导游英语(第二版) 电子教案Chapter 9 The First Aid

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• 1. How does the guide help the tourist if导he游实务 suffers a heart attack?
• He should have the patient lie down and raised his head slightly up. If the patient has medicine with him for relieving the heart attack symptoms, he can help him take it.
• The symptoms include excessive sweating, thirst, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and nausea. The patient may also vomit and develop a fever. In the case of a serious sunstroke, the patient may be delirious or in a coma.
n.昏迷 v.解开...的钮扣
Proper Nouns
• Xi’an International Airport 西 安国际机场 • Xi’an Youth Travel Service 西 安青年旅游社
1. The Heart Attack
• The Brown’s arrive at Xianyang International Airport. On the way to the hotel in Xi’an one of the tour members suffers a heart attack. Mr. Huang Yun, the guide from Xi’an Youth Travel Service immediately feeds the patient with the medicine from her pocket for the first aid.
• 1. What do you think the guide should do first when the tourist has his leg fractured?
• He should stop the bleeding using his fingers, palm or fist to press the blood vessel above the wound, and then wrap a tourniquet tightly above the wound.
• (1) Stop the bleeding using his fingers, palm or fist to press the blood vessel above the wound.
• (2) Wrap a tourniquet tightly above the wound.
• 2) He should have the patient lie down and raised his head slightly up. If the patient has medicine with him for_re_li_e_vi_n_g_th_e_h_e_a_rt_a_tt_a_ck__sy_m_p_t_o_m_s, he can help him take it.
• (5) Put a fractured limb in a splint made of any available material to fix the joint and avoid moving the fractured limb.
2. Listen again and answer the following
• For the patient who develops a fever, the guide may bathe his body with cold water and help him to drink some water. When the patient feels better, the guide should encourage him to have a rest.
Unit Nine The First Aid
• Travel in Shaanxi 急救—陕西导游
• Part A Know-how for Tour Gu教id学e内s 容 导游实务
• 1. The Heart Attack突发心脏病 • 2. Tourists Injured游客受伤 • 3. Sunstroke中风
• 2. How do you call for an ambulance for the first aid?
• I shall call 120 for an ambulance.
2. Tourists Injured
• After supper Mr. Huang Yun takes tourists to take a walk on the top of the city wall. One of the tourists suddenly falls down and has his leg fractured. What do you think Mr. Huang Yun should do as a local guide?
• Part B Listening Comprehension 导游听力训练
• Big Wild Goose Pagoda大雁塔
教学内容 • Part C Situational Dialogue情景对

• The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses 兵马俑
• In the case of serious sunstroke, the guide should send the tourist to the hospital after the first aid.
Exercise: Decide whether the statements are true or false
• 2. Before wrapping the fractured limb how could the guide treat the wound?
• He should rinse the wound, and then wrap it up gently, tying the knot away from the wound.

Part A: Know-how for Tour Guides
New words
• authority • prescribe • symptom • fracture • tourniquet • Dressing
敷料) • rinse • splint
n.权威;权力 v.开处方, 开药 n.症状;征兆 v.骨折;断裂 n.止血带;压脉器 n. 敷在伤口的(
v.冲洗;漂洗 n. 夹板;藤条
• sunstroke • excessive
• dizziness • nausea • vomit • delirious
• coma • unbutton
n.中暑 adj.过多的, 过
n.头昏眼花 n.反胃;恶心 n. v.呕吐 adj.神志昏迷的,
Column B
A. in a splint
B. in a planket
C. away from the wound
D. on the wound E. above the wound F. through the blood vessel G. using his fingers, palm
or fist
Additional Tips for Tour Guide导s游实务
• Sunstroke
• What are the symptoms of the sunstroke? How could a guide help the tourist who suffers from the sunstroke?
• If it is true, put “T” in the space provid导ed游实务 and “F” if it is false.
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
1. Listen carefully, and fill in the words or phrases you have heard.
• 1) Mr. Huang Yun should not give the patient_h_is_o_w_n_m_e_di_ci_n_e for he has no authority to prescribe for a patient. He should not take any medicine from other tourists to offer the patient, too if they are not doctors.
• 3) He should call for an ambulance to take the patient to _a_n_e_a_rb_y_h_o_s_p_it_al______________ as soon as possible.
2. Listen again and answer the following questions.
• If the tourist feels sick, a guide should help him to rest in a cool and breezy place, unbutton his collar and unfasten his belt. If possible, the guide should give the patient salty water to drink.
1. Listen carefully, and match the information in column A with that in column B (There are two extra items in column B).
Column A 1. stop the bleeding 2. wrap a tourniquet tightly 3. place thick dressing 4. tie the knot 5. put the fractured limb
• Part D Methods of Introduction景 点讲解方法
• Method of Combining Facts and Figments虚实结合法
• Part E Introduction to Touris教t 学内容 Sites景点讲解
• Huaqing Hot Spring华清池 • Part F Tourism Culture旅游文化 • Chinese Cuisines中国烹饪 • Part G Translation景点翻译 • Tourist Sites in Shaanxi陕西旅游景
• (3) Place thick dressing on the wound and bind it tightly with a bandage.
• (4) Before binding, rinse the wound first, and then wrap it up gently, tying the knot away from the wound.