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许波X 车文博
(河南大学心理学系,河南开封,475001) (吉林大学社会心理学系,长春,130012)
摘 要 进化心理学是近年在西方心理学中出现的一种薪的研究取向,目前仍没有一个明确的概念和系统的理论。其基本主
关键词:进化心理学 基本主张
X 作者简介:许波,男,河南大学心理学系,副教授,博士。Email:xubo348@
236 心理科学Psychological Science 2004,27(1):2-4
A New Approach to the Development of Contemporary Western
Psychology:Evolutionary Psychology
Xu Bo
(Department of Psychology,Henan University,Kaifeng,130012)
Che Wenbo
(Department of social psychology,JiLi n University,Chang chan )
Abstr act Evolutionar y psychology is a new research approach which emerged from Western psychology in recent years.It hasn .t a clear concept and systematic theory at present.Its basic principle is that the past is the key tounderstanding the present;functional analysis is the path to understanding the mental mechanisms;the mental mechanisms evolves in t he course of solving problems;modu 2lar ity is the character of mental mechanisms;human behavior is the outcome of the inter action between mental mechanisms and envi 2ronment.The development of evolut ionary psychology has some significance and limitations as well.I ts significance is that its develop 2ment consists with the development of the contemporary science;its research stimulates the thinking about the human mind and hu 2man nature.Its limitat ion is that it has the tendency of hereditary determationi sm;its methodology has some defects such as the ne 2glect of the significance of culture for evolution.
Key words:evolutionar y psychology,basic principle,evaluation 238 心 理 科 学 第27卷