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Book 5 Unit 1 Great scientists 基础落实
Ⅰ.词汇与派生 1.scientific [ saIən′tIfIk] adj.科学的
2. infect [In′fekt] vt.传染,感染;影响→
infected adj.感染的
3.attend [ə′tend] vt.出席;参加;照料 4.conclude [kən′kluːd] v.推断出;结束→
put away把„„放好;put up举起,升起;put on穿上 (衣服);上演;put together把„„放在一起。由题意知 选 A。
2. A woman, who had moved away from Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day. (教材原句) Alexander tried to get his work________in the medical D circles. (2010· 辽宁,35) A.to recognize C.recognize B.recognizing D.recognized
句意为: 亚历山大努力想让他的工作在医学领域得到
认可。 get/have sth.done 为固定用法, 意为“使某事被„„”, sth.与 done 之间为被动关系。 故选 D。 此处 recognize 意为“认 可,赏识”。
Ⅴ.单元知识活用 翻译句子 1.在我们社区,由于居民粗心,导致几起盗窃事件。 (contribute to)
The carelessness of the residents in our
community contributed to a few cases
of burglary.
2.我们得出结论,每天外出或睡觉前应关窗锁门。(draw a conclusion)
We drew a conclusion that we should close the window and lock the door every day before going out or going to bed.
重点单词 1.attend vt .出席,参加;上(学);到场;照料,护理 attend a meeting/wedding/lecture/movie 参加会议/出 席婚礼/听演讲/看电影
attend school/class/church 上学/上课/上教堂
attend on/upon sb.侍候某人,照顾某人 attend to 处理;对付;照料
16. reject [rI′dʒekt] vt.拒绝;抛弃 17. pollute [pə′luːt] vt.污染→ pollution n.污染 18. positive [′pɒzətIv] adj.积极的,肯定的 19.analysis [ə′næləsIs] n.分析→ analyses (复数) 20. expert [′ekspɜːt] adj.熟练的;内行的;n.专家,行家 语境助记——词不离句,句不离段 From the scientific analysis,the experts who attend the meeting conclude that it is really a challenge to cure these infected patients.They announce they will be positive and enthusiastic about making contributions to it.
I didn’t know the fact until I read your letter.
4.To prevent this from happening again,John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.为防止这种情况再度发生,约翰· 斯诺建议所 有水源都要经过检测。 句式分析 suggest (to sb.) that...意为“(向某人)建 议„„”;此时that从句中的谓语动词要用“should+ 动词原形”形式,should可以省略。 句式仿写 in school. 他向我们建议应在学校里建一座实验室。 He suggested to us that a lab (should) be built
Ⅱ.短语与拓展 1.put forward 提出 come upwith 想出,拿出(方案) 2.draw a conclusion 得出结论
in conclusion 最后,总之
3.expose... to ...使暴露于„„中 4.come to an end 结束 put an end to 废除;终止 5.apart from 除„„之外;此外 except for 除去
The security personnel should be strict
with anyone that comes into the community.
5.如果我们共同努力,杜绝粗心,盗窃事件将不会发生。 (cure sb.of sth.)
If we make common efforts and cure
6.lead to 导致,造成(后果);通往 result in 导致 7.look into调查 8. in addition 也;另外 in addition to 除„„之外(还) 9.make sense 有意义;讲得通 make sense of 弄懂 10.link... to ...将„„和„„联系或连接起来
Ⅳ.高考源于教材 1.Who put forward a theory about black holes? (教材原句) My mother opened the drawer to________the knives A and spoons. A.put away C.put on B.put up D.put together (2010· 全国Ⅱ,8)
Ⅲ.句式与运用 1.Do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research?你知道如何用科学的研究方式来证明一个新 观点吗? 句式分析 句式仿写 “疑问词+不定式”结构作宾语,此结构在 他们还没有决定在哪里开会。 句中还可以作主语、表语、状语等。
3.He knew that cholera would never be controlled until its cause was found.他知道,在找到病源之前,霍乱疫情是 无法控制的。 句式分析 作的开始。 句式仿写 读了你的来信,我才知道真实的情况。 never...until...意为“直到„„才”,强调动
9.instruct [In′strʌkt] vt.命令;通知;教导 10. absorb [əb′zɔːb] vt.吸收;吸引;使专心 11.defeat [dI′fiːt] vt.& n.打败,战胜;使受挫;失败 12.cure [kjʊə] n.& vt.治愈;痊愈;治疗 13. challenge [′tʃælIndʒ] n.& vt.挑战;向„„挑战 14.contribute [kən′trIbjuːt] v.捐献;贡献→ contribution n.贡献 15.construct [kən′strʌkt] vt.建设;修建→
us of carelessness,burglary will neΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduer happen again.
连句成篇——用适当的关联词或句将上述句子连接成文 Recently , the carelessness of the residents in our community contributed to a few cases of burglary.We talked it over with each other and drew a conclusion that we should close the window and lock the door every day before going out or going to bed.Apart from this,if we are out for a long time,ask our neighbours to look after our house.Finally, the security personnel should be strict with anyone that comes into our community.We are sure that if we make common efforts and cure us of carelessness,burglary will never happen again.
attend,join,join in,take part in 上学、听报告等。
(1)attend 表示出席或参加会议、 仪式、 典礼; 也可表示上课、 (2)join 表示加入某一组织,并成为其中的一员,如:加入党 派、组织、社团、俱乐部等。其宾语也可以是人。 (3)join in 表示参加正在进行的活动,也可用于 join sb. in (doing) sth.表示加入某人一起做某事。 (4)take part in 表示参加活动,侧重说明主语参加并发挥一 定的作用,part 前若有修饰语,要用不定冠词。
They haven’t decided where to hold
the meeting.
2.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.每次爆发霍乱时, 都有大批惊恐的 老百姓病死。 句式分析 every time 意为“每当„„”, 引导一个时间 状语从句,相当于 whenever。 句式仿写 每次我去看她,她都在看书。 Every time I went to see her ,she was reading books.
(1)Recently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. (2010· 四川,完形填空) 最近,我飞往拉斯维加斯参加了一个会议。 (2)The patients are well attended on in the hospital. 病人在医院里得到很好的照料。 (3)Could you attend to this matter immediately? 你能不能立刻处理这件事?
3.此外,如果长时间外出,让邻居帮你照看房子。(apart from)
Apart from this,if you are out for a long time,ask your neighbours to look after your house.
4.保安应严格检查进入社区的任何人员。(be strict with)
一言辨异 He has attended all the lectures and joined the other members in taking part in all the activities given by the organization since he joined it.
conclusion n.结论
5. expose [Ik′spəʊz] vt.暴露;揭发;曝光
6.blame [′bleIm] vt.指责;n.过失,责备 7. announce [ə′naʊns] vt.宣布,宣告;声称 8.enthusiastic [In θjuːzI′æstIk] adj.热情的