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New words and expression 生词和短语 pioneer n. 先驱vi.vt. 开拓, 为开路, 作先驱者 young pioneer 少先队员 the pioneer of the Womens Liberation Movement 妇女解放运动的先驱

a pioneer of operation 手术的开创者 -eer: volunteer 志愿者; engineer 工程师; mountaineer 登山者; auctioneer 拍卖人;竞争者 profiteer 暴利获得者,奸商; lord n. 对(英国)贵族的尊称;勋爵 lordship n.贵族权力, 贵族身份 lordly adj.adv.高傲的, 贵族般地, 有气派地 my lord 阁下(对某些贵族、法官及主教的尊称)the Lord 上帝 the House of Lords 上议院;the House of Commons 下议院 live like a lord 过着贵族般的生活; lord of creation 万物之灵;人类; treat sb. like a lord 阔绰地款待某人Duke n.公爵(Duchess) Marquis n.(英国等的)侯爵(Marchioness) Count 伯爵(Countess)(Earl n.英伯爵) Viscount n.(英国的)子爵 Baron n.男爵(英国世袭的最低级的贵族爵位) , 大财主(女性为:

Baroness) Calais n. 加来(法国港市) overland adj. 陆上的; 横跨陆地的; an overland route 陆上路线 to travel overland (作)陆上旅行 overnight n.头天晚上 adj.通宵的, 晚上的, 前夜的 adv.在前一夜, 整夜, 昨晚一晚上 an overnight trip 一整夜的旅行an overnight guest 过夜的客人

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overpopulated adj.人口过密的, 人口过剩的 overseas adv.海

外 adj.外国的, 海外的 oversea student 海外留学生 oversea

Chinese 华侨 over+动词(over 表示超过) overeat vt.使吃过量

vi.吃得过多 oversleep vt.(使)睡过头 vi.睡过头, 睡得太久

overwork n.过度工作 v.(使)工作过度 overcharge v.讨价过高,

使过量装填, 过度充电n.超载, 过重的负担, 过度充电overestimate vt.评价过高 n.估计的过高 pilot n. 飞行员, 领

航员, 引水员 engine n. 发动机, 机车, 火车头 Calais 加来

(法国北部港市) latest adj. 最后的, 最迟的, 最新的, 最近的

n. 最新消息, 最新式样 last vi. 持续, 支持, 维持 Dover n.

多佛(英国东南部的港口) Text 课文 In 1908 Lord Northcliffe

offered a prize of 1,000 to the first man who would fly across

the English Channel. (1) offer sth. to sb.= offer sb. sth.

offer a prize of for sth 因为提供奖励 Eg. The police offered

a reward for any information. offer ones hand to sb. (=shake

hands with sb.) offer identity card 出示身份证 offer a price

($ 300 )for sth. (the horse) 出价 award a prize 提供奖励

The school awarded Merry a prize for her good work . 学校因为她工作好而奖励了梅丽. (2) fly across 飞越 sail

across 横渡 swim across 游过 come across 通过遇上碰到

eg. I came across a group of children playing. 我



Wed like to identify(认同)and celebrate women’s success whenever we come across it. 每当女性取得成功,我们都会表示


When sober( adj. 头脑清醒的,没喝醉的)he can come across(给人印象) as an extremely pleasant and charming young man... 没喝醉的时候,他看上去似乎是个极为彬彬有礼、


Over a year passed before the first attempt was made. (1) before作为连词的用法:






1)与情态动词 can / could 连用,这时从句虽为肯定形式,根



Before I could get in a word, he had measured me. Before

she cold move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar. 2)用于肯定句中强调主句所表达的时间、距离长,或花费的精

力多,译成才; We had sailed four days and four nights before

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