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船舶导航定位系统(Marine Navigation and Positioning






自动化学院Automation College

赵琳Lin Zhao

Marine Navigation and Positioning Systems

Marine navigation blends both science and art. A good navigator gathers information from every available source, evaluates this information, determines a fix, and compares that fix with his pre-determined “dead reckoning” position.A navigator constantly evaluates the ship’s position, anticipates dangerous situations well before they arise, and always keeps “ahead of the vessel.” The modern navigator must also understand the basic concepts of the many navigation systems used today, evaluate their output’s accuracy,and arrive at the best possible navigational decisions. Navigation methods and techniques vary with the type of vessel, the conditions, and the navigator’s experience. Navigating a pleasure craft, for example, differs from navigating a container ship. Both differ from navigating a naval vessel. The navigator uses the methods and techniques best suited to the vessel and conditions at hand. Some important elements of successful navigation cannot be acquired from any book or instructor. The science of navigation can be taught, but the art of navigation must be developed from experience.

What will we learn from the lecture?

➢Some basic knowledge on earth, coordinate, nautical chart, dead reckoning, landmark fixing and so on;

➢Some basic principle of navigation systems, such as celestial navigation, radio navigation, radar navigation,

satellite navigation, inertial navigation, integrated


navigation system, and so on.

Can you tell the difference among:




###PLANS----Position, Location And Navigation Symposium Part 1 Introduction to Navigation

1.1 What’s navigation

Navigation: The theory and practice of navigating, especially the charting of a course for a ship or an aircraft. Or the method used to guide a vessel from departure point(起航点) to its destination.

Navigation System: The system or device that can be used to guide a vessel to its destination.

1.2 Brief History of Navigation

- The history of human navigation goes back thousands of years. - The first seafarers kept in sight of land; that was the first trick of navigation; Typically, ancient mariner remained close to shore and used geographic landmarks to guide them—a technique known as piloting.


But what if land were nowhere nearby? The Phoenicians looked to the heavens. The sun moving across the commonly cloudless Mediterranean sky gave them their direction and quarter. The quarters we know today as east and west the Phoenicians knew as Asu (sunrise) and Ereb (sunset), labels that live today in the names Asia and Europe. At night, they steered by the stars.

- The Greeks and Phoenicians made great strides in navigation and developed techniques that remained in use for thousands of years. • Pole star

• Bonfires along shorelines at key locations

• Migratory seabirds

Also a Simplified dead reckoning was used by Mediterranean mariners; The ship's speed was determined by watching seaweed or driftwood, travel time by an hourglass, and heading by guesswork and institution, until around 1100 AD, when the Chinese created the first magnetized needle compass. The greatest advance in navigation came with the compass. The Chinese apparently knew about the powers of magnetism as early as the third millennium B.C., when, historians tell us, one army defeated another by using a device known as a "point-south carriage." (The Chinese chose to have the arrow point south rather than north.) The first mention of the compass in the West comes from the Englishman Alexander Neckham, who wrote in 1187 that "sailors use a magnetic needle which swings on a point and shows the direction of the north when the weather is overcast." Around 1730, an English mathematician, John Hadley (1682–1744), and an American inventor, Thomas Godfrey (1704–1749), independently invented the sextant. Still, while latitude measurement improved, longitude measurement remained

