牛津高中英语模块七unit1 project

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E4 Module7 Unit1 Project 姓名Step1 Fill in the blanks according to the text.

Title To phone or not to phone?

(1) ___________

to the Amish way of life In the USA, the Amish are famous because they don’t use any

(2)_________technology such as TVs, private telephones. They think phones are not their (3) __________and dislike dealing with strangers.

(4)_________ of the telephone ·There is something important about staying (5)_________ and sharing life not found over a telephone wire.

·(6)__________ the circumstances are, when the telephone rings ,everyth ing is interrupted.

Real relationships are often (7)__________ , and whatever personal peac e one has is destroyed whenever the phone rings.

Possible (8)_________ to the use of phones Maybe we should (9)_________ away all of our phones into the dustbin. Maybe we should (10) _______ away from modern technology.

Step2 Phrases













Step3 language points

1. , whenever a new technology is introduced, the Amish meet and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. (L8)

For example, no matter what the circumstances, when the phone rings, everything stops the call can be answered. (L46)

Meanwhile, real relationships are often , and whatever personal peace one has is destroyed whenever the phone rings. (L97)


whenever a new technology is introduced 为从句

no matter what the circumstances为从句

whatever personal peace one has为从句

whenever the phone rings为从句

区分no matter what 与whatever; no matter when 与whenever; no matter where 与wherever ......

you say, I won’t believe you.

I won’t believe you say.

mistakes he made was unforgivable.

I meet him, he is always playing computer games.

(2) circumstance

(1) I wanted to leave quickly but ___________________________(在这种情况下) I decided to stay another night.

(2) Under no circumstances _________betray our friends for personal benefit.

A did we

B we should

C should we

D we could

(3) sacrifice

v. 牺牲;以…为祭品She sacrificed family life to her career. The local people sacrificed a chicken.

n. 牺牲;祭品He was willing to make any sacrifice for peace. The local people offered sacrifices to the gods.

2. They then whether they will accept it. (L11)

vote v. 投票,选举,表决

Since we can’t reach an agreement, then let’s vote on this problem.

He promised to vote for / against Bill.

vote n. 选票,选举

There were 21 votes for and 17 against the plan. The issue was put to the vote.

She obtained 40% of the vote. People get the vote at 18.

3. The Amish because they like having tight communities where everyone lives close together. (L12)

where everyone lives close together 在句子中充当成分

reject v.

拒绝一个礼物/ 建议/ 被一所大学拒绝接纳

After the transplant his body rejected the new heart.

4. Since the Amish each other face to face, they telephones in their houses.(L21)

句中since引导___________ 从句。 face to face作__________(成分)。


(1) When we were young, parents taught us to become the people who are of value to society.

(2) The market value of this car has declined.

(3) The old machine was valued at 1,000 yuan.

(4) We should value every minute in the school.

(5) I really value him as a friend.

【归纳】value 词性___________ 译为____________; 词性__________ 译为__________.


oppose doing sth.

Many people反对建造新路 because of the great cost.

be opposed to sth.

We 坚决反对his idea.

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