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现代化的交通、电信与大众传媒手段使世界越来越小,国际社会如同一个地球 村,居住在地球村里的各国人民在文化交流和冲撞中和睦相处、彼此尊重、共求 发展。
Modern means of transportation, telecommunication and mass media have shortened the geographical distance of the world. The international community appears to be no more than a global village, in which peoples of all nations experience the inevitable cultural exchanges and clashes, while seeking common development in a harmonious and respectful relationship.
Through their long histories, the peoples of East Asian countries have created their own fine cultural traditions. These cultural traditions attach great value to social communities uphold such virtues as self-strengthening arduous effort, industriousness, frugality modesty and eagerness to learn. They stress harmony in handling human relations and stand for peaceful coexistence in international relations. These cultural conditions constitute valuable spiritual legacy. As long as East Asian countries keep up with the trend of the times and carry forward and apply those cultural traditions and wisdom with oriental features in light of their actual national conditions while vigorously absorbing all fruits of human progress and civilization, the development of economic cooperation in East Asia will be further boosted by these spiritual motivations.
近年来发生在东南亚的金融危机,给人们以深刻启示。金融体系的正常运行, 对经济全局的稳定和发展至关重要。在各国经济联系日益密切的条件下,保持健 康稳定的金融形势,需要各国在完善金融的体制、政策和监管上进行努力,需要 加强国际和地区的金融合作,需要共同防范国际游资过度投机。这样才能有效地 维护国际金融秩序。
Southeast Asia’s recent financial crisis has taught people a profound lesson. Normal functioning of the financial system is crucial to overall economic stability and development. To maintain a sound and stable financial order in a closely intertwined global economy, it is imperative for countries to work to improve there financial system, policies and supervision, to strengthen both regional and international financial cooperation and jointly ward off excessive speculation by international hot money. Only by doing so can we effectively maintain the international financial order.
我们相信,经过共同努力,东亚各国人民一定能够在新的世纪中,创造更加美 好的未来。
We believe that as long as we work together, the peoples of East Asia will certainly build a better future in the new century.
回顾过去,东亚地区发生了深刻变化,取得了巨大进步。展望未来,我们可以 满怀信心地说,推功东亚经济和社会发展达到新的水平,已经具备了比较良好的 条件。
In retrospect, profound changes and tremendous progress have taken place in East Asia. Looking ahead, we can say with full confidence that relatively sound conditions exist for East Asia to raise its economic and social development to a new level.
development is promising.
当然,在充分看到东亚经济发展取得成就的同时,也要正视前进中存在的困难 和障碍。例如,东亚国家不同程度地存在不合理的经济结构,不健全的金融体制, 粗放型的增长方式,滞后的基础设施建设,以及沉重的人口和环保压力等问题, 都需要认真对待,切实加以解决。
Of course, while fully recognizing the economic achievements in East Asia, we must also look squarely into the difficulties and obstacles on the road ahead. For instance East Asian countries suffer, to varying degrees, from untenable economic structures, flawed financial systems, crude modes of growth, backward infrastructures and the enormous pressures brought about by over-population and the increasing need for environmental controls. These problems need to be addressed seriously and resolved effectively.
东亚各国人民在漫长的历史实践中创造了自己的优秀文化。这种文化传统,以 社会集体为重,崇尚自尊自强、艰苦奋斗、勤劳节俭、谦虚好学的美德,处理人 际关系提倡和洽协调,对待国际关系主张和平共处。这是宝贵的精神财富。只要 东亚各国结合本国的实际,顺应时代的潮流,弘扬和运用这些具有东方特色的文 化传统和智慧,同时经济吸取世界各国人民创造的一切进步文明成果,就可以为 不断发展东亚经济合作提供精神动力。
维护地区的和平与稳定,发展经济科技,扩大互利合作,促进共同繁荣,成为 东亚各国的共识。东亚国家致力于在相互尊重、平等相待、互不干涉内政的基础 上发展相互关系,通过友好协商妥善处理存在的某些分歧。东亚政局稳定,国家 关系良好。这为东亚各国保持经济持续增长,发展经济合作,创造了重要的前提 条件。
It has become the shared understanding of East Asian countries to maintain regional peace and stability, develop the economy, science and technology, expand mutually beneficial cooperation, and promote common prosperity. East Asian countries are committed to the development of their relations on the basis of mutual respect, treating one another as equals and non-interference in one another ’s internal affairs and properly addressing some existing differences through friendly consultations. With political stability, East Asian countries enjoy good relations among themselves. This has provided an important prerequisite for the sustained economic growth of East Asian countries and the development of their economic cooperation.
东亚国家具有相当的经济实力,有的进入了发达阶段,有的踏上了新兴工业化 的航程,有的正在步入快速发展的行列。这一地区拥有丰富的劳动力资源和自然 资源,各国都在按照自己的实际情况确定发展战略,不断调整产业结构,转变增 展方式,促进科技进步,加强对外经济联系。这为东亚各国开展经济合作提供了 广阔的空间。
East Asian countries have built up significant economic strength. Some have
总之,从政治、经济、文化、地缘等各方面看,东亚都是当今世界一支不可忽 视的力量。东亚经济发展的前景是光明的。
All in all, East Asia in today’s world is a force that cannot be ignored politically, economically, culturally or geographically. The prospect for East Asia’s economic
entered the developΒιβλιοθήκη Baidud stage, others have joined the rank of newly industrialized nations, and still others have embarked on the road of rapid growth. Endowed with rich human and natural resources, countries in this region have formulated their development strategies in light of their actual conditions, constantly readjusted their industrial structure, effected shifts in modes of growth, promoted scientific and technological progress, and strengthened external economic exchanges. All this has provided a broad scope for East Asian countries to engage in economic cooperation.