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Greece and Troy
Achilles 阿喀琉斯/阿基里斯
Gold apple
Deathful weakness
Trojan horse Bane
Achilles heel Intruding destructive element
Matching (key)
Iliad 《伊利亚特》 Odyssey 《奥德赛》
Today we see Iliad and the Odyssey
incorporated into the course of almost every high school in America.
An epic is a long narrative poem of great scale and grandiose style about the heroes who are usually warriors or even demigods.
Greece and Troy
1. Historical context (background)
War between Greece and Troy in about 1,200 B. C. Greek culture in the 5th century B. C. Civil war between Athens and Sparta. Rule of Alexander in the 4th century B. C. In 146 B. C. the Romans conquered Greece.
4. Lyric (抒情诗)
Definition: A lyric is a poem that expresses strong feeling.
4. Lyric Writers
Sappho (about 612-580 B. C.) 萨福 ----love poem
Pindar(about 518-438 B. C.) 品达 ----odes:a poem to praise and glorify an
Oedipus the King《俄狄浦斯王》 Strong impact on European literature
“the Oedipus complex”俄狄浦斯情结
Oedipus complex 俄狄浦斯情结 —complex feeling toward parents or between accident and necessity
“Father of History” 古希腊历史学家,“历史之父”
7. Philosophy and science
Introduction The ancient Greeks’ curiosity about
things, free enquiry, imagination
Sphinx’s riddle 斯芬克斯之谜 —something of person that hard to understand
c. Euripides (484-406 B.C.)
Third of the three great tragedians of classical Athens, the first writer of “problem plays”社会问题剧
Prometheus —Martyr to the cause of human
Pandora’s box —Root of all disaster
b. Sophocles(496-406 B.C.) 索福克勒斯
Second of the three great tragedians of classical Athens
European culture itself is a part of world culture. Some knowledge of it is necessary to us as citizens of the world.
To show one’s opinion:
The leader
a. Aeschylus (埃斯库罗斯) b. Sophocles(索福克勒斯) c. Euripides (欧里庇得斯)
a. Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.)
The “Father of Tragedy” , one of the three great ancient Greek tragedians古希腊悲剧之 父
Trojan War (1200 B.C.) 特洛伊战争
Greek Dark Ages (1200 B.C.—800 B.C.)
Archaic Greece (800 B.C.—500 B.C.)古风时期
Classical Period (500 B.C.—336 B.C.) 古典时期
Hellenistic Age (336 B.C.—31 B.C.) 希腊化时代
For My Personal View
文化,不是让你死记硬背时间、地点、 人物、事件、影响、意义。
而是透过不同的文化,探究自身文化的 优缺点,从中吸取精华、去除糟粕,来 达到提升自我修养,培养独立思考能力 的目的。从而让文化成为我们参悟生活 ,领会人生意义的重要渠道。
The Origin of Culture
The Pre-Socrates Greek Philosophers Pythagoras 毕达哥拉斯 Heracleitue 赫拉克利特 Democritus 德莫克里特
Pythagoras 毕达哥拉斯
Founder of scientific mathematics the father of numbers To Pythagoras, All things were numbers.
concerned with conflicts--origin of realism
Andromache, Medea, Trojan Women
d. Comedy
Aristophanes (阿里斯托芬 450-380 B. C.) ancient Greek Comic dramatist, the Father of
Gold apple — Bane Trojan horse — Intruding destructive element Achilles heel — Deathful weakness
“不和的金苹果”— 祸根 “特洛伊木马”— 侵入内部的破坏性因素 “阿喀琉斯的脚踵”— 致命的弱点
简言之,史诗是叙述英雄传说或重大历 史事件的叙事长诗。
Trojan War 特洛伊战争
In Greek mythology and in Iliad and Odyssey
by Homer About 1,200 B. C. War between Greece and Troy Fought over the beautiful Helen Lasted for 10 years Trojan horse Troy defeated
Old age life
Purpose for My Culture Class
Learning culture is not to recite numerous informations from textbook.
But to improve self-cultivation, to promote one’s thinking ability, then to probe our culture’s merits and defects from different culture, to think about what we should learn from others and what others should learn from ours. So that we could cultivate a habit of thinking and knowinghow to make life meaningful.
Mesopotamia—两河流域文明 Egyptian—古埃及文明 Hebrew—希伯来文明 Greek and Roman—希腊与罗马文化 (文化=文明)
Division One
Greek Culture and Roman Culture
The Origin
(3000 B.C.) 克里特岛
Democritus 德莫克里特
The earliest materiamlist. Get the English word atom
The Greatest Philosophers
Aristotle 亚里士多德
a. Socrates 苏格拉底
European Culture: An Introduction
The Purpose of Learning European Culture
Language cannot be learned without some knowledge of the culture behind it.
Prometheus Bound《被缚的普罗米修斯》
Prometheus Bound
Based on the myth of Prometheus, a titan泰坦神族人 who gave the gift of fire to mortals and was punished by the god Zeus.
Poetry=Poem=Verse (诗歌)
Ballad(民谣) Lyric(抒情诗) Epic(史诗) Ode(颂诗) Elegy(挽歌) Pastoral(田园诗) Sonnet(十四行诗) Narrative Poem(叙事诗) Blank Verse(无韵体诗) Free Verse(自由体诗)
individual or a thing.
5. Drama
Open-air theatres, stone benches, looking down at the stage from three sides, actorse假面剧
Three Greatest Tragedy Writer:
11 plays: Frogs, Clouds, Wasps, Birds
6. History—Herodotus 希罗多德
The Greek historical writing writes mainly about wars. Herodotus(484-430 B.C.), Ancient Greek historian,
Socrates (470-399 B. C.) Dialectical Method 辩证法
2. Social and Political Structure
Democracy — the adult male citizens
Economy — slave labor (exploitation)
— Olympic Games
3. Homer
Homer 荷马 (around 700 B.C.) , epic 史诗
Heracleitue 赫拉克利特
Ancient Greek philosopher Fire is the primary element of the universe. 火是
万物之源 “You cannot step twice into the same river…The
sun is new everyday.” ——“人不能第二次踏进同一 条河流。”