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Draft Resolution &Draft directive
Draft Resolution
❖ 决议草案(Draft Resolution)是在一份或多 份工作文件的基础上形成的包含对于所讨论 议题的实质性解决方案与具体措施的书面提 案。
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Draft resolution
指令草案Draft Directive
❖ 用于处理危机 ❖ 无序言性条款 ❖ 立即、有效,防止长远规划 ❖ 安理会:起草国+附议国>=3
赞同>=10(“五常”不反对) ❖ 可提修正案
❖ 非友好修正案(Unfriendly Amendment):没有使 得原起草国都赞成该修改意见,需要征集到与会代 表20%的附议国签名,才可以向大会主席递交。原 决议草案的起草国不能成为非友好修正案的起草国 或附议国,原决议草案的附议国则可以签署修正案。 修正案表决时须逐条投票表决。
❖ 格式 ❖ (Committee) ❖ (Topic) ❖ Sponsors: ❖ Signatories:
1. Endorses the recommendations and conclusions of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country contained in paragraph 86 of its report;
2. Requests the host country to consider removing the remaining travel restrictions, notes that during the reporting period some travel restrictions previously imposed by the host country on staff of certain missions and staff members of the Secretariat of certain nationalities were removed, and, in this regard, notes the positions of affected;
Has resolved Notes Proclaims Reaffirms Recommends Regrets Reminds Requests Supports Transmits Trusts
❖ 友好修正案(Friendly Amendment):原决议草案 的全部起草国都赞成该修改意见,直接被加入到原 决议草案当中。
3. States as reflected in the report of the Committee, of the Secretary General and of the host country;
Affirming Alarmed by Approving Aware of Bearing in mind Believing Confident Contemplating Convinced Declaring Deeply concerned Deeply conscious Deeply convinced Deeply disturbed Deeply regretting
❖ 决议草案行动性条款的句型主要有两种,一种是 “动词第三人称单数形式+由that引导的宾语从句”, 另一种是“动词第三人称单数形式+国家+to do(动 词不定式)”。
❖ 具体列举了解决问题的措施和建议。
DRAFT RESOLUTION 1.1 Committee:General Assembly Topic:Relations with the Host Country Sponsors: Argentina, Germany, Japan, South
❖ 之所以叫“草案”,是因为需要投票才能生效。 ❖ 起草国和附议国都需要。其中起草国不能再成为其他DR
的起草国。附议国则还可以 成为其他DR的附议国。 ❖ 起草国和附议国总数至少要达到总参会国家数的20%, ❖ 同样要提交主席团审核,通过、编号并印发全场 ❖ DR印发下来后所有起草国自动获得3分钟来解释草案的主
❖ 多用Add Change Delete
❖ Change the word “immediately” to “gradually” in operative clauses, No. 6.
❖ Delete the operative clause No. 7.
❖ Add as the final operative clause: Decides to remain seized of the matter.
Recalling Recognizing Referring Seeking Taking into account Taking into consideration Taking note Viewing with appreciation Welcoming
Accepts Affirms Approves Authorizes Calls Condemns Confirms Congratulates Considers Declares accordingly Decides Deplores Designates Draws the attention
Desiring Emphasizing Expecting Expressing its appreciation Fulfilling Fully alarmed Fully aware Fully believing Guided by Having adopted Having devoted attention Having examined Having heard
Having received Having studied Keeping in mind Noting with regret Noting with deep concern Noting with satisfaction Noting further Noting with approval Observing Reaffirming Realizing
❖ 联合国秘书长或其他联合国机构就此问题发表过的 言辞。
❖ 地区或非政府组织对此问题的见解
❖ 对该问题大致的情况及影响的阐述。
行动性条款Operative Clauses
❖ 在行动性条款中,每一条款要以动词第三人称单数 开头,同时该动词应以斜体显示,每一条款以分号 结束,最后一个条款以句号结束。
❖ 每一条款都表达一个单独且完整的意思 。
❖ Recalling also that, in accordance with paragraph 7 of General Assembly resolution, 2819 (XXVI) of 15 December 1971, the Committee should consider, and advise the host country on, issues arising in connection with the implementation of the Agreement between the United Nations and the United States of America regarding the headquarters of the United Nations,
Africa, United States of America Signatories: Azerbaijan, Brazil, Bangladesh,
Barbados, Croatia, Denmark, Gr源自文库ece, Hungary, Italy, Jamaica, Zimbabwe, etc.
❖ The General Assembly,
❖ Having considered the report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country,
❖ Recalling article 105 of the Charter of the United Nations, the Convention on the privileges and immunities of the United Nations, the agreement between the United Nations and the United States of America regarding the headquarters of the United Nations and the responsibility of the host country,
要内容和意义。可以所有 起草国一起上去说,也可以只 派几个。介绍后,其他代表有权利提出针对草案提问 。
序言性条款Perambulatory Clauses
❖ 在序言性条款中,每一条款要以动名词形式开头,动 名次下加下划线,同时每一条款以逗号结束 。
❖ 联合国宪章,联合国在该问题上曾经通过的 决议或条约。
Emphasizes Encourages Endorses Expresses its appreciation Expresses its hope Further invites Further proclaims Further reminds Further recommends Further requests Further resolves