinese people, but it is definitely not in the west. In the United States, it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again and to press something on him. Americans are very direct. If they want something, they will ask for it. If not, they will say, "No, thanks." They consider it confusing to avoid telling the facts, even if avoiding the truth is done only to be polite. Americans are taught that "Honesty is the best policy." But in some countries, courtesy might be more important than honesty. That's where misunderstanding occurs, when people from two different countries meet.
The house was full of people, all talking and laughing. Everyone, that is, except her. There was a young man standing near Alice. He looked across at her several times and smiled. Alice pretended not to notice him. When he wasn't looking, she glanced at him shyly. But when he looked at her again, she pretended to be interested in the pattern of the carpet.
From the things mentioned above, we can conclude that in order to "Do as the Romans do", we had better learn something about other cultures.
Ask yourself the following questions and answer them orally. Record your answers.
Read the passage, answer the questions orally and record them.
Different countries have their own social customs. Before one plans to go to a foreign country for a visit, it's necessary for him to know something about the social customs in that country. Otherwise, he will easily get into a situation of embarrassment.
"You are not going already, are you?" Margaret asked.
"Yes, I'm afraid I have to. I'm expecting a phone call from a friend. I told him I'd be home by ten."
An hour later Alice was still sitting in the corner of the room. The young man had got involved in a conversation with another girl. Alice had exchanged a few words with an older woman she recognized as a customer from the bank. She kept looking at the door, hoping that someone else she knew would come in. After a while, she got up and went into the kitchen, where Margaret was surrounded by a crowd of people.
* 表达过程中词汇丰富,语言连贯。
* 能就所选择的两个话题有条理地组织自己的讲话;
* 语言得体、流畅;
* 内容充实。
4 * 语音、语调基本正确;
* 朗读较流畅,语流较自然 * 能正确回答3个问题;
* 表达较准确,语言较连贯。 * 能就所选择的两个话题组织自己的讲话;
* 内容较充实;
朗读 回答问题 连贯发言 5 * 语音、语调正确;
* 朗读流畅,语流自然、标准。 * 能正确回答3个问题;
An American friend once told me of his first experience in China. "Once I had a dinner in a Chinese family. That experience made me at a loss whether to cry or to laugh. During the dinner, the host always pressed more food onto my plate as soon as I had emptied it of the previous helping. I had to eat the food even if I didn't feel like it, because it is considered bad manners in our country to leave one's food on the plate. From then on, before I go to any foreign country, I always spend some time studying the social customs so as not to have the same experience."
"Well?" she asked. "Met any interesting people?"
"Oh, yes. Lots. It's really been interesting. Thanks a lot for inviting me," Alice said, looking at her watch.
* 发言简短,无连贯性。 1 * 语音、语调错误严重;
* 朗读不流畅。 * 只能正确回答1个问题;
* 发言出现长时间的停顿。 * 发言极短,无连贯性。
Read aloud the part between the stars and record your reading.
"Oh, don't worry about me, Margaret. I'll be all right. I will, really!"*
Margaret looked at her doubtfully. Then her husband shouted something to her from the kitchen and she hurried back to help him bring more food into the r front door of her small flat and walked in. It was cold and dark. She lit the gas fire and turned on the television. "Why is it that whenever I go to parties, nobody ever talks to me?" she wondered.
* 语言基本得体、流畅。 3 * 语音、语调有一些错误;
* 朗读基本流畅。 * 能正确回答3个问题;
* 表达过程中词汇不丰富,语法结构简单。
* 能就所选择的两个话题组织自己的讲话;
* 内容基本充实。
* 语音、语调错误较多;
* 朗读不流畅。 * 只能正确回答2个问题;
* 发言出现较长时间的停顿。
Just then, Margaret came into the room. "Enjoying yourself?" she asked.
"Oh, yes. It's very nice."
"Really? You don't seem to be talking to anyone."
1. Before you visit a foreign country, what should you prepare for?
2. Why do the Chinese refuse the offer of food at a dinner party though they are hungry?