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Of Mice and Men 故事情节简单,涵盖的时间不超过三天,地点是一个美国 加州的一个牧场。描写两个相互扶持的好朋友(George曾 骗老板他们是表兄弟)——一位是精明的乔治(George), 一位是轻度智障儿雷尼(Lennie)。雷尼因为社会适应较 差,老是犯错,搞的两人无奈地到处换工作。在富人奥谢 (Tyler Ranch)的牧场里,他们努力工作编织梦想,乔 治答应雷尼如果他听话不要闯祸,将来就可以为自己照顾
John Steinbeck
Life Experiences
▪ Born: February 27,1902; 132 Central Avenue, Salinas, CA (what is now the reception room of the Steinbeck House)
▪ Graduated from Salinas High School-June 1919
On Socialism: "socialism is just another form of religion, and thus delusional." Later, Socialists and Marxists criticized him for not being committed enough.
▪ In Dubious Battle, 1936 《胜负未决的战斗》 ▪ Of Mice and Men, 1937 《人鼠之间》 ▪ The Red Pony, 1937 《小红马 》 ▪ The Grapes of Wrath, 1939 《愤怒的葡萄》 ▪ Cannery Row, 1945 《罐头工厂街》 ▪ The Pearl, 1947 《珍珠》 ▪ East of Eden, 1951 《伊甸园以东》 ▪ Travels with Charley, 1961 《同查理的旅行 》
Steinbeck’s trilogy(三部曲), In Dubious Battle, Of Mice and Men and Grapes of Wrath deals with agricultural labor.
鼠的疼惜,《人鼠之间》曾因“语言亵渎,带攻击性,并 有种族主义倾向”被视为禁书。
Of Mice and Men
He won the New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award in 1938. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962. “for his realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humor and keen social perception”
Steinbeck’s novels
Between 1935 and 1940 more than 350,000 people left the Dust Bowl(干旱尘暴区) for California. The West was viewed as the promised land, a place to start a new life.
先找到雷尼。他举起枪来,把枪口挨近雷尼的后脑杓,将 他射杀。
Themes of The Grapes of Wrath
1 class conflict 2 Individual Vs. Society 3 Commitment 4 Man’s Inhumanity to Man
SteinbeckБайду номын сангаасs novels
His novels deal with the struggles of ordinary people. His work was controversial because of his support for the underprivileged(下层社会的人). In the 1930’s, tension between state agribusiness(农业综合企业) and the underpaid, overworked laborer was high.
被誉为”触及了真正扎根于美国生活的主题。 “这部小说使斯坦贝克的名字在美国家喻户 晓。
The Grapes of Wrath
小说主人公约德刑满被释回家,发现家乡一片 荒芜,只得携家乘坐一辆破旧的汽车到西部谋 生,在那里的一个农场做工。一家人拼命干活 ,只能勉强糊口,农场主还不断地压低工资。 农工们奋起反抗,举行罢工,警察前来镇压, 牧师凯绥同情农工,被武装流氓打死。约德将 凶手击毙,只得再次背井离乡。这部作品,反 映了广大人民群众对现存社会的日益不满和叛 逆精神,具有鲜明的时代特征。
Major Works
▪ Cup of Gold, 1929 (first novel) 《金杯》 ▪ The Pastures of Heaven, 1932 (second novel)
▪ To a God unknown, 1933 (third novel) 《大地的象
▪ Tortilla Flat, 1935 《煎饼坪》 第一部大获成功的作
▪ Attended Stanford University-1919-1925.
▪ Died in New York because of heart attack in December 20,1968
Political Views
His wife was a Marxist
He did attend at least one communist party meeting, but he was not a party member