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最终,设计出的光学系统的焦距为80mm,入瞳孔径是90mm,视场角为40,视场在00,0.7070,1.4140,20弥散斑大小分别为13.289um,14.711um,20.797um,34.094um, MTF值在100lp/mm分别为0.7,0.7, 满足弥散斑直径小于400um,MTF在100 lp/mm大于0.3的技术指标,最终设计的光学系统达到了设计要求。


Laser Doppler radar optical receiver system design


Laser Doppler radar can do positioning, velocity, ranging using the Doppler effects.It includes the laser transmitter, optical receiver, turntable and information processing systems, in which the optical receiving system is one of the important components of the laser Doppler radar.The image quality of optical receiver system directly determines the performance of the laser Doppler radar.

A relative aperture of the D / f = 1.125, field of view of ± 20 laser Doppler radar optical receiver system is designed,Through comparing and choosing the program the refraction system is selected as the structure of the receiving system author use the ZEMAX software doing analog design.First the initial structural parameters are inputted to the ZEMAX software.And then do aberration correction through the curved lens group as a whole making the system of spherical aberration, coma, astigmatism, field curvature and distortion which is reduced to a smaller value. Finally, author use the software automatically optimize procedures, an imaging optical system is generated which quality meet the requirements

Ultimately, author design an optical system whose focal length is 80mm, the relative aperture is 90mm and the field of view is20. The diffuse spot size is 13.289um in the field of 00 The diffuse spot size is 14.711um in the field of 0.7070 The diffuse spot size is 20.797um in the field of 1.4140 The diffuse spot size is 34.094um in the field 20.MTF values is 0.7 at 100lp/mm in the field of 00 and 0.7070,.MTF values is 0.6 at 100lp/mm in the field of 1.4140. MTF values is 0.5at 100lp/mm in the field of 20.MTF at 100 lp / mm is greater than 0.3 of the technical indicators and the diffuse spot size meet the diffuse spot diameter of less than 400um.

Key words : Laser Doppler radar Optical receiver system; optimization; optical design; Zemax


中文摘要 ................................................................................................. (I)英文摘要 ................................................................................................ (II) 1 绪论 (1)

1.1前言 (1)

1.2国内外相关技术及发展概况 (1)

1.3本课题的主要研究内容 (3)

2 像差分析和像质评价方式 (4)

2.1像差概述 (4)

2.2几何像差 (4)

2.2.1球差 (4)

2.2.2 彗差 (5)

2.2.3 象散和场曲 (6)

2.2.4 畸变 (6)

2.2.5 色差 (7)

2.3像质的评价 (8)

3 光学接收系统的设计 (10)

3.1典型的激光多普勒雷达及其工作原理 (10)

3.1.1典型的相干探测方式 (10)

3.1.2典型的非相干探测方式 (10)

3.2物镜的选取 (12)

3.3初始结构的确定 (13)

3.3.1 系统数据的输入 (14)

3.3.2光学系统的透镜数据输入 (17)

3.4像差校正 (21)

3.5系统优化 (24)

4 公差分析和图纸绘制 (30)

4.1光学系统公差的制定方法和原则 (30)

4.2公差分析 (30)

4.3光学零件图的标注 (31)

4.4总结 (35)
