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1. Playing with robot is unusual experience for me.

A. an, an

B. a, an

C. the, a

D. a, a

2. –What’s the matter Jenny?

--She can’t find the ticket the concert.

A. with, to

B. to, of

C. for, for

D. at, of

3. –What will your son be in ten years?

--An . He dreams of flying to the moon one day.

A. actor

B. athlete

C. engineer

D. astronaut

4. –It’s sunny. Why not go swimming with me? -- .

A. Best wishes

B. Sounds great

C. Bad luck

D. You’re welcome

5. -- jacket do you like better, the blue one or the red one?

--The blue one.

A. Why

B. How

C. Who

D. Which

6. –What a beautiful dress! How much did you for it?

--100 yuan.

A. take

B. cost

C. pay

D. spend

7. The plane will at three o’clock. You must arrive at the airport at about two o’clock.

A. get up

B. keep out

C. take off

D. come in

8. John fell asleep he was listening to music.

A. while

B. before

C. and

D. because

9. There are many trees on sides of the street. They’re tall and green.

A. every

B. either

C. all

D. both

10. –I can’t find Mr. Black. Where is he?

--Sorry. I don’t know. Maybe you should .

A. call up him

B. call him up

C. call up he

D. call he up

11. –There will be air pollution if there are people driving.

--But there are more and more cars in the street.

A. less, less

B. fewer, fewer

C. less, less

D. fewer, less

12. What while you were doing housework last night?

A. happened

B. is happening

C. happens

D. will happen

13. –Did you see a girl in red pass by just now?

--No, sir. I a newspaper.

A. read

B. am reading

C. was reading

D. will read

14. –Is Lucy easy to get on with?

--No, I don’t think so. She is not outgoing her sister Lily.

A. so, that

B. so, to

C. as, that

D. as, as

15. -- ? –You should buy a new pair.

A. I don’t have enough money

B. I argued with my sister

C. My shoes are out of style

D. My brother plays his CDs too loud

16. Can you come to my house Saturday evening my party?

A. on, with

B. on, for

C. in, for

D. in, with

17. Though her family was very , her parents tried to make

her live a happy life.

A. kind

B. well

C. poor

D. low

18. –Could I speak to Mr. Brown?

--Sorry. And I can’t take a for him. He moved last week.

A. report

B. result

C. speech

D. message

19. –When does your father usually home from work?

--At half past six.

A. return

B. find

C. leave

D. make

20. I’ll take the kids to see a film I can come back before Sunday.

A. if

B. however

C. or

D. while

21. I don’t think Tony wrote the article by himself. I think he

it from a book.

A. bought

B. sent

C. copied

D. called

22. There are many people at the subway station. It’s crowded.

A. too much

B. much too

C. too many

D. many too

23. Some of the singers think that being famous will them

happy and rich.

A. become

B. make

C. drive

D. help

24. –Can I your dictionary? –Sorry, I it at home.

A. lend, left

B. borrow, left

C. lend, forgot

D. borrow, forgot

25. He stay at home and study for the exam because this exam

is very important for him.

A. supposed

B. supposed

C. is supposed

D. is supposed to

26. –When is a good time the party? –Let’s have it today.

A. have

B. has

C. to have

D. had

27. My uncle said he for Shanghai two days later.

A. would leave

B. is leaving

C. leaves

D. will leave

28. If Tom go to school tomorrow, he be able to take the exam.

A. doesn’t, doesn’t

B. won’t, doesn’t

C. doesn’t, won’t

D. won’t, won’t

29. My mother said that she come to my birthday party

because she had an important meeting.

A. couldn’t

B. mustn’t

C. won’t

D. needn’t

30. –Do you know ? –Next year.

A. when he came here

B. when did he come here

C. when will he come here

D. when he will come here


1.Learning English is one of the most important cultural c

in English language learning in China.

2. Parents always like to c their children with others.

3. They don’t need any help. They can do it by t .

4. Our subjects in school i Chinese, English, math and son on.

5. There was something wrong with his old bike, so he bought a

new e one.

6. His brother is very good at school subjects. He wants to be

( science ).

7. Everybody here knows something about the movie except

( I ), because I have never heard about it.

8. Nothing is ( possible ) if you put your heart into it.

9. If you don’t know the ( mean ) of the word, you can

look it up in the dictionary.

10. Don’t push the kid too hard. After all, he is only ten years old.

He should have his own ( free ).

11. I’m not m at Jenny now, because she said sorry to me just now.,

12. The little boy in front of the platform (讲台) was so n

that he couldn’t say a word.

13. His father is studying law. He wants to be a l .

14. Both she and her h worked hard to make money for

their daughter’s university fees (学费).

15. Maria was badly hit by a car last night. Now she is in d .

16. My hometown is over 4,000 ( meter ) above sea level.

17. Can you make the ( decide ) for your cousin?

18. Cheng He had a stomachache because she ( eat ) too

much this morning.

19. You are a ( luck ) dog!

20. I don’t think ( copy ) others’ homework is a good idea.

21. 谁能回答这个问题?

Who answer this question?

22. 我们应该学着与不同的人相处。

We should learn to with different people.

23. 我们应该尽可能多练习说英语。

We should practice speaking English .

24. 我哥哥努力工作,最终实现了自己的梦想。

My brother worked hard and his dream at last.

25. 他五岁时就爱上了滑冰。

He skating at the of five.

26. 尽管我们在完成这个工作时有一些困难,我们必须克服它们。

Though we have some difficulties in finishing the work, we

must them.

27. 路西不再是一个小孩了,她应该为父母做点家务。

Lucy a kid . She should do some housework

for her parents.

28. 他在修剪玫瑰花的时候从梯子上掉下了受伤了。

He fell off the ladder and when pruning the roses.

29. 云南的很多人靠卖花为生。

Many people in Y unnan by selling flowers.

30. 2012年他将在世界各地举行音乐会。

He will give concerts in 2012.
