

Module2 Book 5






1. 会默写本模块的单词,并会相关的词形变化,记住本模块的重点短语及重要句型。

2. 通过掌握知识点,会做相关的练习题。

3. 激情投入,养成用英语思维的习惯。



The other day in the hospital,I ________(偶遇到) my middle school English teacher,who was a much loved and highly__________(受尊敬的) teacher. He was well___________(合格的)for his job. When we were suffering from great__________(压力)in study, he often gave us a smile. His ___________(乐观的)attitude to life had a profound ___________(影响) on my life. He ____________(要求) that we set goals for ourselves and he often __________(提供)us some useful advice on achieving them.We were all ___________(感激的) to him for his essential help.

2 apply, in response to

(完成句子)I’m writing _______________________________________________(申请你们公司做广告的那个职位) in yesterday’s China Daily.

(英译汉)This rule can not be applied to every case.

Buffet applied to Harvard Business School but was turned down, making it to be one of the worst admission decisions in Harvard history.

3 grateful VS appreciate


I would _______________ if you could send me more information about the post available.

I would _______________ if you could send me more information about the post available.

4 选择

1)One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away_______my daughter heard cries for help. (2011·浙江,4)

A.after B.while C.since D.when

2)We shouldn’t take ________ for granted that we still have a lot of time before the College Entrance Examinations.

A.this B.that C.it D.such

3)The old granny once told us she_____ a lot during World War II,______her husband and children.

A.suffered;losing B.had suffered;lost

C.suffered;lost D.had suffered;had lost

4)You are required ________ the money by next Saturday.

A.paying B.to be paid C.to pay D.paid

5)This situation required that he _______ there.

A.stayed B.would stay C.stay D.had stayed

6)Peter offered ________ them water-skiing.

A.teaching B.to teach C.teach D.to be taught

7)Be ________—you can’t expect me to finish all this work in so little time. (2012·山东,33)

A.reasonable B.confident C.creative D.grateful

8)______ all of them are strong candidates,only one will be chosen for the post.(2011·陕西)

A.Since B.While C.If D.As

9)—Can you lend me the book Gone w ith the Wind?

—Sorry.I returned it to the library just now.Maybe it is still ________. (2012·福建,32)

A.available B.affordable C.acceptable D.valuable

5 用所给词的适当形式填空

(1)—Where have you been recently?

—I ________ in Hangzhou on business for a week last month.(be)

(2)—I didn’t go to Mary’s party last night because my car broke down.

—You could have borrowed mine.I ____________________ it.(not,use)

(3)My headache is killing me.I _____________ it was going away.(think)

(4)—What did you do last Sunday,Peter?

—Well,I ________________ to see a friend of mine,but in the end I stayed at home doing nothing.(go)

(5)—I hear Jane has gone to the Holy Island for her holiday.

—Oh,how nice!Do you know when she ________?(leave)



________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________




Phil Donahue,the former television talk show host,had something of a reputation for giving clergy(神职人员)a hard time,and he has said the reason he’s that way is that he has little respect for them.Most clergy will do anything for some media attention,he says.In his autobiography(自传),however, he tells about an encounter with a minister who was different.It happened while Donahue was a young television reporter in Ohio,and one day he was sent to West Virginia in the bitter cold winter to cover a mine disaster.He went by himself in a battered little car, carrying a minicam to film the story.

It was so cold when he got there,however, the camera wouldn’t work.So he put it inside his coat to warm it up enough to run.In the meantime,the families of the trapped miners were gathered around.The),were just simple mining people—women,old men,and children.Several of the trapped men were fathers.

Then the local minister arrived.He was tall and thin,and he didn’t speak well at a11.But he gathered all the families around in a circle,and the held one another in their arms while he prayed for them.

As this was going on,Donahue was still trying to get his camera to work,and he was extremely disappointed because he couldn’t film the scene.Finally,after the prayer was over,Donahue managed to get his camera operating.So he told the minister he had his camera working now and asked if the minister would please do the prayer again so he could film it for the evening news.

This simple West Virginia preacher, however,told Donahue,“Young man,we don’t pray for the news.I’m sorry,but we’ve already prayed,and I will not pose.”

To this day,Donahue remembers that minister with respect.You don’t forget that kind of character,no matter who

you are or what you believe.

41.We can learn from Paragraph 1 that Donahue _______________.

A.used to show much respect for clergy B.thinks most clergy tend to attract media attention

C.used to have a hard time dealing with clergy D.always misunderstands clergy

42.For what purpose did Donahue go to West Virginia one day?

A.To report on an accident.B.To rescue the miners.

C.To film the praying of a minister.D.To witness a disaster.

43.What do we know about Donahue’s camera?

A.It was advanced and hard to operate.B.The low temperature prevented it working properly.

C.It was all right before the prayer started.D.It needed to be repaired.

44.What did the minister refuse to do?

A.To pray for the accident.B.To make up the news.

C.To cooperate with the reporter.D.To pray for the trapped miners on TV

45.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.The clergy are having a hard time.B.Praying saved the trapped miners.

C.A minister who gains Donahue’s respect.D.A mine disaster happened in Virginia.


Human civilization has truly come a long way.From using animals for transport to the super fast automobiles that we have today.From using flint to making fire to using one touch lighters.But there are some things that we will never let go of.Some ancient traditions that have been brought down through the ages are still followed today.Groundhog Day(土拔鼠节),falls on the 2nd of February every year.It is observed in the United States and Canada.While this day may be a public holiday and a bank holiday,it is not a compulsory holiday declared by the government.But this is not so for all the states.State-wise holidays may vary.

Ever heard of Punxsutawney Phil? Groundhog Day is observed because of this groundhog.The day is indeed about a groundhog.Punxsutawney is the name of an apparently weather forecasting groundhog.He lives in his burrow(洞穴)on Gobler’s Knob,Punxsutawney in Pennsylvania,for a short period before the 2nd of February every year.On the 2nd of February,Phil comes out from his burrow and looks for his shadow.If he sees his shadow and goes back into the burrow,then America will have an extended winter of six weeks,But if he cannot see his shadow,and he remains outside.It means winter will soon end and spring will arrive very shortly .Phil has been‘predicting’the length of winter in this manner for almost a century and they have always been almost 100%accurate.

Groundhog Day is celebrated in some parts of the USA and Canada.The largest celebration is held at Punxsutawney,Pennsylvania.People come in scores to visit Punxsutawney Phil.They wait eagerly, camping days in advance,to see the small groundhog appear from his burrow,check for his shadow and either go back in or stay out.People cheer when they hear it is time for winter to end and celebrate by eating sweets and singing and dancing.Today.the Groundhog Day is a widespread tradition and an exciting event.

46.People celebrate Groundhog Day because ______________.

A.some sweets are provided on Groundhog Day B.more and more people love groundhogs

C.the groundhog predicts the beginning of spring D.Punxsutawney Phil is worth respecting

47.What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 1?

A.Human civilization has a long history.B.Some old traditions should be carried on.

C.Human civilization develops very fast.D.Some old traditions have disappeared.

48. We learn from the passage that Punxsutawney Phil ____________.

A.forecasts the weather based on his shadow B.witnesses the history of human development

C.organizes celebrations on Groundhog Day D.gives performances on Groundhog Day

49.We may infer from the passage that ________________.

A.groundhogs will replace TV weathermen soon B.groundhogs can forecast the weather accurately C.Groundhog Day is becoming popular in the US and Canada

D.a longer shadow of a groundhog indicates a longer winter

50.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Winter will end if the groundhog goes back into the burrow.

B.Groundhog Day is a compulsory’holiday in the US and Canada.

C.A groundhog will remain outside if he sees his shadows on 2nd,Feb.

D.The celebration in Punxsutawney attracts large numbers of visitors.


The adolescent girl from Tennessee was standing on the stage of a drama summer camp in New York.But the girl didn’t feel joyful.She was not the leggy,attractive Hollywood type.In fact,she described herself as stupid.This girl was Reese Witherspoon,who had wanted to be a country singer and admired and respected Dolly Patton very much.

That day at the end of the camp her coaches told her to forget about singing.They suggested she think about another career.She took their words to heart.After all,why shouldn’t she believe the professionals?

But back at home in Nashville,her mother—a funny,happy,optimistic woman—wouldn’t let her feel depressed.Her father,a physician,encouraged her to achieve in schoo1.So she worked hard at everything and was accepted at Stanford University.

And at 1 9,she got a part in a low-budget movie called Freeway, which prepared for her role in the movie Pleasantville.But her big break came with Legally Blonde.

“If you can’t sing and you aren’t charming,play to your strengths.If you’re going to make it in this business,better focus on what you’re good at,”she told the interviewer later.

And then came the offer that took her back to her Nashville—playing the wife of a country star Johnny Cash,a singing role.

All of a sudden the old fears learned on that summer stage were back.She was so nervous on the stage.But she didn’t give up on the movie or herself.She spent 6 months taking singing lessons again.She learned to play the Autoharp.And the hard work built up her confidence.

Last March,Reese Witherspoon walked up on another stage,the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood,and accepted the Oscar as Best Actress for her heartbreaking,heartwarming singing role as June Carter Cash in Walk the Line.51.Why was Reese Witherspoon sad that day?

A.The experts advised her to give up singing.B.Dolly Parton told her to leave the stage.

C.The coaches described her as foolish.D.The professionals considered her ignorant.

52.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A.Reese was an optimistic girl.B.Her parents supported her a lot.

C.Her parents were disappointed with her.D.Reese blamed herself all day long.

53.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Reese’s mother was a physician.B.Freeway was Reese’s big break.

C.Reese won the Oscar for Walk the Line.D.New York was Reese’s home town.

54.How did Reese succeed in playing the singing role?

A.She did her best to make herself leggy and attractive.B.She tried hard to forget about that summer stage.C.She practised Autoharp lessons for more than 6 months.D.She regained her confidence through hard work.55.What can we learn from Reese’s experience?

A.Two heads are better than one.B.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.

C.Where there is a will,there is a way.D.Hope for the best,and prepare for the worst.


高二必修五知识点梳理 Module 1 British and American English 重点词汇: accent , obvious, queue, confusing, compare, variety, remark, variation steadily, switch, satellite, structure, 重点短语 1.have in common有共同点 2.make a difference有影响;使不同 3.get around四处走走 https://www.360docs.net/doc/cd2874960.html,pare with/to和……比较 5.differ from与……不同 6.be similar to与…..不同 7.have difficulty in doing sth.做某事有困难 8.lead to导致 9.have sth. in common(与某人)兴趣、想法相同 长难句解析 1.This non-stop communication,the experts think,has made it easier for British people and Americans to understand each other. 专家认为,这种不间断的交流使英美人之间的相互理解变得更容易。当不定式、动名词或从句在复合宾语结构中作某些动词的宾语时(如make,find,see,hear 等),为保持句子平衡,常用it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放在句尾。其结构为:主语+谓语动词+it +形容词/名词/代词+不定式/动名词/从句。it 后面的形容词或名词作宾补。

2. When the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw made the famous remark that the British and the Americans are two nations divided by a common language, he was obviously thinking about the differences. 当著名的爱尔兰作家萧伯纳说出“英国和美国是被一种常见的语言分割开来的两个国家”一番话时,很明显他考虑了两者之间的差异。that the British and the Americans are two nations divided by a common language 是同位语从句,用来说明前面的名词remark 的内容。 语法通关 一、一般现在时 1.表示现在习惯或经常反复发生的动作或存在的状态,常与usually,always,sometimes,often,frequently,every day/week/year/morning...on Sunday等时间状语连用。 二、现在进行时 1.表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。 2.表示说话人现在对主语的行为表赞叹或厌恶等 3. 表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。(说话时动作不一定正在进行) 三、现在完成时 1.表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。2.表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括“现在”在内)的一段时间的状语连用四、一般将来时


外研版必修五Reading 及Cultural Corner译文 Module 1 Reading译文 词,词,词 英式英语和美式英语在很多方面都有所不同。首先最 明显的是在词汇方面。有数以百计个不同的词在大西洋彼 岸的另一个英语国家不被使用,或者以一种不同的意思被 使用着。美国人在freeways上驾驶的是automobiles,给车加gas;英国人在motorways上驾驶的是cars,给车加petrol。作为游人,在伦敦你要乘underground,而在纽约则是subway,或者你愿意乘坐taxi(英式)或者cab(美式)游览城市。 Chips 还是French fries? 但是其他词语和表达方式却没有这么广泛地为人所 知。美国人把手电筒称为flashlight, 而英国人却叫它torch。英国人排队用queue up,而美国人说stand in line。有时 候,同一个单词在意义上一点细微的差别就让人很困惑。 比如chips这个词在英国是热炸的薯条,在美国却指非常薄而且装在纸袋里出售的薯片---英国人把这种东西称为crisps。英国人知道而且喜欢的薯条在大西洋对岸被称为French fries。 Have 还是Have got ? 在语法上,英式英语和美式英语也有一些区别。英国 人说Have you got …? 然而美国人却愿意说 Do you have …? 美国人可能会说My friend just arrived,但是英国人愿意讲My friend has just arrived。介词的用法也有所不同:比较一下 on the team, on the weekend(美国用法)和in the team, at the weekend(英国用法)。英国人用介词的地方美国人有时候可能会省略(I’ll see you Monday; Write me soon!)


外研版高中英语必修五全册全英文教案Module 1 British and American English Period 1Introduction& Reading and speaking Teaching Aim: Help the students to know some differences between British English and American English. Teaching Important Point: Help the students to know some differences between British English and American English. Teaching Difficult Point: How to improve their speaking ability. Teaching Aid: the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step1. Read the quotations and answer the questions: 1) What is the topic of the quotations? 2) Whose opinion is the most optimistic? 3) Whose opinion is the most pessimistic? Step2. Read the emails and say what the writers have in common.

Step3. Check the true statements 1) People from Hong Kong can understand people from Beijing.( Open) 2) People from Shanghai sound the same as people from Xi’an.(Not true) 3) Chinese characters can be understood by all speakers of Chinese.(True) 4) American English is very different from British English.(Not true) 5) People from Britain can’t understand people from America.( Not true) Period 2 Reading& Language points Teaching Aim: Help the students to understand the text and some language points. Teaching Important Point: Improve the students’ reading ability. Teaching Difficult Point: How to improve their reading ability. Teaching Aid: the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Reading Read the passage and find out ways in which British and American English are different. Step 2. Complete the sentences with the correct words or phrases. Step 3. Language points 1、get around: 四处走动,到处旅游 eg. She gets around with the help of a stick. 2、differ from: 不同于… differ in: 在…方面不同 3、be similar to: 与…相似 4、have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 have difficulty with sth.

外研版 高中英语 必修五M2知识点及练习(带答案)

M2 A job worth doing 一.单词 A 1.Last night we got together and had a______ (令人满意的) meal. 2.He is not ________ (合格的) to teach English. 3.The teacher ________ (要求) that we should finish our work the next day. 4.The desk is broken.It ________ (需要) repairing. 5.Would you like to live in a modern flat or do you prefer a ________ (传统的) house? 6.We are ________ (感激的) to you for your help. 7.Our business has ________ (遭受) from lack of investment. 8.He has ________ (申请)for a job to our company. 9.He ________ (提出) to help me when I got into trouble. 10.They are living under very ________ (充满压力的) conditions. B.词汇拓展 1.n.压力→adj 充满压力的 2.n.影响→v.影响 3.V.分析→n.分析家 二.短语互译 A 1 .in particular 2 in theory 3. in practice 4. 实际上;在实践中 4. take...for granted 5.have an effect on 6. 站好位置以备……7 注意到 B 1.He (主动帮忙)as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry. 2.The driver was punished for not (遵守交通规则)3.Doctors have said as many as 50 percent of the patients don't take medicine (按照指示)


高二英语必修五学案 Module 1 British and American English Reading and speaking Learning aims: 1.To improve the ability of reading 2. To learn about the differences between British English and American English Important points: 1.To remember the new words/phrases in the period 2. To learn how to read comparing texts Step 1: Fast reading 1. What is the general idea of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words) ____________________________________________________________ 2 .Read the titles and the first sentences of each paragraph and find four ways in which British and American English are different. 1) in _________ 2) in __________3) ___________ 4) ____________ 3. Divide the text into several parts according to the main idea given below. Part 1: Paras_____---______ Tells the ways that Am.E &Br.E are different. Part 2: Paras. ____ ---_____ Predict the future of these two varieties. Step 2:Careful reading 1.Read Para1-2 and fill in the form British English American English cars freeway gas underground taxi torch stand in line


淄川区般阳中学高三英语学案 课题:The Object Clause 课型:Revision 重点:How to use the object clause? 难点:How to use the object clause ? 教学目标(Teaching aims ): ★知识目标(Knowledge aims ): To grasp the object clause. ★ 能力目标(Ability aims ): To learn how to use the object clause. ★ 情感、态度和价值观目标(The objectives of emotion, attitude and value ): To learn to draw a clear distinction between the primary and the secondary when doing things & learn to agree with your group. Step 1 Revision & lead-in (检查复习、情景导入) 5 mins 1. Cloze test. Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with the correct words. Yesterday Once More(昨日重现) When I was young, I'd listened to the radio, 年轻的时候我喜欢听收音机, 1) for my favorite songs. 等待我的至爱歌曲。 When they played I'd sing along. 歌曲播放时,我跟着一起唱, It made me smile. 总会让我开心地笑。 Those were such happy times 那是如此快乐的时光, and not so long ago.这并不是很久以前的事情。 How I wondered 2) they'd gone. 我常常在想,以前那些歌都到哪里去了? But they're back again, 后来他们又回来了, just like a long lost friend. 就象又见到久违的老朋友一样。 All the songs I loved so well. 我是多么地热爱这些歌! (*) Every sha-la-la-la every wo-wo-wo still shines. 每个sha-la-la-la, 每个wo-wo-wo 都在闪耀。 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine. 每个shing-a-ling-a-ling 都是那么美好。 When they get to the part 3) he's breaking her heart, 当歌中唱到他让她心碎时, it can really make me 4) , 我真的会哭起来。 just like before. It's yesterday once more. 昨日重现。 Looking back on how it was in years gone by 回想过去多年的日子, and the good times that I had 当时我曾享受过的美好时光 makes today seem 5) sad. 让我今天更感悲伤。 So much has changed 变化实在太大了!


2020年高中数学必修五全套精品学案 (精华版) §1.1.1 正弦定理 学习目标 1. 掌握正弦定理的内容; 2. 掌握正弦定理的证明方法; 3. 会运用正弦定理解斜三角形的两类基本问题. 学习过程 一、课前准备 试验:固定?ABC的边CB及∠B,使边AC绕着顶 点C转动. 思考:∠C的大小与它的对边AB的长度之间有怎样的数量关系? 显然,边AB的长度随着其对角∠C的大小的增大而.能否用一个等式把这种关系精确地表示出来? 二、新课导学

※ 学习探究 探究1:在初中,我们已学过如何解直角三角形,下面就首先来探讨直角三角形中,角与边的等式关系. 如图,在Rt ?ABC 中,设BC =a ,AC =b ,AB =c , 根据锐角三角函数中正弦函数的定义, 有sin a A c =,sin b B c =,又sin 1c C c ==, 从而在直角三角形ABC 中,sin sin sin a b c A B C ==. ( 探究2:那么对于任意的三角形,以上关系式是否仍然成立? 可分为锐角三角形和钝角三角形两种情况: 当?ABC 是锐角三角形时,设边AB 上的高是CD ,根据任意角三角函数的定义, 有CD =sin sin a B b A =,则 sin sin a b A B = , 同理可得 sin sin c b C B = , 从而sin sin a b A B =sin c C =. 类似可推出,当?ABC 是钝角三角形时,以上关系式仍然成立.请你试试导.

新知:正弦定理 在一个三角形中,各边和它所对角的 的比相等,即 sin sin a b A B = sin c C =. 试试: (1)在ABC ?中,一定成立的等式是( ). A .sin sin a A b B = B .cos cos a A b B = C . sin sin a B b A = D .cos cos a B b A = (2)已知△ABC 中,a =4,b =8,∠A =30°,则∠B 等于 . [理解定理] (1)正弦定理说明同一三角形中,边与其对角的正弦成正比,且比例系数为同一正数,即存在正数k 使sin a k A =, ,sin c k C =; (2)sin sin a b A B =sin c C =等价于 ,sin sin c b C B =,sin a A =sin c C . (3)正弦定理的基本作用为: ①已知三角形的任意两角及其一边可以求其他边,如sin sin b A a B =; b = . ②已知三角形的任意两边与其中一边的对角可以求其他角的正弦值, 如sin sin a A B b =;sin C = . (4)一般地,已知三角形的某些边和角,求其它的边和角的过程

外研版高中英语必修五Module 2A Job Worth DoingGrammar学案4

Module 2《A Job Worth Doing》 Period 2: Grammar—Review of verb forms Objectives ●To review Past simple, past perfect and past continuous ●To make a summary of tenses Procedures ▇Reviewing Present simple, present continuous, present perfect Simple Past FORM Simple Past [VERB+ed] EXAMPLES: I visited my friends. I often visited my friends. NOTE: When you are using a verb tense with only one part such as Simple Past (visited), adverbs usually come before the verb (often visited). Please remember this is different from verbs with more than one part such as Present Continuous. USE 1Completed Action in the Past Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind. EXAMPLES: I saw a movie yesterday. I didn't see a movie yesterday. Last year, I traveled to Japan.


必修 5 Module 1 British and American English 基础自主回顾 I?课标单词 1.________ 口_ 音(n.) 2._________ 比_ 较(vt.) 3. ________ 评_ 论;讲话(n.) 4. _______ 速地(adv.)5 . ___________ 口;增加(vt.)6 . _________ 述;提出(观点、计划等)(vt.)


1.Sometimes the same word has a slightly different meaning, ______________ . 有时候,同一个单词在意义上的一点细微差别就让人很困惑。 2.A Londoner has more _______________ Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker. 一个伦敦人理解来自格拉斯格的苏格兰人比理解一个纽约人更难。 3.Since the 1980s, with satellite TV and the Internet, _________________ h as been possible ___________ British and American English at the flick of a switch. 自从20 世纪80 年代以来,通过卫星电视、互联网,轻轻打开开关,就能听英式和美式英语了。 4.Who ______ the local accent ______________ ?谁发觉当地的方言很难懂? IV ?模块语法 1.The picture in common with the famous artist's, but something different ,is surely a fake (仿制品). A .have nothing B.having little C .having a lot D.have everything 2. It was what he did _______ made a differenee, not what he said. A.that B.which C.what D .who 3. _______ that the famous star will get married for the third time. A.It has got around B.That has got round C.It got round D .That gets around 4.The teaeher didn't explain the problem elearly, so many students were ______ A.eonfusing B.mixing C.eonfused D.mixed 5. _______ with the old days, we are living a happier life now. A.Compared B .Comparing C .Compare D .In


English Guiding Paper of Books 5 高 二 英 语 导 学 案 制作人:高二英语组

Contents (目录) Module 1 British and American English 3 Module 2 A job worth doing 9 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema 15 Module 4 Carnival 23 Module 5 The great sports personality 36 Module 6 Animals in danger 45

Module 1 British and American English Part I V ocabulary 1. have …in common (with sb.) 和某人有共同点 have a lot / much/ something/ little/ nothing in common 有_________/ __________/ _____ /______共同点 e.g. ?We found that __________________________ and we got on well. 我们发现彼此有很多共同点,很合得来。 ?_______________________, he enjoys playing and watching football. 和大多数年轻人一样,他喜爱踢足球看球赛。 2. make a difference to sb./ sth. 对某人/某事有影响,使不同 make a / no/ some/ much difference to sb./ sth. 有影响;没有/有一些/有很大影响 ?It won’t __________________ whether he comes or not. 他来不来没有多大影响。 ? Changing schools _________________________. 转学对她的一生影响很大。 3. confuse vt. 使糊涂;使迷惑→confused adj. ________→ confusing adj. ________ ? People are ____________ about the variety of labels(标签) on food these days. ? The instructions on the box are very _____________. (3) The case (案件) ____________ all the detectives. 4. compare A with B _______________________ compare A to B _________________________ compared with… _______________________ ? If you __________________(把城市和农村作比较), you will find many differences. ? Many children __________________________________(把月亮比喻成小船). (3) ________________________(比起生病的人), we are quite happy. 5.variety n. 种类;多样性 a variety of = various adj. 各种不同的;各种各样的←vary v. 不同,有别;变更,改变vary from sth to sth →variation n. 变化He left _________________________________________. 他由于种种原因而离开了。 6. remark① n.评论;感想;言论= comment drop/make a remark 评论exchange a few remarks 交谈几句 ② v.谈论;评论;说remark (that)… 说… remark on/upon… 就…发表意见 7. present① n. at present _________________; give sb. a present ______________


横岗高级中学2012-2013学年度高二年级英语 自主学习学案(寒假作业) 目录 外研版必修五全模块复习题 Module 1 British and American English 1-4 Module 2 A Job Worth Doing 5-7 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema 8-10 Module 4 Carnival 11-13 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality 14-16 Module 6 Animals in Danger 17-19 外研版选修六全模块复习题 Module 6 War and Peace 20-21 Module 5 Cloning 22 Module 4 Music 23 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships — Friendship 24 Module 2 Fantasy Literature 25 Module 1 Small Talk 26 语法练习 27-30 综合训练 31-41 答案 41-43 横岗高级中学2012-2013学年度高二年级英语

自主学习学案(寒假作业) 外研版必修五全模块复习题 第一天 必修5 Module 1 British and American English 基础自主回顾Ⅰ.课标单词 1.__________口音(n.) 2.__________比较(vt.) 3.__________评论;讲话(n.) 4.__________迅速地(adv.) 5.__________加;增加(vt.) 6.__________陈述;提出(观点、计划等)(vt.) 7.__________努力;尝试(n.) 8.__________批评(vt.) 9.__________令人困惑的;难懂的(adj.) →__________感到困惑的(adj.)→________使……困惑(v.) 10.__________种类(n.)→__________变化,不同(v.) →__________各种各样的(adj.) 11.__________不同,有区别(vi.)→__________不同的(adj.) →__________不同;差异(n.) 12.__________移民;定居者(n.)→__________定居;殖民;解决(v.)→________殖民地(n.) 13.__________声明;宣告(n.)→__________宣布(v.) →__________播音员,广播员(n.) 14.__________标准的(adj.)→__________标准(n.) 15.__________参考;查阅(n.)→__________参考;查阅;涉及到(v.) Ⅱ.常用短语 1._______________________有相同的特点 2._______________________有影响;使不相同 3.__________________四处走动(旅行) 4.________________________________做某 8.____________引起,导致 9.____________幸亏,多亏 10.____________消失,减弱 Ⅲ.重点句型

2018-2019学年高中英语外研版必修五学案:Module 4 英美文化欣赏 Word版含答案

【导读】《我的人生故事》是海伦·凯勒的自传性作品,被世界称为文学史上无与伦比的杰作。阅读下面的节选,请仔细思考对我们的未来人生有什么样的启示。 The Story of My Life Helen Keller Chapter 1 It is with a kind of fear that I begin to write the history of my life. I have, as it were, a superstitious hesitation in lifting the veil that clings about my childhood like a golden mist. The task of writing an autobiography is a difficult one. When I try to classify my earliest impressions, I find that fact and fancy look alike across the years that link the past with the present. Thewoman paints the child's experiences in her own fantasy. A few impressions stand out vividly from the first years of my life; but “the shadows of the prison-house are on the rest”. Besides, many of the joys and sorrows of childhood have lost their poignancy; and many incidents of vital importance in my early education have been forgotten in the excitement of great discoveries. In order, therefore, not to be tedious I shall try to present in a series of sketches,only the episodes that seem to me to be the most interesting and important. I was born on June 27, 1880, in Tuscumbia, a little town of northern Alabama. I lived, up to the time of the illness that deprived me of my sight and hearing, in a tiny house consisting of a large square room and a small one, in which the servants slept. It is a custom in the South to build a small house near the homestead as an annex to be used on occasion. Such a house my father built after the Civil War, and when he married my mother they went to live in it. It was completely covered with vines, climbing roses and honeysuckles. From the garden it looked like an arbour. The little porch was hidden from view by a screen of yellow roses and Southern smilax.It was the favourite haunt of humming-birds and bees. The Keller homestead, where the family lived, was a few steps from our little rose-bower. It was call ed “Ivy Green” because the house and the surrounding trees and fences were covered with beautiful English ivy. Its old-fashioned garden was the

外研版必修五Module 4《Carnival》word学案

Module 4 Carnival 新授课学案 第一课时 Introduction and Reading and Vocabulary 二、教学步骤 Step 1 —课前检测 用默写纸检查单词和短语 Step 2 —Vocabulary and Reading Remember the following phrases Step 3 —Reading and comprehension(快速阅读fast reading)Ask the students to read the text and finish the①② Step 4 —Reading and comprehension(while reading ) 1.Where did carnival begin? https://www.360docs.net/doc/cd2874960.html,tin America B. Europe C. America D.Britain 2.When is carnival celebrated I Europe? A.After Easter B.Before easter C.It lasted for 40 days D.The last day of the winter season 3.Which one is true about the carnival in venice? A.It is the most famous carnival in Europe. B.It lasts for one day C.It lasts for one week D.People can eat and drink but they can not wear their masks. 4.why were masks banned in Venice at the end of eighteenth century? A.Bceause masks were not welcomed by the ordinary people B.Because masks were not welcomed by the rich and famous people C.Because people who wore masks usually carried firearms D.Because it caused many crimes which were hard to punish 5.What is the key to the carnival in Venice? A.Music and movement B.Music and dance


高中英语外研版必修五单词Module 1 1.have …in common 有相同的特点43. look n. 外观;外表;样子 2. linguist n. 语言学家44. criticize vt. 批评 3. make a difference 有影响,使不相同45. standard adj. 标准的 4. accent n. 口音46. reference n. 参考;查阅 5. obvious adj. 显然的;显而易见的 6. motorway n. (英)高速公路 7. underground n. (英)地铁 8. subway n. (美)地铁 9. get around 四处走动(旅行) 10. flashlight n. (美)手电筒;火把 11. queue vi. (英)排队(等候) 12. confusing adj. 令人困惑的;难懂的 13. preposition n. 介词 14. compare vt.比较 15. omit vt. 省略 16. variety n. 种类 17. differ vi. 不同;有区别 18. settler n. 移民;定居者 19. be similar to 与……相似 20. remark n. 评论;讲话 21. variation n. 变化 22. have difficulty (-in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 23. steadily adv. 不断地;持续地 24. satellite n. 卫星 25. flick n. 轻打;轻弹;抖动 26. l switch n. 开关 27. ead to 引起;导致 28. structure n. 结构;体系 29. rapidly adv. 迅速地 30. announcement n. 声明;宣告 31. linguistics n. 语言学 32. edition n. (广播、电视节目的)期;版 33. cute adj. 逗人喜爱的 34. add vt. 加;增加 35. in favour of 同意;支持 36. present vt. 陈述;提出(观点、计划等) 称……为……  37. refer to ... as …  38. attempt n. 努力;尝试 39. simplify vt. 简化 40. combination n. 组合;结合 41.thanks to 幸亏,多亏 42. distinctive adj. 与众不同的
