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论文题目 To what extent is Tess a victim? 姓名 XX 学号 XX

专业 XX 年级 XX

院、系 XX 年月日 XX


To what extent is Tess a victim?

Abstract:In the novel,Tess is a pure woman,there is no shortage on her character that can make herself a victim.She was seduced when she was innocent.As a victim,what is waiting for her is not the sympasy or mercy,but be cast aside by the people,soTess began to fight for her fate. She tried her best to leave aside those bad memories,and pursue her own happiness.But all the things seemed to against her wish,when Alec did whatever he like,Tess was the only one who bear all the burden,all the injustice.Finally,Tess killed Alex in desperate and sacrificed her own life for that.

Key Words:victim,family,marrage,society.

ⅠA victim of her family.

We all know that the poor family was the direct reason that make her a victim.

1.“Yes, that's the d'Urberville nose and chin - a little debased. Your ancestor was one of the twelve knights who assisted the Lord of Estremavilla in Normandy in his conquest of Glamorganshire. Branches of your family held manors over all this part of England; their names appear in the Pipe Rolls in the time of King Stephen.”This is what the parson said to Tess’s father, a peddler,lasy ,follish and vai n.When he heard the news about his nobel family history,he drunk and couldn’t work,Tess had to deliver the beehive at night.During this jurney,Tess slept on the way,and her horse collided with a post horse,and this made her horse died.Tess was the only one who exactly know what is the meaning of loosing a horse, she was regret and decided to go to work for their rich relatives to save her family.

2.When Angel left for Brazil,Tess had to go back to her own family to support her family members.Because of the poverty,she suffered a lot during her work and what’s more,Alec came to find her and she had to obey him.

3.The parents were also the reason that made Tess a victim.First,Tess’s father drunk after the “good news” made Tess went to deliver the beehive,an d lost the lorse.Tess’s mother often putting pressure on Tess,and demanded her to find their relatives,and to marry a rich man there,hoping this can change their life conditions.She was a mother who didn’t care much about her daughter,who complained a lot in her life.

ⅡA victim of her marrage.

When comes to Tess’s marrage,the two men named Angel and Alec will appear,these two men changed Tess’s life completely.

1. Alec thought that women are the playthings of the men,he had more desire on Tess’s body more than her spirit’boring Tess wherever she was.When he first met Tess and after Tess left for home,he said”Well, I'm damned! What a funny thing! Ha-ha-ha! And what a crumby girl!” The first time they met,Alec fell in love with her.

2. Angel is quite different from Alec,he regarded Tess as his god,so pure,so ideal,but not on the reality.“It is not me, but another woman like me that he loved, he says. ”That is the reason why Angel felt that he didn’t love Tess,but a kind of image when Tess told her past and begged for his forgive after their marriage.

3.When Angel came back from Brazil and wanted to find Tess,he found that Tess was merried with Alec,at last,When she quarreled with each other,Tess killed Alec ,ran away and had several happy days with Angel,then she was punished to death.

ⅢA victim of the society

All the hardships happened to Tess had deep relationship with the society.Peoples’ believe,the law and so on.

1.After the Industry Revolution,the modes of business operation of capitalism appeared in the countryside,the introduce of the new machines made the peasant had no place t o earn money,rich people exploit poor people.In the novel that Tess’s workplace—dairy is one of the portrayal of that time.

2.Tess’s father’s death made their condition worse,they inherit nothing from their father except poverty.

3.The dark of the society making women at a lower place,so they were easily to be bait by others.


1.Thomas Hardy. Tess of the D’Urbervilles[M].Beijing: Central

Compilation & Translation Press,2004.

2.Li Jian, Yuanjing. The Reasons of the Tragedy of Tess[J]. Journal of

D aqing Teachers’ College, 2005.
