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Interesting Facts about WorldBlood Day

Transfusionof blood and blood products help save and health of people worldwide every year. Ithelps and support complex medical conditions improving health of patientssuffering from life threatening circumstances. Various patients however do notget timely admission of safe blood. The shortage of blood can only be reducedby regular unpaid blood donation.


In the world today about 62 countries only have 100% bloodsupply from the unrewarded voluntary blood donors. With around 40 countriesdepending on the paid or family donors. Every year around 92 million units ofblood is collected internationally from voluntary blood donations. Eachyear thecountries celebrate world blood donor day on 14 June to raise awareness andthank the voluntary unpaid donors.


Theoccurrence of blood borne infections is low among the voluntary blood donorswhich is the safe group. WHO encourages people both from urban or rural areasto continue donating blood and the young people who are in good health areencourage to begin doing so. The goal of every country is to obtain their bloodsupplies from voluntary blood contribution.


1.Safe Blood 血液安全

In developing countries safe blood supplies arescarce despite the 92 million units of blood donations. The demand of safeblood is increasing every day while the supply does not meet this demandespecially in third world countries. For safety blood transfusions the ABOblood group system is used which was created by Karl Landsteiner on 14thJune1868.


2. A Global Observance 全球性的庆祝

On world Donor day many events and activities are heldglobally to increase the awareness and knowledge about the significance of safeblood supplies. It is not a public holiday but instead it’s a worldwideob servance. On June 14tha number of events which are heldincludes; blood donation clinics, football matches, concerts and many other funactivities.


3. History and Foundation 创建及其历史

In 2004 the World Health Organization and the Red Crossand Red Crescent societies started the world donor day. It takes place on 14thJuneevery year where an opportunity is provided for the nation and globalcelebration to take place. This day has another significance as well since itmarks the birthday of Karl Landsteiner who is a Nobel Prize winner for hisdiscovery of the ABO group system. The national blood transfusion wasestablished in1983, and since then it been supporting research 。


4. Target to save lives 目标是治病救人

It identifies humble blood donors who use some few minutesof their valuable time to donate blood and save lives of thousands of peopleworldwide in every year. The blood collected from donations help patients whoare suffering from dangerous conditions live a higher quality and longer life.It also very important for playing a role in both perinatal and maternal care,and supports surgical and the complex medical procedures.

