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U D C 学号 M090406





申请学位级别:硕士学科专业名称:美术学(应用美术)论文提交日期: 2012.05.28 论文答辩日期: 2012.06.06 学位授予单位:扬州大学学位授予日期: 2012.06.18 答辩委员会主席:潘洪建



2012 年 6 月


中文摘要 (1)

英文摘要 (2)

引言 (4)

第一章宋代素髹漆器的审美特征 (8)

第一节宋代工艺美术的总体特征概述 (8)

一宋代工艺美术的总体特征 (8)

二“芙蓉出水”与“错彩镂金” (9)

第二节宋代素髹漆器的造型特征 (9)

一宋代素髹漆器的主要造型 (9)

二花瓣形造型的素髹漆器 (13)

第三节宋代素髹漆器的色彩特征 (15)

一黑髹漆器 (16)

二朱髹漆器 (17)

三紫髹漆器 (17)

第二章宋代素髹漆器的社会成因 (19)

第一节宋代的社会思潮与文化思想的影响 (19)

一宋代社会文化思想的影响 (19)

二宋代文人士大夫的影响 (21)

第二节繁荣的社会经济对素髹漆器手工业的影响 (23)

一宋代农业的发展 (23)

二宋代商业的发展 (24)

第三节宋代俭朴之风对素髹漆器的影响 (25)

一宋代俭朴之风的影响 (25)

二宋代薄葬之风的影响 (28)

第三章宋代素髹漆器的艺术成因 (30)

第一节宋代艺术总体色彩倾向与绘画艺术对素髹漆器的影响 (30)

一宋代艺术总体色彩倾向的影响 (30)

二宋代的绘画对素髹漆器的影响 (31)

第二节其它种类的工艺美术品对素髹漆器的影响 (33)

一宋代瓷器的影响 (33)

二宋代玉器的影响 (35)

结语 (38)

附表 (39)

参考文献 (40)

致谢 (43)

攻读硕士学位期间获奖和论文发表情况 (44)

扬州大学学位论文原创性声明和版权使用授权书 (45)


“素髹漆器”,顾名思义,是指不施繁饰、仅以一色漆为饰的漆器。在宋代,尤其是北宋中后期,漆器大多以一种颜色髹饰的素髹形式出现,且造型简洁大方、温文尔雅。这种宁静典雅的漆器风格,和其他朝代的漆器艺术风格有很大的差异。在宋代之前的漆器,皆大多讲究彩绘雕饰, 装饰极尽华美。但是到了到宋代却大多以造型朴素无华、髹色素雅的一色素器为其主要造型形式,而宋代之后的元、明、清各代,又恢复了追求装饰的趋向。这种风格演变形成了中国古代漆器艺术史上“繁—简—繁”的发展过程。宋代漆器出现以简取胜的情况,是由各方面的原因造成的。首先,宋代发达的商品经济为漆器手工业的生产和发展提供了丰厚的物质基础;其次,市民阶层的兴盛和世俗文化的盛行,使得宋代漆器呈现出纯朴大方的平民特色;再次,宋代的文化思潮、艺术审美和哲学思想等因素,又构成了宋代素髹漆器形成的内在原因。理学的影响、风俗画的流行、士人思想的介入等等,加上宋代整个社会主流思想崇尚着那种“平淡”、“理性”和“内敛”的美,这一切都使得素髹漆器也呈现出高雅的审美追求。




“The prime painted lacquer”,as the name suggests,is not applied to color paint,numerous decorated only for decorative lacquer. In the Song Dynasty,especially in the late Northern Song Dynasty lacquer ware,mostly with a color painted decoration in painted form,and simple and generous design,refined and cultured. The quiet and elegant style and other dynasties lacquer,lacquer art style is very different. Before Song Dynasty lacquer ware,are mostly pay attention to painting sculpture,decorative so gorgeous. But in the Song Dynasty are mostly simple to modeling,painted color elegant a pigment for its main form,and the Song Dynasty after the yuan, Ming,Qing Dynasties,and the restoration of the pursuit of decorative trend. This style evolved the ancient Chinese lacquer art history“fan -Jane -numerous ”development process. The Song Dynasty lacquer ware appears to simply win situation,is composed of various reasons. First of all,the Song Dynasty developed commodity economy as lacquer handicraft production and development provided rich material base;second,the public prosperity and worldly culture prevailed,makes the song lacquer exhibit simplicity generous civilian characteristic;once again,the Song Dynasty culture thought,art aesthetic and philosophy and other factors,and the composition of the song Dynasty prime painted lacquer forming the inner reason. The impact of science,custom painting of the popular thought,scholars in Song Dynasty and so on,plus the social mainstream ideology of advocating the“flat”,“reason”and “restraint”of the United States,all of which makes plain painted lacquer shows elegant aesthetic pursuit. All this makes plain painted lacquer shows elegant aesthetic pursuit.

The full text is divided into three parts:the first part introduces the Song Dynasty,the overall aesthetic tendency and Song prime painted lacquer art feature,the second and the third part is the focus of this part of the Song Dynasty,prime painted lacquer formed a reason to undertake study,the author will be divided into two aspects,one is the Song Dynasty prime painted lacquer formation in the society origin,one is the formation of the artistic origin,attempts from various levels and different perspectives to reveal the effects of hormone painted lacquer aesthetic formation of the artistic style of various factors.
