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Dear Ming,

My son, my only son, my good son!

I miss you so much. So your father and grandparents do!


When the bad new came, your dad, grandparents, friends, teachers and I almost wept with sadness. Many kind-hearted people also felt sorry with you, my dear son. Your death has completely ruined our family, ruined our future and even Chinese families’ hope.


Who deprive you of life? Who ruin your colorful youth? Who destroy your dream? Who cut the way you chase dream?


My son, only son, dear son. Is safe in the heaven? Do you hear a shot? Are you still feeling painful? We cannot stay with you any more, please please take care by yourself.


My son, only son, dear son. Are you tired in the heaven? You were always studying hard. You told to us that you must study hard because of your dream. You told us that you just need 10 mins for fun every day because you wanted to study more time. my son, only son, good son. You were so tired. Please relax in the heaven.


My son, only son, good son. Is hot in the heaven? Don’t save money to buy ice cream. In your childhood, summer was hot. Mama worried that you felt too hot and gave your RMB 0.5 to buy ice cream. You saved the money. You never wasted 1 dollar.



Two years life in US taught you how to save money. You di dn’t take language class at school to save the tuition, but got a partime job to learn English while making some money. You didn’t buy books, but all borrowed from others, or found ebooks online to save some expenses. We’ve never felt so guilty when we saw you lived in such a small room, slept on a matress instead of a bed. It s our fault that we didn’t have the ability to give you a better life. You lift the economy burden through your () .now your dad, your Mon, has sent you hundreds of

()money, and we h ope it’s enough to have good life in the heaven.


Dear son, are there lots of people that need help? You always love to help others. When you were primary school, you when to buy some medicine to relieve the throat pain of your teacher. You went to places far away just to accompany your good friend to take the GRE test. You spent your own money to help take your injured friend from Shanghai back to his hometown. You were busy asking others to help your classmates get through their financial difficulties and let them catch up with the college entrance exam. So many people have felt your kind heart and generosity. They all miss you very much. We believe you will continue to help others in the heaven.


Dear son, is there summer vacation in the heaven? You used to spend a week to accompany your grandpa and grandma during summer vacation. For this summer, your Mon told your grandparents that you got a highly confidential job in US, and could only come back in a couple of years. After hearing this, your grandma went to your room, found your album, held it, said to herself with tears: you are my boy! But we are too old to wait until you come back. Son, it’s your dad and Mon that lied to your grandpa and grandma, please forgive us!


Dear son, did you have Labor Day in the heaven (Labor day is May 1st in China)? When other parents were busy shopping to get ready for their kids’ arrival, your dad and Mon were doing the memorials for the third seven days after your death. On the Labor Day, your dad couldn’t help crying when he made your favorite fish cuisine that you could not enjoy anymore. We also prepare your bowl and chopsticks during dinner. We kept crying during the dinner, eating nothing.
