



1.——Would you mind not_____ noise? Alice is sleeping.

——Sorry, I didn't know. I________ she was awake.

A. make, think

B. making, thought

C. making, think

D. make, thought

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:—你可不可以不要制造噪音?Alice在睡觉。—对不起,我不知道。我还以为她醒着呢!根据I didn't know.可知我刚才不知道,那时认为她醒着,I thought我原以为。故选B。


2.—I think the environment is terrible these years.

—Yes, it will be even worse the government takes action it.

A. until; protect

B. unless; to protect

C. if; protecting

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:——我认为这几年来环境太糟糕了。——是的,环境会变得更糟糕,除非政府采取措施保护环境。A. until; 直到…为止,B. unless除非,如果不,连词;C. if 如果,连词;until和if放在这里,句意不通顺,take action to do sth. 采取行动去做某事,动词不定式作目的状语,故选B。


3.As we all know, a person learns many things by making mistakes and ________ them.

A. corrects

B. correct

C. to correct

D. correcting

【答案】 D



4. Whenever we kids come over, Auntie Susan just stands there and watches us ________ sure we don't break anything.

A. make

B. made

C. to make

D. making

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:无论什么时候我们这些孩子们来到这里,Susan姨妈只是站在那里,看着我们以确保我们不打破什么东西。此处是目的状语,故用动词不定式to make。watch sb do/doing sth看着某人做了/正在做某事,但是make sure的意思是“保证;确保”,

在本句中不符合逻辑,故排除AD;watch sth done看着某事被做,也不符合句意,故选C。


5.It is necessary for us students _____ the listening ability.

A. to improve

B. improving

C. improve

D. improves


【解析】【分析】句意:对于我们学生来说提高听力能力是有必要的。it's +形容词+for sb to do sth 做某事对于某人来说怎么样,故答案为A。

【点评】考查不定式。掌握固定搭配it's +形容词+for sb to do sth。

6.—I'm new here.

—Don't worry. I'll do what I can ______ you.

A. to help

B. help

C. helping

D. helped


【解析】【分析】句意:-我新来这儿。-别担心。我会做我能做的事情来帮助你的。What I can作的是句子的宾语。“我尽可能做”的目的是“帮助你”,作目的状语,用动词不定式形式。故选A。


7.The WWF is working hard _________ the animals in danger.

A. save

B. to save

C. saves

D. saved

【答案】 B



8.I still like those good old songs I often listened to _______myself in my spare time.

A. enjoy

B. enjoying

C. to enjoy

D. enjoyed

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:我仍然喜欢那些我业余时间经常听过的好的老歌。分析本题句子结构为:主语为I,谓语动词是like,宾语those good old songs,因此句子主干部分就是I still like those good old songs而I often listened to做先行词songs的后置定语,songs做介词to 的宾语,因此省略了关系代词that。本题to enjoy myself in my spare time属于不定式做目的状语。也就是I still like those good old songs( I often listened to )enjoy myself in my spare time,故选C。

9.——Does your aunt only have a piece of bread for supper? ——Yes. She eats a little . She looks slimmer than before.

A. to save money

B. to lose weight

C. saving money

D. losing weight



10.—Mario, your mobile phone is ringing.

—Wait a minute. It's dangerous for us ______ it while crossing the street.

A. answering

B. to answer

C. answer

D. answered

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:马里奥,你的手机响了。--等一下。在穿过马路时接电话是危险的。A. answering 动名词或者现在分词;B. to answer 动词不定式; C. answer 动词原形; D. answered动词过去式。在it is +形容词for sb to do sth,句式中it代替动词不定式做形式主语,结合句意,故选B。

【点评】考查固定的句型it's+adj +for sb to do sth。

11.Their parents don't allow them _______ in the river because it's really dangerous.

A. swim

B. swimming

C. to swim

D. swam

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:他们的父母不允许他们在河里游泳,因为太危险了。固定搭配allow sb. to do sth.,此处应用不定式。故选C。

【点评】考查固定搭配allow sb. to do sth.

12.I look forward _____ you soon.

A. see

B. seeing

C. to see

D. to seeing


【解析】【分析】句意:我盼望尽快见到你。look forward to doing sth盼望做某事,故答案为D。

【点评】考查固定搭配,注意look forward to中的to是介词,后跟动名词。

13.—I didn't hear you come in just now.

—That's good. I tried______the baby up.

A. to wake

B. not to wake

C. waking

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】——刚才我没有听见你进来。——还不错.我尽量不吵醒婴儿。try to do sth尽力做某事,否定形式在to前面加not.故选B.


14.My mother doesn't allow me _______outside too late on school nights.

A. to stay

B. stay

C. staying

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:在上学的日子里,我妈妈不允许我在外面待得太晚。Allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事,是固定用法,故答案选A。


15.Running ______ a good way to exercise every day.

A. is

B. was

C. are

D. were



【点评】本题考查主谓一致。以及is was ,are,were四个词的意义和用法。

16. Mr. Smith told his son _____ the football match because of the exam.

A. not to watch

B. to not watch

C. not watching

D. doesn't watch

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:因为考试,史密斯先生告诉他的儿子不要看足球比赛。tell sb not to do sth“告诉某人不要做某事”,故此处用动词不定式not to watch。故选A。

17.—In my opinion, animals shouldn't be kept for fun.

— I think so. Forests are the best places for animals ______________.

A. live

B. living

C. to live

D. to live in

【答案】 D





18.To live a low-carbon life, we must remember ________ the lights when we leave the room.

A. to turn off

B. turning off

C. not to turn off

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:要过低碳生活,我们必须记住离开房间时要关掉灯。remember (not)to do sth.忘记要做的事;remember doing sth.忘记已经做过的事。根据句末when we leave the room.可知关灯的动作还没有做,此处表示肯定含义,要用不定式的肯定式,



19.I think AI (人工智能) in many fields will to help us solve many problems in the future.

A. used, be used

B. is used, be used

C. used, use

D. is used, use

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:我认为被用在许多领域的人工智能在将来将帮助我们解决许多问题。AI是名词,___ in many fields做名词AI的定语,AI是动作use的承受着,并且句子是

简单句,已经有谓语will,所以用动词过去分词作定语,即used,be used to do sth.被用来



20.— Please stay with me this weekend.

—I'm sorry, but my father and I planned _________ Beijing a long time ago.

A. visit

B. visiting

C. to visit

D. visited

【答案】 C


我很久前就计划去参观北京了。plan to do sth.,计划做某事,动词不定式作宾语,故选C。

【点评】此题考查动词不定式。注意固定短语plan to do sth.

21.My brother is a humorous young man. He often tells jokes to make us .

A. laughing

B. laugh

C. to laugh

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:我哥哥是应该幽默的年轻人,他经常讲笑话让我们笑。make sb

do sth ,使某人做某事,省略to的动词不定式,应该是动词原形,故选B。

【点评】考查省略to的动词不定式。make sb do sth ,使某人做某事。

22.When you leave, please turn off the lights energy.

A. save

B. to save

C. saving

D. saved

【答案】 B


23.I like the TV program The Reader best. I think we should spend as much time as we can in our spare time.

A. read

B. to read

C. reading

D. reads

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:我最喜欢电视节目《朗读者》。我认为在业余时间,我们应该尽可能多的花费时间读书。读书是花费时间的目的,在句中做状语,应使用动词不定式,spend time doing sth,表示花钱或时间做了某事,强调做了,根据should,可知事情还没做,因此不能选C,故答案是B。


24.We advise parents _____ their children at home alone in order to keep them away from danger.

A. not leave

B. not to leave

C. leave

D. to leave

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:为了使孩子远离危险,我们建议父母不要单独把孩子留在家里。advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事,动词不定式的否定形式就是在to前面加not故advise sb not to do sth建议某人不要做某事。结合句意,故选B

25.— Jane's spoken English is pretty good.

— Yeah, she works hard and practices it both in and out of class.

A. spoke

B. to speak

C. speaking

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:--简的口语很好。--是的,她工作很努力,在课堂上和课外经常练习。短语practicedoing sth.练习做某事。故选C。

26.—Let's go to the cinema tonight, Alice.

—I'd like to, but I can't. I have a lot of homework _________.

A. doing

B. to do

C. done

D. being done

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:——今晚我们去看电影吧,爱丽丝。——我很想去,但不行。我有很多家庭作业。"sb. have sth. to do"意为"某人有某事要做",其中动词不定式作后置定语,故选B。


27.—Sorry, Miss Liu. I forgot __________ my homework to school.

— __________ so careless, Sandy.

A. to bring; Don't be

B. to bring; Not be

C. bringing; Don't be

D. bringing; Not be


【解析】【分析】forget to do sth表示忘记要做某事,未做;而forget doing sth表示忘记做了某事,已做。这里是忘记带作业,没做,用to bring;第二空考的是否定祈使句,由don't+V原形,故选A。

28.—Have you got a ticket to the film The Fast And The Furious 7?

—No, when I arrived at the cinema box office, there were a lot of people there.

A. waits

B. waited

C. waiting

D. is waiting

【答案】 C



29.—I think the classroom needs _______.

—Well, you are right.

A. clean

B. cleaning

C. to be cleaning

D. cleaned

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:—我认为教室需要被打扫。—嗯,你是对的。clean动词,打扫;need to do需要做某事,主动含义;need doing需要被做,含有被动含义。“教室”需要“被打扫”。故选:B。


30.Students can't be made ______ all day.

A. study

B. studying

C. to study

D. studied

【答案】 C




31.In fact, many people in the city would rather in the country.

A. live; to live

B. living; to live

C. living; live

D. live; living

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:事实上,很多住在城市里的人更宁愿住在乡下。句子中已有谓语成分,故第一个空填非谓语形式,应用现在分词表动作正在进行,live的现在分词为living。第二空根据固定搭配would rather do sth. 宁可……,可知应用动词原形。故选C。【点评】考查现在分词和固定搭配would rather do sth. 宁可……。

32.I remembered ______ the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the light.

A. locking

B. locked

C. to lock

D. lock

【答案】 C



33.— Excuse me, could please tell me ?

—Sorry, I am new here.

A. where the bookstore was

B. how can I go to the bookstore

C. how to get to the bookstore

D. how far is the bookstore

【答案】 C



34.I'm looking forward to from you.

A. hear

B. hearing

C. heard

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:我期待着收到你的来信。look forward to doing sth,"期待做某事",其中的to是介词,所以后面跟动词时要用成动名词形式。帮选B。

【点评】考查非谓语动词,以及look forward to doing sth.。

35.Luckily, all the passengers were reported the air crash which happened last month in


A. to survive

B. to have survived

C. having survived

D. to have been survived 【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:幸运的是,据报道所有的乘客都从上个月发生在巴厘的空难中幸存。固定搭配sb. is reported to have done结构,使用不定式的完成式,表示在报道之前有人幸存,为主动语态。故选C。

【点评】考查动词不定式。注意区分固定搭配sb. is reported to have done.据报道某人做了某事,和固定搭配sb. is reported to have been done.据报道某人被……。

36.—I'm planning ____ the weekend with my grandparents, Mom.

—Oh, don't ____ to buy them some nice food.

A. to spend, forget

B. spending, forget

C. to spend, remember



37.As a volunteer,the girl wants to visit sick kids in the hospital them up.()

A. to cheer

B. cheer

C. cheering

D. cheered

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】作为一名志愿者,这个女孩想去看望医院里生病的孩子使他们振作起来.根据句意可知这个女孩想去看望医院里生病的孩子的目的是使他们振作起来,故该空处填入动词不定式作目的状语,故填to cheer,故选A

38.________ the environment, many supermarkets stopped providing free plasticbags.

A. To protect

B. Protect

C. Protects

D. Protected

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:为了保护环境,许多超市停止提供免费的塑料袋。A.to protect动词不定式,为了保护(表目的);B.protect动词原形;C.protects 单三;D.protected动词

过去式。根据句意可知许多超市停止提供免费的塑料袋的目的是保护环境,用动词不定式表目的,To protect,故选A。


39.He was _______ in the traffic accident.

A. injure

B. injuring

C. injured

D. injurns

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:他在交通事故中受伤。动词,injure,伤害,与主语he 是被动关系,需要使用被动语态be done,根据助动词was,故此处是过去分词,故选C。


40.As students, we should do something we can our school beautiful.

A. make

B. to make

C. making

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:作为学生,我们应该尽我们所能使我们的学校变得美丽。句中We should do something we can,后省略do,后面接不定式作目的状语,故选B。


41._____ a GPS will make _____ easier for you to visit a strange place.

A. Take; it

B. To take; that

C. Taking; it

D. Take; that

【答案】 C



42.—Why were you so angry with your daughter?

—She was busy _______and taking selfies(自拍) when I was talking to her.

A. texting

B. to text

C. text

D. texted

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——你为什么对你女儿这么生气?——当我和她说话时她总是正忙着自拍。be busy doing,固定搭配,忙于做某事,故此处是动名词,故选A。

【点评】考查固定搭配,注意be busy doing的用法。

43.The government is setting up nature parks protect pandas.

A. to help

B. help

C. helped

D. helps

【答案】 A




44.The teachers often tell us ________ in the river. It's dangerous.

A. not swim

B. don't swim

C. not swimming

D. not to swim

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:老师经常告诉我们不要在河里游泳。太危险了。tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要做某事。动词不定式的否定结构,not to do sth.故选D。

【点评】此题考查动词不定式。注意动词不定式的否定结构not to do sth。

45.—What should I do, doctor?

—_____ healthy, you should do more exercise.

A. Keep

B. Keeping

C. To keep

D. To be kept

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——我应该做什么,医生?——为了保持健康,你应该多锻炼。keep healthy,保持健康,固定搭配,排除D。多锻炼的目的是保持健康,所以用to do不定式表目的,故选C。

【点评】考查to do不定式表目的,注意平时识记其用法,理解句意。

46.—Do you have any plans for the holiday?

—Yes, I'm planning to travel to Jiuzhaigou. I'm looking forward to the colourful lakes

and amazing waterfalls.

A. see

B. seeing

C. sees

D. saw

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:——你有度假的计划吗?——是的,我打算去九寨沟旅行。我期待着看到五颜六色的湖泊和令人惊叹的瀑布。look forward to+名词/代词/动名词,期盼......,see动词,要用动名词形式seeing,故选B。

【点评】考查固定搭配look forward to的用法。注意接动词时要用动名词形式。

47.I got up early this morning my grandma at the airport.

A. to pick up

B. picking up

C. picked up

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】我今天早上早早起床,为了在机场接我的奶奶。短语pick up表示接某人,用动词不定式to do表示目的。根据题意,故选A。


48.— Would you like to go swimming with me, Tom?

— Sorry, but our teachers always tell us in the river.

A. don't swim

B. not swimming

C. not to swim

D. to not swim

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——你愿意和我一起去游泳吗,汤姆?——对不起,但是我们的老师总是告诉我们不要在河里游泳。tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事,故答案为C。


49.I prefer the failure rather than my dream.

A. experience; to give up

B. to experience; give up

C. experiencing; giving up

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:我宁愿经历失败也不愿放弃我的梦想。空一,prefer to do rather than do宁愿做......而不愿做......,固定搭配,experience亲身经历、感受,动词,因此是to experience;空二,rather than+动词原形,意为“宁愿……而不愿……”,give up,放弃,故选B。

【点评】此题考查固定短语prefer to do rather than do。

50.—You have discussed for more than an hour! Have you decided ________?

— Not yet. We are still having a discussion.

A. where shall we meet

B. what you bought

C. to buy what

D. where to meet

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:—你们讨论了一个多小时了。你决定在哪儿见了吗?—还没有。我们还在讨论。A. where shall we meet我们在哪儿见,宾语从句用陈述句语序。错;B. what you bought你买的什么,决定将要发生的动作,本句用的一般过去时态,表示过去,错;C. to buy what买什么,“疑问词+to do”的不定式短语,错;D. where to meet在哪儿见,正确。故答案选D。

