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because和because of
• Because
• because of
In order to/in order that
• In order to
状语+do sth.
• in order that
• Go:由强到弱/好到坏
+ mad/bald秃顶/deaf聋 bad wrong
Act like和act as
• Act like起类似于...的 作用 • He acts like a beauty. • act as起…的作用;担 任…的工作 • Will you act as waiter? • The sofa acts as the bed.
Like与the same as
• Clothes具体的衣服, 可数 • Clothing衣服的总称, 不可数
End 和ending
• End时间或动作的末 尾.结束 • Ending故事小说戏剧 电影等的结尾。
Accept 和receive
• Accept主观接受 • Receive客观接受
Think of和 think about和 think over
• • • • Think of想到 think about考虑 多数情况可以替换 Don’t think of/about me any more. • Let me think it over. • think over仔细考虑
Be full of 和be filled with
• Be full of=装满(没剩 空间) The bank is usually full of people. • be fulled with都是(空 间不太慢) • Your shoes were filled with water.误
• Come:向好的方面变 化
+ tLeabharlann Baiduue right
• Grow/get old • Fall/become ill • Get/feel tired
• 注意:grow=逐渐变化 (强调过程)
所以 也可以说,翻译成“渐渐” It began to grow dark. The sea is growing calm.
• • • • Cause 起因 之际原因,坏事 The cause of fire is still unkown. • • • • Reason 原因 长于for连用 Please give me your reason for absence.
Everyday 和 every day
• Everyday=adj日常的; • every day=adv天天 例行的 • I wake up at 7:30 every day. • You are clever In everyday life
Everyone 和 every one
• Everyone所有人 • Every one of the students is 12 years old. • every one每一个
• Like相似 • the same as一模一样 • 反义词 • Be different from与… 不同
As well as和not only…but also
• As well as强调前者 • not only…but also强 调后者
Job 和work
• Job工作(岗位) • 可数 • He has a good job. • Work(工作量/工作本 身)不可数名词 • You have to do a day’s work.