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Unit 1

1.realize/discover one’s potential 实现/发现某人的潜力

2.a promising future 一个有前途的未来

3.a positive mind/attitude 一种积极的精神/态度

4.can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待地做某事

5.lead to 通向,导致

6.new ways of thinking 新的思维方式

7.acquire knowledge 获取知识

8.rise to the challenges 迎接挑战

9.enjoy personal growth 享受个人成长

10.put simply 简单地说

11.have confidence in 对......有信心

12.school facilities 学校设施

13.make a difference to 对......有影响

14.make the most of 充分利用,尽情享受

15.take an active part in 积极参加

16.of equal importance ..... 同等重要的是……

17.set clear goals 设定明确的目标

18.balance A with B 平衡A和B

19.look on the bright side 往好的方面看

20.grow into a well-rounded individual 成为一个全面发展的个体

21.in time 最终;及时

22.make a continuous effort to do sth. 不断努力做某事

23.be responsible for doing sth. 为做某事负责

27. put a lot of effort into ... 投入大量精力

28. take advantage of every opportunity to 利用每一个机会去...

29. tie A to B 把A和B联系在一起

30. manage time 管理时间

31. make progress 取得进步

32. be based on 以…为基础

33. break big goals down into small ones把大目标分解成小目标

34. achieve long-term goals 实现长期目标

35. remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事

36. keep sb focused 使某人专注

37. stick to (doing) sth. 坚持(做)某事

38. wait for sth to be done 等待某事被完成

39. sign up for 为……签名

40. hold a workshop 举办研讨会

42. intend to do/ be intended to do 意图做某事

43. call for sth需要

44. agree to sth 就…达成一致

45. make your proposal easy to read 使你的提案易于阅读

46. refer to 查阅,参考,指的是

47. target reader 目标读者

48. move around 四处移动

49. It’s tough for sb. to do sth 某人做某事很困难

50. put the parts together 组装

51. be less advanced 不那么先进、难度低

52. make a great contribution to 对…做出巨大贡献54. optional courses 选修课

56. over time 随着时间流逝,渐渐地

57. can’t wait for sb to do sth 迫不及待等某人做某事

58. be laid out neatly 被整齐地布置

Unit 2

1.long to do sth渴望做某事

2.unconditional love无条件的爱

3.turn into a battle变成一场争执

4.be cold and guarded变得冷漠和谨慎

5.see eye to eye with sb. on sth.在某事上与某人看法一致

6.heated arguments激烈的争论

7.result in/ lead to/ contribute to导致

8.at a different rate to sb.以和某人不同的速度

9.get/ be left far behind 被远远落在后面

10.shoot up快速长高,蹿个儿

11.have a desire for sth渴望

12.make decisions on your own你自己做决定

13.struggle to do sth挣扎做某事

14.a rough ride艰难时期,艰难行程

15.expect sb. to do sth.期望某人做某事

16.get along with与某人合得来

17.take action/ steps to improve the situation采取行动来改善情况

18.the key to doing sth.做某事的关键

19.regular and honest communication定期坦诚的沟通

20.calm down平静,镇静

21.from one’s point of view从某人的角度、观点出发

22.go through the pain经历痛苦

23.think sth. through充分考虑,全盘考虑,想透

24.address one's concerns解决某人的担忧

25.back down承认错误,认输

26.struggle with the stress与压力作斗争

27.turn out 结果是
