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In the process design of deep drawing, must know whether a stamping out, this leads to the concept of drawing coefficient. Limit drawing coefficient depends on each drawing the allowable deformation degree. Many in the drawing, for wide flange drawing parts, should be in the first drawing, pull into; the diameter of the flange parts required, and after each time depth, the diameter of the flange remain unchanged. In order to ensure the flange without
Only by strengthening the basic theory research of deformation calculation method of drawing, can provide more accurate, practical and convenient, can correctly determine the geometry and size of drawing process parameters and working parts of die, to solve the actual problems, drawing deformation in order to further improve the quality of workpieces.
The extension is a mould to make the plate blank into the stamping method for hollow parts of the opening, thin-walled parts with deep drawing process can be made into a cylinder shape, ladder shaped, cone, parabolic, box and other irregular shapes, and the case of cylindrical parts simple and rare, and flange cylindrical parts is divided into wide flange and narrow flange.
只有加强拉深变形基础理论的研究,才能提供更加准确、实用、方便 的计算方法,才能正确地确定拉深工艺参数和模具工作部分的几何形状与 尺 寸 ,解 决 拉 深 变 形 中 出 现 的 各 种 实 际 问 题 ,从 而 ,进百度文库一 步 提 高 制 件 质 量 。
在拉深工艺设计时,必须知道冲压件能否一次拉出,这就引出了拉深 系数的概念。拉伸系数决定于每次拉深时允许的极限变形程度。在多次拉 深中,对于宽凸缘拉深件,则应在第一次拉深时,就拉成;零件所要求的 凸缘直径,而在以后各次拉深中,凸缘直径保持不变。为了保证以后拉深 时凸缘不变形,宽凸缘拉深件首次拉入凹模的材料应比零件最后拉深部分 实际所需材料多 3%~5%,这些多余材料在以后各次拉深中,逐渐将减少部分 材料挤回到凸缘部分,使凸缘增厚,从而避免拉裂。
作 者: 学 号: 系 部:模具技术系 专 业:精密模具设计与制造 题 目:冷冲模(带凸缘拉伸件)
指导者: 评阅者:
2015 年 5 月
拉深是利用模具使平板毛坯变成为开口的空心零件的冲压方法,用拉 深工艺可以制成筒形、阶梯形、锥形、抛物面形、盒形和其他不规则形状 的薄壁零件,其中又以筒形件简单和多见,而有凸缘筒形件又分为宽凸缘 和窄凸缘件。
deformation after drawing, wide flange drawing parts for the first time into the die material should be better than the last part of the actual parts drawing materials needed for multiple 3%~5%, these extra materials after various times of deep, gradually will reduce part material out back to the flange portion, the flange thickened, so as to avoid cracking.
Keywords: cylinder, mold design, drawing, stamping
摘 要 ................................................................................................. II Abstract ............................................................................................ III 前 言 ................................................................................................ 0 第 1 章 加工零件的工艺分析 ......................................................... 2