英汉寒暄语对比研究 english version

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“Your house is very cozy”,
“You are so beautiful today” 就事论事
“The bus is late, isnt' it?”
“The flower smells fragrant, isnt' it?” 攀认型 “大家是广州人,我母亲出生在 广州,说起来,我们算是半个老乡了。”
Introduction (definition, origin,)
• Phatic communion is an informal type of discourse that does not cover any functional topics of conversation or any transactions that need to be addressed.
with the research?
B: Oh, not so bad.
评论式 (commenting) 论天气 “Lovely day, isn’t‘ it?”
“Very cold, right?” 论对方(或对方的物品)
“Your T-shirt is very pretty”,
• The phenomenon of phatic communion was initially studied in 1923 by Bronislaw Malinowski.
• The ability to conduct phatic communion is a social skills.
回顾式 (retrospecting)
“I haven 't seen you for ages” “Long time no see”
致谢式 ( appreciating) ☆致谢的原则不同
English --- 不分亲疏公私 中文 ---- 亲疏不同,公私分明
• to mitigate the rejection, affirm the relationship between the two people, and soften the parting.
As a space filler
• In many cultures, silences between two people are usually considered uncomfortable.
• In particular, it helps new acquaintances to explore and categorize each other's social position.
phatic communion
At the Beginning of A conversation
At the End of A conversation
As a Space filler
At the beginning of a conversation
• Acquaintances -–-to build gentle introduction before engaging in more functional topics of conversation.
• In spite of seeming to have little useful purpose, phatic communion is a bonding ritual and a strategy for managing interpersonal distance.
• It serves many functions in helping to define the relationships between friends, work colleagues, and new acquaintances.
A con百度文库rastive study of the phatic
communion in English and Chinese (英汉寒暄语对比研究)
• Introduction (definition, origin) • Purpose • Content patterns (5 categories) • Conversational patterns (2 moves) • Conclusion • References
Content Patterns
A: Hello, Mary. English B: Hello, John.
传统意会型问候 “上哪去呀?” “吃过饭了吗?” “怎么这么忙啊?”
古典型问候 “幸会”、“久仰”
询问式 (inquiring)
A: How are you getting along
• New acquaintances --- to show that they have friendly intentions and desire some sort of positive interaction.
At the end of a conversation
• Suddenly ending an exchange may risk appearing to reject the other person.
• To reduce tension until a more substantial subject arises.
two colleagues who pass each other in a corridor:
• Dave : Morning, Jane. • Jane : Oh, morning, Dave, how are you? • Dave : Fine, thanks. Have a good weekend? • Jane : Yes, thanks. Catch you later. • Dave : OK, see you.