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• The Native Americans of northern California were highly skilled at basketry, using the reeds, grasses, bards, and roots they found around them to fashion articles of all sorts and sizes - not only trays, containers, and cooking pots, but hats, boats, fish traps, baby carriers, and ceremonial objects.
• Fill in a Table Questions • Fill in a Table items measure your ability to conceptualize and organize major ideas and other important information from across the passage and then to place them in appropriate categories.
Note Qualifiers to Identify Opinions
• Beware of false facts, or statements presented as facts that are actually untrue. • A qualifier may express an absolute, unwavering opinion using words like always or never.
Fact or Opinion?
• F A spinning class is a group exercise program of about 45 minutes riding on a stationary bike. (Can be verified by going to a
• Fact – Objective – States reality – Can be verified – Presented with unbiased words
“Spinach is a form of iron.”
• Opinion – Subjective – Interprets reality – Can NOT be verified – Presented with value words
“Spinach tastes awful.”
Ask Questions to Identify Facts
• Can the statement be proved or demonstrated to be true? • Can the statement be observed in practice or operation? • Can the statement be verified by witnesses, manuscripts, or documents?
Part 2
结构 评估
• Prose Summary Questions • These items measure your ability to understand and recognize the major ideas and the relative importance of information in a passage.
• Prose Summary Questions • These items measure your ability to understand and recognize the major ideas and the relative importance of information in a passage.
• O A spinning class is a form of torture.
(Some people may enjoy the class.)
Note Biased Words to Identify Opinions
• Look for biased words. They express opinions, value judgments and interpretations and are often loaded with emotion.
Separating Fact from Opinion
• Know the traits of facts and opinions.
Fact: Spinach is a source of iron. Opinion: Spinach tastes awful.
Facts and Opinions
• Beware of opinions stated to sounds like facts. Note: Phrases like “in truth,” “the truth of the matter,” or “in fact” are examples.
• “In truth, the earliest humans lived at the same time as dinosaurs.” • Explanation: Fossil records and scientific research have proved this to be a false fact.
What: evaluation
• OG:32/35 • recognize and identify the major ideas from the passage
How: evaluation
Major idea & Minor idea
Facts & Opinion
Facts and Opinions
Note: A sentence can include both facts and opinions.
Biased Words
• • • • • • • • • awful amazing better best bad beautiful believe disgusting exciting • • • • • • • • • favorite frightful fun horrible miserable never probably think smart
Fact or Opinion?
• __A spinning class is a group exercise program of about 45 minutes riding on a stationary bike. • __A spinning class is a form of torture.
Evaluate the Context of the Passage
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. F/O His name and title are factual, but the value word greatest is an opinion. F This statement can be verified in historical records. O The word probably makes this a statement of opinion. F This statement can be checked and verified as true. F This is a factual statement that something isn’t known.
Is each statement a fact, opinion, or fact/opinion both?
Major idea & Minor idea
观点句 因果 转折
Which one is important?
Hyponymy Supporting Detail Prejudge
• A fact is a specific detail that can be proven as true based on objective evidence. • An opinion is a feeling, judgment, belief, or conclusion that cannot be proven true by objective evidence. • Objective proof can be one or more of the following: physical evidence, an eyewitness account, or the result of an accepted scientific method.
Evaluate the Context of the Passage
1. 2. 3. 4. Alexander the Great was one of the greatest military leaders in world history. He was born in Pella, Macedonia. The exact date of his birth was probably July 20 or 26, 356 B.C. Shortly before his 33rd birthday, Alexander the Great died. The cause of his death remains unknown. Is each statement a fact, opinion, or fact/opinion both?
• Fill in a Table Questions • Fill in a Table items measure your ability to conceptualize and organize major ideas and other important information from across the passage and then to place them in appropriate categories.
• “Exercise is the only sure way to lose weight.” • “Only” is a qualifier and makes this statement an opinion.
Think Carefully about Supposed “Facts”
• As companies try to grow and introduce their products in other countries, they need to see the important differences among international markets. It is becoming more and more important for companies to create products and advertising strategies that fit different cultures.
• “In point of fact, computers make life miserable.” • Explanation: “Miserable” makes this a general opinion.
• “The great grasslands of the West should not have been plowed under for crops.” • Explanation: The grasslands were plowed under, but whether or not they “should not have been” is a matter of opinion.