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By heart


If you know something by heart, you’ve learned it so well you know it from memory, maybe even word for word.

如果你know something by heart,说明你记忆深处对其非常熟悉,甚至一字一句都记得。For example, in “Anne of Green Gables” the title character l oves Tennyson’s poem “The Lady of Shalott” so much that she knows it by heart.

例如,在《绿屋的安妮》一书中,女主人公很喜欢诗人丁尼生的《夏洛特夫人》,所以把这首诗牢记在心里。This term, which surfaced in English in the late 1300s, likely comes from the Old French phrase par coeur which literally transla tes to “by heart.”

这个表达十四世纪末出现在英语中,可能来自古法语词汇par coeur,字面上翻译的意思就是“用心”。

To your heart’s content


If you do something to your heart’s content or desire, you do that thing until you are satisfied.

如果你尽情地做某事,就是把那件事做到你满意为止。Shakespeare was fond of this construction which dates from the early modern period of literature.

它出现在现代文学早期,莎士比亚很喜欢这个表达。When the phrase first entered English, “to your heart’s content” was sometimes used without “heart.” Things could be done “to your content” back in the 1600s, though that trend died out within 50 years.

这个词汇刚开始在英语中使用时,有时可以省去“heart”一词,十七世纪,人们可以用“to your content” 表达同样的意思,不过这种用法在五十年内就消失了。Eat your heart out


You might yell the slightly morbid phrase “Eat your heart out!” to someone to induce jealousy.

你可能会对某人喊出这个有点变态的表达“Eat your heart out!(羡慕死你)”,来激起他的嫉妒心。For example, a pop star preparing for a performance might look in the mirror, and liking what he sees, jauntily tip his head and shout “Eat your hearts out, fans!”

例如,一个正在准备演出的明星,看着镜子,非常满意,得意地扬起头,喊出一句“跪舔吧,粉丝们!”This phase can also refer to when sorrow or longing dominates your emotions.

这个表达也可以指你的情感被悲伤和渴望占据。For example, losing a race that you really, really wanted to win might cause you to eat your heart out,

or wallow in grief.


Have your heart in your mouth


Another macabre expression, have your heart in your mouth, refers to a heightened state of anxiety or fear.

这又是一个骇人的词组,是的指一种极度焦虑和害怕的状态。There are many things that might bring your heart all the way up to your mouth, figuratively speaking, including spiders, clowns, and deeply shadowed alleyways.

有很多事情可能把你的心提到嗓子眼上,当然这是比喻说法,比如,蜘蛛,小丑和幽深黑暗的小巷子。In The Hitchhiker’s “Guide to the Galaxy”, Zaphod Beeblebrox owns a pair of sunglasses that darken to completely obscure the wearer’s vision when heart-in-mouth inducing sights appear.


Cross your heart


If you verbally cross your heart, you do it to maintain the truth of what you just said.

如果你口头上表示在胸前画十字,是为了证明你说的是话是事实。You can take this one step further by adding “and hope to die” on to the end of your first utterance, as in “I didn’t eat the last cookie - cross my heart and hope to die.”

你也可以在后面加一句“不然不得好死”,例如“我没有吃那最后一块饼干,我发誓,我要是吃了不得好死。”This expression, which has been used throughout the 20th century, derives from the religious practice of tracing a cross over the heart with a finger to signify a vow.
