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汽车防盗报警器外文翻译参考文献 汽车防盗报警器外文翻译参考文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 翻译: 汽车防盗报警器 目前汽车是人类最为主要的交通工具,也是现代文明的标志。世界上每年汽车销售量超过6000万辆,保有量超过4 亿。使用的车辆越多,随之而来的交通事故以及被盗的汽车量也越来越多,造成了人员伤亡和经济财产损失。人们对车辆的使用性能和防盗性能提出了更高的要求。汽车安全已经成为一个重要的社会性问题。为了减少汽车事故的发生,让拥有汽车的用户保有安全感,研制出一种操作方便而又简单可靠,能自动检测汽车各部分安全状况,如果发现不正常情况能给司机给予报警提醒和防盗报警的安全系统,具有非常实际的意义。 汽车价值很高,伴随着汽车数量不断增加,汽车已经成为盗窃者的重点盗窃目标,汽车被偷也已成为当今社会普遍关注和急需解决的大问题。目前,各种汽车防盗方式和产品不断更新,尽管车门和车辆引擎已经安装了防盗机械锁,但是 汽车防盗报警器外文翻译参考文献 盗徒用万能钥匙可不用吹灰之力把车门打开将车开走,所以汽车防盗问题仍然没有完全解决。如今社会的汽车防盗有以下几种方式: 一是机械防盗,主要原理是用锁锁住汽车上的某一部位,使其不能发挥应有的作用。现有如下几种防盗方式:变速器档把锁、方向盘锁、制动踏板锁、离合踏板锁等,相应带来的麻烦是机械锁体积大,车主同时要随身多带一把钥匙。而且破解的手段很多,由于核心终究是一把锁,这就难不住溜门撬锁之徒。更难不住如液压剪之类的大型偷车手段;不小心再把钥匙丢了等等也是汽车被盗的可能性之一。 二是电子防盗,这是目前汽车市场上最为常用的防盗措施。启动防盗系统便可将点火线圈和供油回路切断,只有在解锁钥匙的控制下才能将防盗正常解除。这类防盗产品种类繁多。国内外大部分小轿车在出厂时便已经配置了钥匙芯片防盗系统。这是利用钥匙中的芯片发射无线电与本车的ECU接通后就能启动汽车发动机。除此之外还有声光报警系统,汽车仪表盘上装有一种发光二极管,既可以让车主知道系统工作状态,同时也可以对窥探车内的偷车贼起到精神上的压力作用。当汽车因为外力而发生震动或者车门、后盖、前盖被强行打开时,系统会发出报警声,以阻吓盗车者。更有一种双向报警系统,这比一般的发光和声音报警系统多一个能够通知车主的功能,当汽车遭到外界影响时,人在附近的车主就能通过随身携带的一种液晶显示钥匙知道汽车现在的状态。


家庭环境监测系统 ——火灾监测系统课程设计实验报告 一课程设计的目的 本次课程设计的目的有:1 锻炼学生独立进行单片机系统设计的能力,通过从硬件到软件,从模块采购到整个系统的调试这些过程,让学生能够较为真实的体会到单片机系统的研发设计过程,为今后学生进行更为复杂的系统研发打下一定的基础。2 培养学生从实际生活中发现问题并且解决问题的能力,是学生的思想不再局限于课本的理论,让学生能够真正的去现实生活中去寻找问题,并运用自己学过的知识去解决问题,开阔眼界,为将来走上工作岗位提供必要的知识。二课程设计的内容 本次课程设计目的是设计一个家庭火灾报警系统,本方案设计的消防报警和联动控制系统基于51单片机控制的,由多种火灾探测器联合进行检测报警的系统。该系统是生命财产安全的忠实卫士和智能大厦的保卫者,它可以避免由于火灾而造成的巨大经济损失,在火灾初期就可以人为地预防由于火灾造成的一些不必要的损失,使生命财产受到安全的保护。它广泛用于生命安全,紧急信号,防爆防火等各类场所。可保证该系统在未来数年内保持世界领先水平。 一套先进可靠的火灾报警系统可以有效的避免或降低由于火灾而引起的生命财产损失。同时几乎为零的误报率,运行的极其安全稳定,先进的可再生功能也可减少大厦的物业管理工作。本方案即是针对本项目的特点而设计的。 1 火灾报警系统简介 1.1火灾自动报警系统概述 火灾自动报警系统能够在火灾初期,将燃烧产生的烟雾、热量和火焰辐射等物理量,通过感温、感烟和感光等火灾探测器变成电信号,传输到火灾报警控制器,并及时发出报警信号。 火灾自动报警系统的组成形式多种多样,它的发展目前可分为三个阶段 1 多线制开关量式火灾探测报警系统。这是第一代产品,目前国内极少数厂家生产外,它基本上已处于被淘汰状态。 2 总线制可寻址开关量式火灾探测报警系统。这是第二代产品,尤其式二总线制开关量式探测报警系统目前正被大量使用。


外文文献原稿和译文 原稿 Multiple single-chip microcomputer approach to fire detection and monitoring system A.J. AI-Khalili, MSc, PhD D. AI-Khalili, MSc, PhD M.S. Khassem, MSc Indexing term : Hazards, Design, Plant condition monitoring Abstract: A complete system for fire detection and alarm monitoring has been proposed for complex plants. The system uses multiple single chip architecture attached to a party line. The control algorithm is based on a two-level hierarchy of decision making, thus the complexity is distributed. A complete circuit diagram is given for the local and the central station with requirements for the software structure. The design is kept in general form such that it can be adapted to a multitude of plant configurations. It is particularly shown how new developments in technology, especially CMOS single chip devices, are incorporated in the system design to reduce the complexity of the overall hardware, e.g. by decomposing the system such that lower levels of hierarchy are able to have some autonomy in decision making, and thus a more complex decision is solved in a simple distributed method. 1 Detection and alarm devices A basic fire detection system consists of two parts, detectionand annunciation. An automatic detection device, such as a heat, smoke or flame detector, ultraviolet


Based on monolithic integrated circuit automobile security alarm system design Abstract:Decodes the automobile security system using them on litchis integrated circuit interior resources realization jump code, it each time uses the remote control password all is changing, both enhanced the system security, and greatly reduced the cost. Keyword: Monolithic integrated circuit, Automobile security system , Code/decode Introduction Is unceasingly progressive along with the social economy and the high tech rapid development, in the routine work and the life, the automobile has become the people ideal transportation vehicle. But the following motor vehicle the case which robbed gradually is also in creased has created the pilot economical property loss. In order tore duce the automobile to rob the event the formation rate, for has the automobile the user to provide the safety control, simply develops one kind to be reliable, the ease of operation, can send out in the discovery normal condition to the pilot reports to the police the reminder and the security warning safety system has the practical significance. This article based on to the existing automobile security alarm system generalized analysis, develops one kind of brand-new security alarm system. This system has mainly used the jump code code/decoding principle, causes the overall system to be safer, greatly reduces password explaining rate. 1. System principle of work The automobile security alarm system the remote control which carries by the driver and installs in the automobile the controller two parts composes. The remote control and the controller all use eight CMOS which American AT-MEL Corporation produces the A VR monolithic integrated circuit, this series monolithic integrated circuit based on new simplifies instruction R the ISC structure, includes the service life most to be few is 1,000 time writes/scratches the circulation the Flash program memory, as well as the service life at least is 100,000time writes/scratches the circulation E the EPROM data-carrier storage, some 2 only have when the entire piece


Automatic fire alarm system based on MCU Abstract: The paper introduced an automatic warehouse fire a1arm system based on MCU. The system was mainly made up of ATmega16, temperature sensors, smoke sensors, and EX-1 auto dialed alarm module. In the system, temperature signals were transformed to serial data, and smoke signals were transformed to voltage signals. All the data were processed by MCU. When the surveillance system checked fire in warehouse, alarm signal was turn on, meanwhile the messages were transmitted to managers through EX-1. Application of the system was convenient to deal with fire in-time, efficiently by warehouse manager. Keywords: fire alarm transducer;smoke sensor system;ATmega16;temperature transducer;smoke sensor I. INTRODUCTION Automatic fire alarm control system has experienced a process from the simple to the complex and intelligence system increasingly in China. The characteristic is automatic fire detection and alarm technology has a great progress along with computing and detection technology development. At present, automatic fire alarm control system was used in bulk storage plant, shopping malls, high-level office buildings, hotels and other places. They were used in a number of collections focused on one area of intelligent alarm control method with higher levels of bus-type alarm control system, and in some residential areas and commercial buildings were installed by a single automatic fire alarm detection device. These alarm detection devices fail to report sometimes, or misinformation. Its reliability is not high because of using single sensor. Therefore, it is needed to develop a simple structure, low cost, high reliability, fast responding, automatic fire detection system. II. GENERAL PROJECT OF THE SYSTEM The hardware block diagram shown in Figure 1, hardware by temperature sensors, smoke sensors, signal processing module, MCU modules and automatic alarm module. Non electrical quantity that is through the sensing element sensors (smoke sensors and temperature sensors) will be on-site temperature, smoke and other non-electrical signal into an electrical signal, as well as signals for signal processing to convert


职业健康和安全问题,董事会:董事刑事处罚公司的缺乏安全 摘要提取物:董事会为公司的整体战略方向。一般董事不要求参与公司的日常管理。在最近的修正职业健康和安全(“安全”)的法律,董事的职责已经扩大。董事会现在有为了确保公司不违反法定职责职业健康安全标准。如果公司没有履行他们的职业健康安全职责,那么董事会面临罚款。如果一个人是因为他们公司的违约造成安全,然后董事会面临监禁了20年。实施这些实质性的处罚董事会的目的在于提高企业遵守职业健康安全标准。本文概述了程度董事责任。该政策是否控股董事职责结果OHS安全工作场所责任还有待观察。 关键词职业健康安全,职业健康,安全,董事,处罚 景区简介董事会为公司的整体战略方向。一般董事不需要参与一天到一天‐‐企业管理。随着最近修订的职业健康和安全(“安全”)的法律,董事的职责已经扩大。董事会必须确保公司不违反法定职责职业健康安全标准。如果公司不履行职业健康安全职责,然后董事会面临罚款。如果一个人是因为他们公司的安全了违约,然后董事会面临监禁了20年。征收这些实质性的处罚的目的是增加公司董事与职业健康与安全标准 的符合性。本文概述了董事会的程度负债。该政策是否董事职业健康与安全责任在安全工作场所的结果仍有待观察。 职业健康和安全法

增加工作场所的安全,大多数澳大利亚司法管辖区已引进职业健康安全(OHS)施加惩罚性制裁的职责直接对董事会和公司的管理人员。1昆士兰,2南威尔士,3南澳大利亚,4塔斯马尼亚,5和所有西方australia6 victoria7对OHS义务的企业个人军官。的在董事义务是非常高的。如果导演是无关紧要的未日为‐‐该公司的日常运作。职业健康安全职责重视企业的活动,而不是导演的领域影响。这意味着一个与国际米兰‐管辖公司董事操作可以在悉尼承担违约责任,即使导演根据黄金海岸。在健康和安全主管刑事处罚例如,在总监Ken库马尔V欧文斯集装箱服务澳大利亚有限公司被起诉的公司工作,除其他外,对欧文斯集团的首席执行官公司,未能在新南威尔士州履行义务职业健康安全立法。8员工欧文斯集装箱服务澳大利亚有限公司使用可燃性清洗剂罐中的工作。剂引起的爆炸造成员工。澳大利亚欧文斯集装箱服务公司是欧文斯的公司集团的一部分,由当时的约30家公司分布在澳大利亚,斐济和新西兰。基于新西兰欧文斯集团董事首席执行官声称他花了大约一天到一个月的欧文斯容器相关的问题服务澳大利亚有限公司尽管如此,发现了首席执行官Haylen [J].被发现死亡的雇员承担足够的控制。 董事会承担即使他们的官船没有责任职业健康安全。在新南威尔士州的工作保障机构(检查员贝莱)V阿克曼‐Apache(联合合资)有限公司,乔纳森-赫伯特和约翰琳赛沃克有当时一个员工在悉尼合资公司三名董事致命伤。9负责职业健康安全有保证安全政策到位;然而,员工没有按照政策引起死亡。事故发生时,主管负责职业健康安全是美国的


智能家居的安防控制系统设计文献综述 摘要:随着我国经济的快速发展,生活水平的不断提高,人们对居家的概念已从最初满足简单的居住功能发展到注重对住宅的人性化需求。安全、舒适、快捷、方便的智能小区,已成为住宅发展的主流趋势,其中,安全性是首要目标。智能小区安全性的实现,除了人为的因素外,主要依靠小区的智能化安全防范系统。 关键词:智能小区/住宅/安防系统 为了完成本次毕业设计,我通过学校图书馆和网络资源查阅了大量的有关智能家居的安防控制系统设计方面的中外文献,这些文献为我本次毕业设计提供了很多帮助,以下这些文献就是我在本次毕业论文书写过程中所用到的参考文献,现将其列举如下: 文献[1]以保障安全为目的而建立起来的技术防范系统,称为安全防范系统。它包括以现代物理和电子技术及时发现侵入破坏行为、产生声光报警阻吓罪犯、实录事发现场图像和声音提供破案凭证,以及提醒值班人员采取适当的物理防范措施的各种设备。智能小区安全防范系统的设置应遵循以下原则: 应根据智能小区内保护对象的风险等级,确定相应的防护级别,满足小区全面防护和局部纵深防护的设计要求,以达到所要求的安全防范水平。 应根据智能小区的建设标准、使用功能及安全防范管理的需要,综合运用电子信息技术、计算机网络技术、传感检测技术、安全防范技术等,形成先进、可靠、经济、适用的安全防范技术体系。 文献[2]智能小区安全防范系统的系统设计及其各子系统的配置,须遵照国家相关安全防范技术规程及智能化居住小区的规范、标准,并坚持以人为本的原则。系统的集成应以结构化、模块化、规范化的方式来实现,应能适应工程建设发展和技术发展的需要。 文献[3]智能小区一般通过在小区周界、重点部位与住户室内安装安全防范装置,并由小区物业管理中心统一管理,来提高小区的安全防范水平。小区的智能化安全防范系统,主要由下列子系统构成。 住户室内安装家庭防盗或紧急求助报警装置,与小区物业管理中心计算机系统联


外文翻译 标题:Design and Development of a Smart Auto Intruder Alarm System with GSM Network 中文译名:基于GSM网络的智能汽车防盗报警系统的设计与开发 作者:M.Ehikhamenle, B.O. Omijeh 日期:2016年 出处:Ehikhamenle M, Omijeh BO. Design and Development of a Smart Auto Intruder Alarm System with GSM Network [J]. IJIRCCE, 2016, 4(12): 20588-20597. 分为2部分: 第一部分为外文原文 第二部分为中文译文

Design and Development of a SmartAutoIntruder Alarm System withGSMNetwork M.E h ikhamenle1, B.O.Omijeh1 Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Rivers State,Nigeria1’ ABSTRACT:Thisprojectisbasedonthedesignandconstructionofanintruderdetectingandalertingsystem.This wasachievedusinganAT89C52microcontrollerforthecontroloftheothercomponent,aSIM900-GSMmodulethat communicatesbetweenthehomeownerphoneandthePIRsensor(motionsensor).TheinterfacingbetweentheGSM module and the microcontroller was achieved using an IC called MAX232 (this IC converts TTL voltage level (+5V)to RS232 voltage level (plus minus 7.5V) vice versa) and the microcontroller was programmed using assemblylanguage. At the end of this project we were able to design and construct a device that is not only cheap but efficient.We overcometheproblemoffalsealarmbyusingaPIRsensor(passiveinfrared:thissensoronlyrespondtoinfrared emitted from the human body and animals) and after testing, the microcontroller responded to the information sentby the PIR sensor and in the occurrence of intrusion send an alert message to the home owner as well sounding an alarmto alert the neighbours using abuzzer. KEYWORDS; Intruder Detecting, G S M Module, P.I.R.Sensor I.INTRODUCTION Security is a prime concern in our day-to-day life. Everyone wants to be as much secure as possible. In recent timesthe world has experienced an exponential increase in the rate of crime. Criminals break into houses on a daily basisaround the world carting with huge amount of money and precious items. Sensitive and confidential documents, materialsand equipmentbycorporationareconstantlydeclaredmissingfromwheretheyarekept.Sothereisaneedtoprovidea device that can detect unauthorized persons in anenvironment. In a network or a system, any kind of unauthorized or unapproved activities are called intrusions. An IntruderDetection System (IDS) is a collection of the tools, methods, and resources to help identify, assess, and reportintrusions. Intrusion detection is typically one part of an overall protection system that is installed around a system or device andit is not a stand-alone protection measure (Ngad, 2008). In (Zhang et el, 2003), intrusion is defined as: “any set ofactions that attempt to compromise the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of a resource” and intrusionprevention techniques (such as encryption, authentication, access control, secure routing, etc.) are presented as the first lineof defense againstintrusions. However, as in any kind of security system, intrusions cannot be totally prevented. The intrusion and compromise ofa node leads to confidential information such as security keys being revealed to the intruders. This results in the failureof the preventive security mechanism. Therefore, IDSs are designed to reveal intrusions, before they can disclosethe secured system resources. IDSs are always considered as a second wall of defense from the security point of view. IDSs are cyberspace equivalent of the burglar alarms that are being used in physical security systems today (Patchaand Park, 2007). As mentioned in (Zhang et el, 2003), the expected operational requirement of IDSs is given as: “lowfalse positiverate,calculatedasthepercentageofnormalcyvariationsdetectedasanomalies,andhightruepositiverate, calculated as the percentage of anomaliesdetected”.


廿世纪八十年代以来,国外火灾自动报警技术有了突飞猛进的发展,出现了由低级向高级、由低效向高效和非智能化向智能化方向发展的趋势。根据我国火灾自动报警技术发展的需要,笔者于1999年编写了《国外火灾自动报警技术发展概况与发展趋势研究报告》,重点论述了廿世纪八十年代初至九十年代末期间国外火灾自动报警技术的发展概况与发展趋势。由于报告自编写以来,一直未公开发表,现作为1999版研究报告对外发表。 笔者拟於2008年续写廿一世纪以来的国外火灾自动报警技术发展概况与发展趋势研究报告,并将作为2008版研究报告对外发表。 一、国外火灾自动报警技术的发展 廿世纪八十年代至九十年代,随着经济建设和半导体、微电子、光电、计算机和信息等科学技术的迅速发展,国外火灾自动报警技术以市场为导向,以应用高新技术为先导,以减少误报率、提高可靠性、灵敏度和扩大探测范围为根本目的,在开展基础理论和应用技术研究、老产品技术改造、新产品开发、标准和规范制修订、产品质量认证和检验、系统设计安装和维护、扩大应用范围和提高应用效益等方面,都有了很大的发展,出现了许多新产品、新技术,使火灾自动探测报警系统从火灾探测、报警传输、信号处理、报警控制显示到与其他系统联动等一系列功能和可靠性大大提高、完善,大大减少误报率,大大增强人们预防现代化各种火灾的能力,为保卫人类生命,财产防火安全发挥了重要作用,成为现代消防技术中的一种必不可少、具有广阔发展前途的前言消防领先技术和手段。 目前,国外普遍采用的火灾自动报警技术,主要有两种。一种是非智能火灾自动报警技术,包括嫁接新技术的老式或传统火灾自动报警技术,七十年代末出现的可寻址火灾自动报警技术和八十年代初期出现的模拟量可寻址火灾自动报警技术,这些技术尽管高技术含量少,但由于成本低,能满足众多小型民用和商业防火保护需要,而被许多国家广泛应用。另一种是代表现代化火灾自动报警技术发展水平和发展趋势的智能火灾自动报警技术,包括从八十年代中期开始发

火灾报警 英文文献

本科毕业设计(论文) 中英文对照翻译 院(系部)机械与动力工程学院 专业名称测控技术与仪器 年级班级 学生姓名 指导老师 2012年6月8日

The Fire Auto-alarm System Design Fire control work shall follow the policy of devoting major efforts into prevention and combining fire prevention with fire fighting, and shall adhere to the principle of combining the efforts of both specialized organizations and the masses and carry out responsibility system on fire prevention and safety. The State Council shall led and the people's governments at all levels be responsible for fire control work. The people's government at all levels shall bring fire control work in line with the national economy and social development plan, and ensure that fire control work fit in with the economic construction and social development. The public security department of the State Council shall. Monitor and administer the nationwide fire control work; the public security organs of local people's governments above county level shall monitor and administer the fire control work within their administrative region and the fire control institutions of public security organs of the people's government at the same level shall be responsible for the implementation. Along with the our country economic development rapid development, the lives of the people level unceasing enhancement, the city uses to be day by day anxious, urges the building to face the direction is developing. This kind of high level civil construction repair needed materials and the way also more hasten the diversification, and along with uses electricity the load and coal gas consumption quantity enlarging. Proposed to the fire auto-alarm system design is higher, a stricter request. In order to guarantee the people life and property the security, the fire auto-alarm system design has become in the high level civil construction design one of most important design contents. The establishment of the monitoring role of the author about the fire alarm systems in the design of tall buildings on the basis of experience, it is proposed that details of the relevant national standards and standards is not clear simple views through group discussion and point out the error. First, design basis The fire auto-alarm system design is a specialized very strong technology work, at the same time also has the very strong policy-type. Therefore, first should be clear about the following design basis: 1st, must grasp the architectural design fire protection standard, the system design standard, the equipment manufacture standard, the installment construction approval standard


摘要 随着社会的进步和科学的发展,人们的工作、生活和通讯、信息的关系日益紧密。信息化社会在改变人们生活方式与工作习惯的同时,也对传统的住宅提出了挑战,社会、技术以及经济的进步更使人们的观念随之巨变。人们对家居的要求早已不只是物理空间,更为关注的是一个安全、方便、舒适的居家环境。 为了创造一个安全的居家环境,报警器便是必不可少的工具。现在市场上主要有压力触发式防盗报警器、开关电子防盗报警器和压力遮光触发式防盗报警器等各种报警器,但这几种比较常见的报警器都存在一些缺点。所以本设计采用了热释电红外传感器,它的制作简单、成本低,安装比较方便,而且防盗性能比较稳定,抗干扰能力强、灵敏度高、安全可靠。 本系统包括硬件和软件设计两个部分。硬件部分包括单片机控制电路、红外探头电路、驱动执行报警电路等部分组成。处理器采用51系列单片机STC89C51。整个系统是在系统软件控制下工作的。 关键词:红外报警器;STC89C51;单片机;红外传感器

Abstract With the social progress and the development of science, the way people work, live and communications, and information about the relationship between the increasingly close. The information society is changing the way people live and work habits while also traditional residential challenges, social, technological and economic progress to the mindset of the people followed changes. The home has long been not only the physical space, more attention is a safe, convenient and comfortable living environment.In order to create a safe home environment, the alarm is an essential tool. Market pressure triggered the anti-theft alarm, the switching electronic anti-theft alarm and pressure blackout triggered burglar alarm alarm, but several of the more common alarm, there are some drawbacks. This design uses a pyroelectric infrared sensor, it create a simple, low-cost, more convenient to install, and anti-theft performance is relatively stable, strong anti-interference ability, high sensitivity, safe and reliable.The system includes both hardware and software design. The hardware part includes the MCU control circuit, infrared probe circuit to drive the implementation of the alarm circuit parts. The processor uses 51 series microcontroller STC89C51. The whole system is working under the control of the system software. Keywords:infrared alarm; STC89C51; microcontroller; infrared sensor
