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The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed雷电和阳光,
Free hearts, free foreheads—you and I are old; 并用自由的心与头颅来抗争,——
Old age hath yet his honour and his toil; 你们和我都已老了,但老年
Critical Realism
• in the 1840s and the early 1850s
• giving the criticism to bourgeoisie and all ruling classes, and showing their deep sympathy for the common people
2.Much of his verse was based on classical mythologicalthemes
3.Tennyson also wrote some notable blank verse:" Idylls of the King", "Ulysses", and "Tithonus".
There gloom the dark broad seas. My mariners 大海沉沉,朦胧一片。我的水手们——
Souls that have toil'd, and wrought, and thought with me— 与我同辛劳、同工作、同思想的人
That ever with a frolic welcome took 他们总是高高兴兴去迎接
• did not find a way to eradicate social evils.unable to find a good solution to the social contradictions
• the chief tendency in their works is not of revolution but rather of reformism.
Leabharlann Baidu
Novelists and Novels
eakness of critical realism. Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
1.He is one of the greatest critical realist writers of the Victorian Age 2.His works are intended to expose and criticize all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruptness of the 19th-century England, particularly London. 3. All his works are characterized by a mingling of humor and pathos
Poets and Poetry
Alfred Tennyson(1809 –1892)
1.excelled at penning short lyrics: "In the valley of Cauteretz", "Break, break, break", "The Charge of the Light Brigade", "Tears, idle tears" and "Crossing the Bar".
English Literature —Victorian Period
成员:刘薇 罗若晨 伍昕宇 蔡乔伊
The Victorian Period(1836-1901)
• Introduction of the Victorian Period • Critical Realism(批判现实主义) • Neo-Romanticism (新浪漫主义) • Aestheticism (唯美主义)
• Last Period (1880—1902), a time characterized by decay of Victorian values (e.g. Self-control, family loyalty, thrift, hard work, etc)
• Chartist Movement (1836-1848)
major works
A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》 David Copperfield 《大卫·科波菲尔》 Dombey and Son《董贝父子》 Great Expectations 《远大前程》 Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》 Hard Times 《艰难时世》 The Old Curiosity Shop 《老古玩店》 Pickwick Papers 《匹克威克外传》
4.During his career, Tennyson attempted drama, but his plays enjoyed little success in his lifetime.
Here lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail 海港就在那边,船儿已经扬帆,
Introduction of the Victorian Period
• The early Victorian Period (1832--1854), the time of troubles
• The Reform Bill & Chartism Mid Victorian Period (1855—1879), a time of economic prospering, highest point of development as a world power
Death closes all: but something ere the end, 仍有老年的荣誉、老年的辛劳;
Some work of noble note, may yet be done, 死亡终结一切,但在终点前
Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods.