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Unit 1 Background Materials

G20 members


Unit 1 The new structure of the world


Text A : Group of 20

1.emerging economy:新兴经济体

emerging market economy

newly emerging economy

industrialized economy:

2.gross national product: 国民生产总值

gross domestic product

real gross national product

estimated gross national product

3.industrial nations :工业国

industrialized nations 工业化国家

4.Atlantic-oriented: 以…为中心、导向;…主导的

5.take on a new prominence 承担新的地位,更重要

6.bail out: 帮助摆脱困境,救助

7.mortgage market:抵押信贷市场

8.on ad hoc basis:临时、即兴的

9.rotating council presidency:欧盟理事会轮值主席国

Text B The Pittsburgh Summit

1.economic cycle: recession, depression, recovery, boom

2.fiscal policy 财政政策;

monetary policy; financial policy;

aggressive policy; passive policy;

3.regulation and supervision: 监管

4.opaque OTC derivative market:缺乏透明度的场外衍生市场

5.race to the top: 力争上游

6.phase out: 逐步取消

7.fossil fuel subsidy:化石燃料补贴

8.future market: 期货市场

9.deliver on: 兑现

10.t ake stock of: 评估,评价

11.g reenhouse gas emission: 温室气体排放

12.oversee and regulate: 监督和规范

Text C Financial reform and the G20: a hard clime

1.reign: dominate

2.shore up: support, save

3.set the stage for a pow-wow: prepare for the meeting

4.expansionary policy: 扩张性政策

tight policy 紧缩政策

5.rein in :限制、控制

6.buffer: 缓冲存货

7.pay disclosure:薪酬披露

8.a host of: a lot of

a handful of: a small quantity of

9. collateralized debt obligation: 抵押化债务债券

10. governance reform: 治理结构改革

11. cross-border institution:跨境机构

12.Tier-1 capital ratio: 一级资本率

Unit 2 American Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis

Text A Debt and Denial

1.live within one’s means : 量入为出

live beyond one’s means: 入不敷出

2.run up debts to….借债

3.make sense: 有意义,有道理,讲得通

4.budget deficit: 预算赤字

5.adjusted for: 调整

6.debt financing: 债务融资

7.home equity:房屋净值

8.spending money:零用钱

9.borrowing binge: 疯狂借款

10.t rade deficit:贸易赤字soft landing: 软着陆

11.s nap up :抢购bubble zone: 泡沫区

12.e conomic fundamentals:经济基本面

13.i llusory wealth: 虚幻财富

14.d rop off: 减少rude awakening: 猛然惊醒

15.h edge fund: 对冲基金

Text B

1.meet payments: 满足支付,付款

1.fall behind: 拖欠

2.pay off: 偿还

3.conventional mortgage:传统按揭方式

4.squeeze out of: 挤压出

5.be stuck with: be burdened with

6.per capita income: 人均收入

7.economic gap: 经济差距

8.spillover effect: 溢出效应
