
阿托伐他汀钙(Atorvastatin Calcium,CAS号344423—98—9)是一种紧要的化学试剂,常用于医药领域。

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阿托伐他汀自微乳释药系统的制备和评价沈海蓉3,李中东,钟明康(复旦大学附属华山医院临床药学研究室,上海200040)摘要:目的 制备阿托伐他汀自微乳,为自微乳释药系统的处方设计和体内外评价提供参考。
方法 采用伪三元相图法研究不同乳化剂、助乳化剂和油相形成微乳的能力和区域,绘制不同处方组成的相图,在此基础上制备阿托伐他汀自微乳,比较温度、介质、稀释等因素对自微乳效率的影响,进行自微乳时间、所成微乳的形态、粒径分布、zeta 电位、含量和稳定性等体外评价Beagle 犬体内药代动力学研究。
结果 理想的处方经分散后可得到平均粒径在100n m 以下、呈高斯分布的微乳,稳定性好,自微乳效率高,在Beagle 犬体内的吸收明显高于市售片剂。
结论 本文首次研制阿托伐他汀自微乳,稳定性好,在Beagle 犬体内的生物利用度高。
关键词:微乳;自微乳释药系统;阿托伐他汀;伪三元相图;乳化剂;生物利用度中图分类号:R944.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0513-4870(2005)11-0982-06收稿日期:2005202223.3通讯作者 Tel /Fax:86-21-32120059,E 2mail:hair ong_shen@Preparati on and evaluati on of self 2m i croe mulsi fyi n g drug deli verysyste m s cont a i n i n g atorvast ati nSHEN Hai 2r ong 3,L I Zhong 2dong,ZHONG M ing 2kang(Research D ivision of C linical Phar m acy,Huashan Hospital,Fudan U niversity,Shanghai 200040,China )Abstract:A i m To p repare self 2m icr oe mulsifying drug delivery syste m (S MEDDS )containingat orvastatin,and decrease its size t o i m p r ove the s olubility in the st omach .And t o study the effect of the resultant m icr oe mulsi on in reducing the p resyste m ic clearance in the gastr ointestinal mucosa and hepatic first 2pass metabolis m ,i m p r oving the oral bi oavailability,and reducing side effect and expenditure .M ethods Pseudoternary phase diagra m s were used t o evaluate the self 2m icr oe mulsificati on existence area .The HP LC analyses in vitro and in vivo were set up.Solubility in vari ous vehicles was deter m ined .The self 2m icr oe mulsificati on efficiency was assessed,such as self 2m icr oe mulsificati on ti m e,stability,particle size and zeta potential .S ME DDS containing at orvastatin,non 2i onic surfactant and li p id were p repared .D r op let size /distributi ons and zeta potential of the resultant m icr oe mulsi on were deter m ined .Phot os were taken with trans m issi on electr on m icr oscope .O ral bi oavailability was studied on p repared S MEDDS hard cap sules and compared with that of the conventi onal tablet in Beagle dogs in vivo .Results The op ti m al f or mulati ons had wide m icr oe mulsi on existent field and had good self 2m icr oe mulsifying efficiency .D r op let size was within 100n m and showed Gaussian distributi on .After oral adm inistrati on of S ME DDS cap sules and the conventi onal tablet t o fasted Beagle dogs,the C max fr om S MEDDS was greater than that of the conventi onal tablet .AUC fr om zer o t o 24h of S ME DDS was about 1152f old higher than that of the conventi onal tablet .O ral bi oavailability of at orvastatin S ME DDS was greater than that of the conventi onal tablet .Conclusi on The results indicated the potential use of S MEDDS for the delivery of at orvastatin t o increase its oral bi oavailability .Key words:m icr oe mulsi on;self 2m icr oe mulsifying drug delivery syste m;at orvastatin;p seudoternary phase diagra m s;surfactant;bi oavailability 自微乳释药系统[1](self 2m icr oe mulsifying drugdelivery syste m ,S MEDDS )包含油相、乳化剂、助乳化剂或少量水,可作为疏水性、难吸收或易水解药物的载体[1]。

结果用挤出滚圆法制备的阿托伐他汀钙速释微丸圆整度好、粒度分布窄、收率高,且在30 min体外溶出均在95%以上。
%Objective To prepare Atorvastatin Calcium Fast-release Pellets by extrusion-spheronization and study the influence of formulation and process parameters on the properties of the pellets. Methods Using single factor test,for-mulation and preparation technology of the pellets were optimized. Effects of the key parameters on the properties of the pel-lets,yield and dissolution were investigated using orthogonal design. Results Atorvastatin Calcium Fast-release Pellets presented perfect sphericity and high yield with sharp size distribution. More than 95% of the drugs were released from the pellets in 30 min. Conclusion Atorvastatin Calcium Fast-release Pellets were successfully prepared by extrusion-spher-onization with good reproducibility and high-quality,and had a remarkable fast-release property in vitro.【期刊名称】《药学研究》【年(卷),期】2014(000)012【总页数】3页(P705-706,723)【关键词】挤出滚圆法;阿托伐他汀钙;速释微丸;正交设计【作者】刘家胜;郭玉【作者单位】鲁南制药集团股份有限公司,国家手性制药工程技术研究中心,山东临沂276006;鲁南制药集团股份有限公司,国家手性制药工程技术研究中心,山东临沂276006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R944.9阿托伐他汀钙(atorvastatin calcium)为新型3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酰辅酶A (HMG-CoA)还原酶抑制剂,能竞争性地抑制胆固醇的生物合成,降低血浆胆固醇的水平,还可以降低甘油三酯水平[1,2]。

p r e s e n t e d p e r f e c t s p h e r i c i t y a n d h i g h y i e l d w i t h s h a r p s i z e d i s t r i b u t i o n . Mo r e t h a n 9 5 % o f t h e d ug r s w e r e r e l e a s e d f r o m t h e p e l l e t s i n 3 0 mi n . Co n c l u s i o n A t o r v a s t a t i n Ca l c i u m F a s t —r e l e a s e P e l l e t s w e r e s u c c e s s f u l l y p r e p a r e d b y e x t r u s i o n—s p h e r —
mu l a t i o n a nd p r e pa r a t i o n t e c h no l o g y o f t h e p e l l e t s we r e o p t i mi z e d. Ef f e c t s o f t he k e y p a r a me t e r s o n t h e p r o p e r t i e s o f t he pe l — l e t s , yi e l d a n d d i s s o l u t i o n we r e i nv e s t i g a t e d us i ng o r t ho g o n a l d e s i g n.Re s ul t s At o r v a s t a t i n Ca l c i u m Fa s t— r e l e a s e Pe l l e t s
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100 nm 以下 、呈高斯分布的微乳, 稳定性好, 自微乳效率高, 在 Beag le犬体内的吸收明显高于市售片剂。结 论 本文
首次研制阿托伐 他汀自微乳, 稳定性好, 在 Beag le犬体内的生物利用度高。
关键词: 微乳; 自微 乳释药系统; 阿托伐他汀; 伪三元相图; 乳化剂; 生物利用度
中图分类号 : R 944. 1
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 0513- 4870( 2005) 11- 0982- 06
Preparation and evaluation of self-m icroemulsifying drug delivery system s containing atorvastatin
SH EN H a-i rong* , L I Zhong-dong, ZHONG M ing-kang
伪三元相图的 绘制 分别选 择 Crem ophor EL 和 Crem ophor RH 40为乳化剂, 乙醇、丙二醇和聚乙 二醇 400为助乳化剂, L abrafil和 E sto l为油相, 分别 按乳化剂和 助乳 化 剂比 例为 1 2, 1 1, 2 1, 3 1 ( w /w ) 混合, 各乳化剂和助乳化剂的混合物与油相 按 9 1, 8 2, 7 3, 6 4, 5 5, 4 6, 3 7, 2 8, 1 9( w /w ) 在 25 或 37 混合, 以滴定法向各混合物中逐滴 加入水或 0 1 m o l L- 1 HC ,l 轻轻振摇, 达平衡后观 察澄明度和流动性, 判断形成的是微乳, 亦或是普通 乳剂、液晶态、凝胶态等其他形态, 用甲基蓝染色法 判断所形成微乳的类型, 同时用激光粒度测定仪测 定粒径的大小和分布, 比较不同稀释介质和温度对 形成微乳区域的影响。在此基础上, 明确形成微乳 的各组分的浓度范围, 绘制伪三元相图。
收稿日期: 2005-02-23. * 通讯作者 T el / Fax: 86- 21 - 32120059,
E-m a i:l hairong_shen@ 163. com
自微乳 释药 系统 [ 1] ( se l-f m icroem ulsify ing drug delivery system, SMEDDS)包含油相、乳化剂、助乳化 剂或少量水, 可作为疏水性、难吸收或易水解药物的
(R esearch D ivision of C linical Pharm acy, H uashan H osp ital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China )
Abstract: A im To prepare sel-f m icroem u lsifying drug de livery system ( SMEDDS ) containing atorvastat in, and decrease its size to improve the solubility in the stom ach. And to study the effect o f the resu ltant m icroem u lsion in reducing the presystem ic clearance in the gastro intestina l m ucosa and hepatic firs-t pass m etabolism, im prov ing the o ral b ioava ilab ility, and reduc ing side effect and expend iture. M ethod s P seudoternary phase d iagram s w ere used to evalua te the se l-f m icroemu lsification ex istence area. The H PLC analyses in vitro and in vivo w ere set up. Solub ility in various veh icles w as determ ined. T he sel-f m icroem u lsificat ion effic iency w as assessed, such as sel-f m icroem ulsificat ion tim e, stability, particle size and zeta potent ia.l SMEDDS containing atorvastatin, non- ionic surfactant and lipid w ere prepared. Drop let size / distributions and zeta po tentia l o f the resu ltant m icroem u lsion w ere determ ined. P hotos w ere taken w ith transm ission electron m icroscope. Oral b ioava ilab ility w as studied on prepared SMEDDS hard capsules and com pared w ith that of the conventional tab let in Beagle dogs in vivo. R esults The optim a l form ulat ions had w ide m icroem ulsion ex istent fie ld and had good se l-f m icroemu lsify ing effic iency. D roplet size w as w ith in 100 nm and show ed Gaussian d istribution. A fter oral adm inistrat ion of SMEDDS capsules and the convent iona l tab let to fasted Beag le dogs, the Cmax from SMEDD S w as greater than that of the conventional tab le.t AUC from zero to 24 h o f SM EDDS w as abou t 1 5- fo ld h igher than that of the conventional table.t O ral bioavailab ility o f atorvastat in SM EDDS w as greater than that of the conven tiona l table.t Conclusion The results ind icated the potential use o f SMEDDS for the delivery o f atorvastatin to increase its oral b ioava ilability.
元相图法研究不 同乳化剂、助乳化剂和油相形 成微乳 的能力 和区域, 绘制 不同处 方组成 的相图, 在此 基础上 制备阿
托伐他汀 自微乳, 比较温 度、介 质、稀 释等因素对 自微乳效率 的影响, 进行自 微乳时间、所成微 乳的形态、粒径 分布、
zeta电位、含量和稳定性等体外评价 Beag le犬体内药代动力学研究。结果 理想的处方经分散 后可得到平均粒径在
材料 辛酸 /癸酸聚乙二醇甘油酯 ( L abraso l) 、 双苷醇单 乙醚 ( T ranscuto l)、油酸聚 乙二醇 甘油酯 ( L abrafil) 、中链甘油三酯 ( L abrafac) 和单亚油酸甘 油酯 ( M a isine) 为 Gattefosse 公司产品; 聚氧乙烯氢 化蓖 麻油 ( C rem opho r RH 40 ) 和 聚 氧 乙 烯 蓖麻 油 ( C rem opho r EL ) ( BASF 公司 ); 二辛酸 /癸酸丙二醇 酯 ( E sto l) 和 肉 豆寇 酸异 丙 酯 ( IPM ) ( U niqem a 公 司 ) ; 阿托伐他汀 ( 北京红惠制药有限公司 ), L icaps 胶囊 (苏州胶囊公司 ) , L iptor( P fizer制药公司 ) 。
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药学学报 A cta Pharm aceutica S in ica 2005, 40( 11): 982- 987
沈海蓉* , 李中东, 钟明康
(复旦大学 附属华山医院 临床 药学研究室, 上海 200040)
摘要: 目的 制备阿托伐他汀自微乳, 为自微乳释药系统的处方设计和体内外评价提供参考。方法 采用伪三
动物 雄性健康 Beagle 犬, 体重 12~ 14 kg, 由 复旦大学实验动物中心提供。
阿托伐他汀在各种赋形剂中的溶解度 将过量 阿托伐他汀分别加至赋形剂 2 mL 中, 置带塞离心
管, 于 40 水浴中搅拌溶解, 然后在 25 水浴中平 衡 48 h。 3 000 r m in- 1离心 10 m in, 0 45 m 滤膜 过滤, 用乙腈稀释适宜倍数后用 H PLC 测定阿托伐 他汀含量, 计算阿托伐他汀在不同赋形剂中的溶解 度。
沈海蓉等: 阿托伐他汀 自微乳释ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้系统的制备和评价
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载体 [ 1] 。药物被包裹在油滴中, 口服后遇体液在胃 肠蠕动下自发分散成粒径在 10~ 100 nm O /W 型微 乳, 克服了大分子药物通过胃肠道上皮细胞膜时的 障碍, 可在胃肠道均匀、快速的分布, 提高了药物的 溶出度和渗透率, SMEDDS也可经淋巴管吸收, 减少 胃肠黏膜的清除和首过效应, 一定程度上可防止药 物被酶水解, 也可降低个体吸收差异, 适于口服吸收 差、生物利用度低的药物 [ 2] , 加之其稳定性好, 服用 方便, 近年来国 外药 学领域 这方 面的 研究逐 渐增 多 [ 3] 。阿托 伐 他 汀 ( atorvastatin) 为选 择 性 HMGCoA 还原酶抑制剂, 临床广泛用于治疗冠心病和血 脂异常等疾病, 效果确切 [ 4] , 吸收程 度随口服剂量 的增加而成比例地增加。但因其水溶性较差, 以及 受胃肠黏膜清除和肝脏首过代谢, 导致口服生物利 用度仅约为 14% [ 5, 6] 。本文采用伪三元相图法研究 不同乳化剂、助乳化剂和油相形成微乳的能力和区 域, 绘制不同处方的相图, 制备阿托伐他汀自微乳, 比较温度、介质、稀释等因素对自微乳效率的影响, 进行自微乳时间、所成微乳的形态、粒径大小、分布、 zeta电位、含量和稳定性等自微乳效率的体外评价 和犬体内药代动力学研究, 并与市售片剂进行比较。